Going to a GP

Posted Thu 20 Apr 2023 02.23 by Justeirlys

Hi there, I was diagnosed with plaque psoriasis when I was around 15, I’m 18 now and I’m not sure what exactly to do, I’ve been on topical steroids for the past year which have really helped, but recently stopped them after researching and finding out that I’d been using them wrong and thinning my skin and ruining my immune system. The doctors NEVER once specified I couldn’t use them on my face, which is where my worst flare ups are usually, they also never specified that I should quit the steroids after a few months due to the side effects and the effect on my immune system, I get a lot of infections due to my weakened immune system and doing research the steroids may have been part of the cause. I’m about to book an appointment with the gp, any thoughts on how I can get them to actually give me the time of day without prescribing something and not telling me the risks or next moves? I’ve been to them a few times and they seem to always just hand me more steroids. Thank you so much I hope you’re all doing okay!

Posted Thu 20 Apr 2023 07.04 by S.

Hi! That sounds awful! Were you never offered any alternatives? (Eg UV light therapy, which I can highly recommend.) I don’t think steroids are/were ever considered as a cure, but more of a way of controlling or managing flare ups. It seems to me you’ve had very negligent “care” from your doctor(s). Do you really want to go back to them for more of the same? Is going to another practice an option? If you’ve been so poorly treated had you considered taking out a medical negligence claim? Money might not solve your psoriasis, although £1,500 should buy you a decent UV lamp. It might also stop the doctor(s) dealing with other sufferers in a similar way. If steroids aren’t working for you, had you considered a drastic change of diet, which might be worth a try.(?) eg vegetarian and non-dairy. I hope you find more success in some respect, butI think Einstein said something about the definition of madness being doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. Hope the summer weather helps to see an improvement.

Posted Thu 20 Apr 2023 07.23 by Justeirlys

Hi there thank you for responding! I’m going to try one more time with the doctors now that I have more information and know about the other options, they never brought up light therapy and only mentioned steroids and epaderm cream (which I’ve tried and has done virtually nothing). If they don’t take my concerns seriously this time I am going to try and get a referral to a dermatologist instead as I’m sure they’d be able to talk about other treatments. I’d love to try light therapy but UV lights are just so expensive!! I’m not a very confrontational person so I haven’t really considered making a claim but honestly I might consider it now if they don’t offer any help. I was pescatarian for 6 months which I did find actually helped quite a bit but everything is so expensive, especially considering I live alone, im willing to give it another go though considering my flare ups are quite bad at the moment. Thank you so much for the advice it is actually super useful. I hope you’re doing okay and you’re managing your symptoms!

Posted Thu 20 Apr 2023 09.28 by Tracyjane

Hi you need to ask your doctor to be referred to a dermatologist. I feel like the doctors get you in scrabble a prescription & get you out. With the dermatologist if somethings not working they move onto something else. Don’t forget to stress how your psoriasis affects you as this can determine what treatment they offer you. Good luck my love x

Posted Thu 20 Apr 2023 12.51 by Justeirlys

I went to the doctors today actually, had a really lovely doctor talk to me, she was appalled by the last visit and has set me up with a plan she said going to a dermatologist was last resort so she’s put me on three different ointments, dovonex, hydrocortisone and a topical corticosteroid, she’s booked me in for a checkup in a month to see if they’re working so hopefully I’ll actually start to see some results, if they aren’t working she’ll then try a different concoction and then refer me to a dermatologist. (: she also took some blood as she was worried about the steroids I was taking before hand.

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