Chronic psoriasis, latent TB and Otzela!

Posted Sat 3 Jun 2023 22.42 by Ld1609

Hi all, I am new to the pso association and only got membership this week. I am in the middle of one of the second worst flare ups i have ever had in being a pso sufferer for 21 years. I have pso in my scalp, ears, nails, on my arms, both my legs and feet. Id say 70% of my body is covered. My mental health is collapsing and i am really struggling with being a stay at home Mum to my 2 yr old and 1 yr old. I was on cyclosporin last year which my derm took me off after 8 months. Cyclosporin cleared my pso up and for the first time since i was 15 i had clear skin. As my derm was putting in my request for funding for biologics, a routine blood test picked up that i had contracted latent TB while on cyclosporin. I am now currently on Otezla, does any one have any experience in how long it takes to start seeing some improvement? My derm tells me it can take up to 4 months but honestly I'm not prepared to wait that long when my quality of life is so terrible at the minute. I have done some research and you can start biologics once you have been on the latent TB meds for 4-8 weeks, but my derm isn't keen. Which i think is an easy stance to take when it isn't her quality of life that is affected. I am tearful, dont sleep for more then 3 hrs a night and then have full and chaotic days with 2 toddlers. Any advice would be much appreciated. I feel such a victim to this condition and im dreading the summer months when i still have to wear my “uniform” of leggings and jumpers : (

Posted Wed 7 Jun 2023 17.31 by Summer

I’m really sorry your feeling like this, it’s terrible to feel this way, i to know what your going through, it’s a vicious circle, the sleepless nights, not wanting to go out, not wanting to visit family and friends, It’s a bad bad repetitive feeling, the stress of not getting anywhere with medication, waiting for hospital appointments, all this makes it worse It’s took me just over a year to get Biologics tomorrow is my first injection. I have been on No treatment for over 12 months with my liver not coping with methotrexate, so I’m in a complete meltdown ATM It doesn’t help your mental health and I think this is what you have to strongly get across to your Derm I also have PA so hopefully my joints will start to improve Your a young mom with little ones, P is holding you back from doing all the fun things, depression and mental health needs to be addressed when you feel so low dealing with this. some can have P and walk around go swimming with confidence and there’s others who can’t, I was one of those, I had a lovely little job at my local school I had been there a good few years, then I had a really bad flare up, where it affected my hands, bad lesions open wounds, that was my final straw, I gave my job up my confidence was gone, I called it an early retirement, I hide my P well with my clothes, and I never let anyone know what I was dealing with at the school. but I just couldn’t do it anymore I really hope you get on the biologics and things will soon improve for you very soon Put your brave head on and stick to your guns, don’t be fobbed off. Xx. Every best wishes..

Posted Wed 7 Jun 2023 21.03 by Ld1609

Hi Summer, i really appreciate your response. Methotrexate didn't agree with me either- tablets or injection. But amazing news about the biologics…..crossing everything that they work quickly. Please do let me know how it goes. I hope you dont think im being flippant but i am not surprised you took “early retirement”! This condition takes so much from you, it is cruel! However i think because its not life threatening it isn't taken as seriously. Unfortunately, my derm isn't very helpful. She doesnt ask me how i am or even acknowledge my children when they are at appts with me. The pso fight is exhausting!!! But we keep at it, dont we, in hope that one day it will be treated and managed well so that it isnt staring back at us in the mirror every morning xx

Posted Wed 7 Jun 2023 21.49 by Summer

Your derm should be listing to how it is affecting you, it’s not acceptable Stick with it xx

Posted Wed 14 Jun 2023 09.03 by Ld1609

Hi Summer, hope you are well? How are you getting on with the biologics? Have you had any improvement? Id be interested to hear how quickly your skin improves. Although derms say it takes 16 weeks, my Dad saw improvement after a couple of weeks xx

Posted Wed 14 Jun 2023 13.56 by Summer

Hi ld1609 Good thank you Iv only had the one injection, so tomorrow will be the second, I’m joints are a lot happier?( again you do have flare ups I believe my joints are so much better with warmer temperatures) Is it down to all the lovely warm weather we having,? my skin looks like it could be calming down, not so red and angry, but again we’re having lovely sunshine, I don’t tend to sit out, but still get to be out and about. Which can make a big improvement on my skin, ( that is the skin that gets to see the sun) So it’s a bit difficult to say, I was told if you’re going to see results anything from a couple of weeks to 12months 😳 I’m taking Secukinumab 300 Thank you for getting back in touch I hope things are improving for you too, it’s a long hard slog getting to the biologic stage, but stick with it and PUSH for it. This P can put you in a very dark place, and your dermatologist should be taking this on board.. Very best wishes. X

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