Is Biologic given under Nhs

Posted Tue 14 Mar 2023 21.51 by VARSHA P

Hi Everyone Have Psorisis since last 30 years. Tried many things. Currently on immunosuppression cream. But seems like it is not working now and having flare up on many parts. Have heard lot about biologic treatment, so wanted to know if it is covered by NHS and do actually NHS prescribed as they are expensive.

Posted Tue 14 Mar 2023 22.24 by Summer

Yes they do, , they don’t just hand them out, it’s been a tuff journey, I was told last May I can have biologics Iv got my appointment next Thursday I’m still dubious? Iv been told so many times it’s an expensive drug, makes me feel terrible, and the next person to say this to me, I’ll let rip. I have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Iv tried methotrexate then Acitretin which made my very depressed (unbelievable) I wasn’t happy to take that drug, but I was told I have to fail two, before you are offered biologics. So they took me off it straight away, then told me I can try biologics I also bought a light therapy bed from MBS Best of Luck

Posted Wed 15 Mar 2023 09.54 by VARSHA P

I am still waiting for an appointment since January. So I will have to take Methotrexate. Just worried about the damage it cause to liver and kidney. Have you ever tried gluten free diet. All the best and please csn I request you to update on this when you have appointment about next treatment line. I don't understand why Psorisis is not taken seriously by NHS Thanks

Posted Fri 19 May 2023 01.23 by Starry

Hi I'm a Mother to a young adult who has had 99% coverage of psoriasis since she was 9 years old. Now at 23 my daughter has tried most things however the last two medicines she tried (methotrexate and cyclosporine) had an adverse affect on her so she could not continue neither. Since ending cyclosporine she was referred by the dermatologist for biologics ( adalimumab). As you can imagine it's been a LONG journey and she was looking forward to what many claim to be a miracle drug however on the day of the appointment she was deemed to not have a high enough coverage of psoriasis on her skin. As you can imagine this shattered her spirits she became very depressed and was angered because she was advised by the medical professionals to make her skin worse then come back to them. My daughter has spent many years trying to manage her psoriasis and now to be told to let it flare up so they can tick a box to obtain the funding really is heart wrenching. As it stands she needs to attend the appointment on another occasion at her worse. This is so painful ul to experiment

1 Posted Mon 22 May 2023 22.39 by Matt1972

Very sorry to hear this. Like others on the forum, I was covered. Did light therapy, creams, and cyclosporine and methotrixate. Both worked, but made me feel like crap. Now on biological injections for 2 years and clear. I really hope your daughter gets the help she needs at the next meeting. Seems bizzare they said that after going through all the tablets, which are not easy to deal with. Good luck with next appointment .

Posted Tue 23 May 2023 09.25 by VARSHA P

Matt, how long were you in those 2 tablets before you were offered biologic.

Posted Tue 23 May 2023 15.36 by Summer

Hi starry Gosh that’s awful for you daughter I went on methotrexate Jan 19 I was on it for just 3 years, it was helping with the PA But not my skin, I told dermatology I wasn’t happy to take it anymore, plus for a year I was having to get my bloods checked every 4 weeks, they agreed I need to try one more treatment, which was Acitretin, I had really bad side affects from this, I was only on it 5 weeks, ( I was a wreck breaking down having to pull over in the car because I was crying, crying all day, my GP took me off it straight away, she contacted the hospital, i then got an appointment to go back to dermatology , I was told you have to fail two drugs before they can offer you Biologics, I was took off my meds last May, Early last year my PASI was 7.5, Dermatology told me it had to be higher than 10, to be referred for biologics When I went to the hospital this May my PASI was 14.8 I had all the blood works and chest X-ray done that day, i had a letter end of this March to say they had finalised my application for biologics, and they are starting me on Secukinumab Iv chased this several times now, I was told my dermatologist signed my prescription off two weeks this Friday and I will get a phone call from the nurse who will deliver my meds a show me how to administer the medication ( still waiting) it’s took me a year to get where I am today it’s been really frustrating and such a slow process, it’s terrible that your daughter is where she is, take loads of pictures of her body, weekly to compare Really push for the biologics Starry, Having such a large amount of coverage on her body, It does absolutely nothing for your confidence, mental health, isolation, and depression, I really wish your daughter well, and I hope she gets on the meds, that all the dermatologists Iv seen say it’s marvellous. BUT it’s a very expensive drug and you have to fail two (of what I said are the nasty cheaper drugs with nasty side effects) before you get offered it. Best of luck

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