Clobetasol (please help me)

Posted Fri 31 Mar 2023 19.24 by haleyking

I’ve had psoriasis covering my scalp in thick patches for years. I got on Clobetasol alcohol solution applying it directly to the scalp last June. The psoriasis dissappeared within a week. It stayed gone until the winter came and now it’s been back for a few months. The clobetasol hasn’t been working this time around. But I will say I haven’t been using it twice a day like the label says because I know steroids cause skin thinning and other side effects. So ive been using it once or twice every few days. It’s not been working. Can I become immune to it? It’s also causing my scalp to hurt, when I brush my hair. I know steroids can cause skin thinning, how long does it take for that to happen? Should I keep trying to use it more consistently or should I go back to derm to try something else?

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