Skilarence unavailable

Posted Tue 4 Apr 2023 09.16 by BennieT

Hello everyone, I'm Benedetta and I come from Italy. I've had psoriasis since I was 12, and after trying everything under the sun, I started Skilarence with 30 mg a day in October. I slowly got to 120x3 and after a couple of months of hard side effects and seeing major improvements in my skin, around Christmas I had to go back down to 120 a day (in the form of 30mgx4) for a while because of supply issues. I then slowly moved up again to 120x3 and eventually to 120x4, but I had to go through the side effects once again and my skin got slightly worse compared to December. Even with 120x4 I never got to the level of improvement I had before having to decrease the dosage. Now that I'm finally used to the drug and I don't have side effects and I'm ready to increase the dosage again, my doctor calls me and tells me, once again, that Skilarence wasn't delivered to the hospital's pharmacy yet and they don't know when it's going to arrive. Could be this week or the next since it's Easter. I don't have any more pills save for today (only two 120 pills) and I don't want to go through that again. I don't know how my body will react if I go from 120x4 to 120x2 to zero, I wonder if I'll have to go back to 30mg? I'm very discouraged and disappointed, it looked like this was the right treatment for me but I feel like I can't rely on it as a long-term solution because of the supply issues. Did any of you have a similar experience? I really need to talk to someone who understands. Xx

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