Light Therapy Remission Time

Posted Sun 16 Apr 2023 13.48 by AzureBlue

Hi I’m due to start light therapy soon for the first time. Going to the hospital 3 times a week is hardly easy and it’s a huge commitment. I’m thinking what’s the point if my P could relapse soon after finishing the course? Could you wonderful people please comment on how long you’ve stayed in remission please to give me an idea of what I can expect? Im hoping to see some positive stories but please share any negative ones too.

Posted Sun 16 Apr 2023 15.28 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

My first series of NUVB treatment cleared P up well but by about 6 months it was back. Started my second series of light treatment and never worked ended up in a major flare. Hope it works for you.

Posted Tue 2 May 2023 11.18 by lizziep

It is many years since I had light therapy, so it is hard to remember, time scales but I was delighted with it at the time. I had a pair of my old glasses made up with filters as in those days you had to wear special glasses and I had to go to work afterwards. It gave me a tan and cleared my psoriasis for at least 6 months - I loved it! after having it for 2 years in a row, I wsant allowed any more. I would definitely give it a go in your shoes, but it is a fafff!

Posted Mon 5 Jun 2023 18.32 by Yacht

UVB light therapy is often 90-100% effective at getting 100% clearance. It is highly effective. But it rarely lasts. As above, you may get "lucky", and get partial or full permanent clearance, but the psoriasis often comes back within 1-12 months of stopping UVB light therapy. It is (mostly) a temporary solution.

Posted Mon 12 Jun 2023 20.26 by mt382

I've home treated for many years so I'll share my own experience. I've used it 5.monthish per year to get clearance every summer. Every year i finish treating around July and it pretty much creeps back immediately. However, it only really gets to the point that it bothers me (I'm very self conscious and cover up when it's easy to tell I "have psoriasis") around late September/early October. However, every year it has come back worse and worse. This has led me recently to research PLE and so called "photosensitive psoriasis" - it has been found that some patients get a reaction to the UV (either full blown PLE, or just low level damage) that causes flare due to the Knoeber phenomenon. The papers I checked also stated that this UV-induced flare could actually occur months after the treatment.

Posted Mon 10 Jul 2023 17.15 by Mick1970

I took UVB courses at the start of last year and this year. I finished mid-March. Some small spots started appearing soon after but I was OK enough to have a beach/pool holiday at the end of May without feeling self-conscious. However since then it has got worse, particularly the last two weeks with plaques on my legs and guttate on my torso, to the extent that I would not be comfortable in wearing shorts/t-shirts. So I guess I got about 12-14 weeks of remission out of it - which I was glad of because before that I was really quite bad. Depressing that it is back already but I expected it would, although its come back a little faster than last year I think.

Posted Wed 12 Jul 2023 16.48 by bethr

Hi, I first had UVB treatment in autumn 2021, it almost completely cleared my body except some stubborn psoriasis on lower legs/feet (but even these areas were still vastly improved). My legs have always been the most effected part of my body, and was told by my dermatologist that legs, feet and hands are usually the most resistant to UVB. It slowly crept back up within 4 months and became widespread again. I had UVB again at the beginning of this year with my last treatment ending in March, pretty much the exact same results as before, except this time it came back within 1 month, and is now the worst it has ever been. It has come back in the same areas much more thick and inflamed, but also widespread all over my body including my face, scalp and back which I’ve never had before. I found it really disheartening given how time consuming the appointments 3x a week are . I don’t think I’d have it again, the results were not long lasting enough to be worth it. I’m now going to be starting ciclosporin in the next few weeks. I really hope if you go ahead with it you have positive results!

Posted Mon 17 Jul 2023 12.07 by rapture83

Ahh thanks for starting this discussion as after some failed treatment with pill medication from the dermo I have also just started this. My first session was today, I was in for 13 seconds and will be doing 3 sessions a week for 6 weeks to see how it goes which will be extended if needed. Luckily for me I live round the corner from my hospital so it's pretty easy for me to make these appointments so more than happy to continue if it clears my P but like you I too was wondering how long it would stay away for, I'd be delighted it if was as long as 6 months like another poster said then just start it again. It seems everything I've read the success rate is quite high. I have a handheld lamp, been using that on and off for a while but the side of it I can only do small parts at a time which becomes very time consuming plus it's too hard to do parts like the back of my thighs does help on my forearms and legs sometimes, it doesn't clear it but it makes it a little better but I've normally holding the lamp over the parts for at least 2 mins and I was only in for 13 seconds today but I guess 3 times a week with the time increasing it will eventually do it's thing, just need to be patient. I was told not to use the handheld lamp while on this UVB treatment but to continue using my Enstiller Foam which I normally use once/twice max a week.

Posted Fri 21 Jul 2023 10.52 by Ivraim90

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