PsA Not Diagnosed please help

Posted Mon 12 Jun 2023 02.46 by JoolsMc

Hi everyone. Just came across this website scrolling at 2.40 am. I have had several problems forc4 years now. Diagnosed with osteo in my. Neck, spine knees hands. My hips and groin are sore daily, never goes away. My elbows are agony. My hands excruciating pain. Just been for a follow up Rhumatology app as my dad had chrones and ankyolising spondylitis as does my sis. Took my toe varnish off ( was on months as was gel) to discover yellow nails with white ridges and thick powdery skin under nail bed. I've had every symptoms of psa for 5vyears bit nobody listens! I'm in agony, I'm a single parent age 52 to 2 teenagers. I work in an important job. I take duloxetine and tramadol. How can I convince GP to test me for PSa and are my toenails a sign of it? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Jools

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