Hot showers 2 degree burns

Posted Tue 2 May 2023 03.40 by ColaBear43

Help! The only relief that I'm getting is from hot showers, and I'm pretty sure I got 2nd degree burns a few weeks ago. My doctor gave me a topical but doesn't provide long lasting relief. Anyone else use hot water? Cold water doesn't seem to help much. This disease is taking over my life. Patches are starting to pop up all over just recently. I can't figure out what is causing the flare ups except possible hormone changes (female/monthly) and/or stress. Maybe the hot water too?? TIA

Posted Tue 2 May 2023 22.31 by Billy bass

Medium hot i find is the best in showers,sometimes cold,i cannot stand hot water on my skin after a flare up,baths are better if you have one,cold tar soaps and some old remedies work well look it up on the net some oils work well in the bath and its more relaxing less stress the better i find,flare ups for me are weird usualy summe till the fall then it wains then comes back in the spring ect,or if i have a virus itll flare up,nothing about this disease is straight forward and treatment creams immune blockers ect dont work for some like me,so trial and error gets me through ive had this all my life and now its a part of me i deal with daily,medical help is the best way forward specialist ect,if you can get one too see you that is !

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