Alternative treatments successes?

Posted Wed 8 Mar 2023 14.26 by Annette

Hi, sorry, new here and don't see a search function for the forum. I am wondering if anyone has had any success - moderate or otherwise - using acupuncture or Vibrational type therapies? I have no experience of any alternative therapy type treatments but am desperate enough to give them a try if I thought it wasn't a total waste of money. Any input welcome. Tnx

Posted Fri 17 Mar 2023 20.16 by Mary1968

Hello Annette I use acupuncture on occasion for muscle soreness, and it works brilliantly. I have never used it directly for psoriasis. I have however used it for stress management and reduction. Since P flares are connected to stress, then it may help you in a round-about-way, if stress is a trigger for you. I am not sure what you mean by Vibrational therapies?

Posted Fri 17 Mar 2023 21.28 by Annette

Hi Mary, I'm not entirely sure myself! Google implies it's to do with energies and aura - and other things alien to me. Acupuncture is on Google list too. Willing to give it a shot tho if I was convinced of it's benefits.

Posted Fri 17 Mar 2023 23.20 by Mary1968

Hello Annette Ah yes, now I understand what you mean. Best leave vibrational energy work (auras, reiki, and energies) for spiritual purposes only. If you are doing meditation for relaxation purposes and are experiencing anything other than pure relaxation………then you may want to find out more about the spiritual connection. If that is the case, then yes worth looking into vibrational energies - it is quite a fascinating subject - but can lead you down all sorts of weird rabbit holes. There are some very strange people involved in energy work. I studied it many years ago as a self-interest course at college, and some of the people I encountered, were very off with the fairies and intense, and some were quite nutty and had totally lost the plot with reality. But it is nevertheless an interesting subject to explore. However, from your alien comment, I would say that this is NOT a path you should take. Unfortunately, you cannot really be "convinced of acupuncture benefits". It is something you must try yourself, and see if it has any benefits for you personally. The Chinese have been using it for nearly 3000 years according to the old texts, so you would think if it didn't work, then they would have given up on it long ago. I was in a lot of pain with my arm. Doctor could not work out what was wrong. Their solution was painkilling medication for life. But it was righted 100% after two acupuncture treatments. Actually seeing the acupuncturist next Thursday, as I have pulled a muscle in my leg and need it fixing. In the past during a very stressful period in my life, I also got acupuncture for stress management, and it worked brilliantly. If stress is a trigger for your psoriasis and you are mega stressed – then yes, I believe it is worth trying. But acupuncture and vibrational healing are NOT going to magically clear up your psoriasis overnight, if that it the way you are thinking. I cleared with diet, supplements and stress management. So you could use acupuncture as a tool, as part of your clearing plan. The other thing you can do (and LOTS of people have found it helpful) is see a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor.

Posted Sat 18 Mar 2023 08.16 by Maxine

After 50 years of trying all the creams, even been covered in liquid tar which they used to prescribe in the 60's, by accident I've found something that works. I'd been decorating so my knees and neck had been more painful than normal. I saw on tv that Epsom salt in your bath can help with aches and pains So I tried them and after drying myself off I noticed my red scaly rough legs were smooth and as soft as silk.I couldn't believe it. I ordered a 5.6 kg tub from Amazon company name Nortembio.I put the advised correct amount in the bath and never expected it to heal my legs Its been years since my legs have felt this normal.Hope this helps someone.

Posted Sat 18 Mar 2023 13.48 by Annette (edited Sat 18 Mar 2023 13.57 by Annette)

Thank you Mary, I really appreciate you taking the time to reply, and will do further research on your thoughts tho I don't ever feel very stressed thankfully. This is a new condition at an older age so I think something must be "feeding" it. Hi Maxine, funnily enough I have just started using dead sea salts this last couple of days so I'm hoping they help a little bit. Delighted to hear of your success with Epsom salts tho, Will definitely bear it in mind - I see they offer a few different ones, which did you try? Thanks for sharing :)

Posted Sat 18 Mar 2023 17.09 by Maxine

Hi Annette, I bought the Nortembio 5.6kg tub from as I'm in Spain. I wished I could attach a photo so you can see the exact one. They are big white tubs with flowers on the label. I'm post 3 days now of having my bath and still my legs are soft. I want to see how long it will take to scale up again if they do at all. I've had the Dead Sea salts in the past and they are also very good but a little more expensive for me. I love the fact that the Epsom salt has so many other benefits too. I was worried about my hair getting in the bath water so I washed my hair separately and tied it up before hand but found out later that Epsom is good for hair too giving it volume.!!! I really feel chuffed to have discovered it and all through watching Call The Midwife from series 1 to 11. Apparently according to the show in the late 50's and 60's they recommended a bath of Epsom salts after having a baby and for people who feel a little under the weather.Fabulous.

Posted Sun 19 Mar 2023 07.41 by OhNo_NotAgain?

ANNETTE: just to let you know, the search function IS at the top of the page. Along from whewre it says Join Us and Subscribe now, is the magnifying glass. Click on that and type your search terms. As you do so two options will appear "From our site" and "From the forums". Note that the forum search is only from the titles of posts, not from the entire text of posts. Good luck.

Posted Sun 19 Mar 2023 11.13 by Annette

Thanks OhNo! I was looking for it on Forums sub menu on the right....I (wrongly) assumed that one was for main site....duh! Suitably embarrassed now haha

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