
Posted Sun 18 Jun 2023 22.06 by smurfette (edited Sun 18 Jun 2023 22.06 by smurfette)
hi I'm Lisa I'm 35 I have suffered from psoriasis my whole life

I have severe psoriasis all over my body I have had every lotion you can think of nothing worked I have had light therapy and that worked but within a week of finishing it it came straight back I have previously taken methotrexate that didn’t help either just made me sick and tired I am know being offered cyclosporine and I’m not 100% sure if I should agree to try them I have been told I have to try these in order to move onto stronger treatments what’s anyone’s advice or knowledge on taking cyclosporine

Posted Mon 19 Jun 2023 07.50 by Tracyjane

Hi Lisa my son who’s 15 has had psoriasis since he was 12. He was on cyclosporine fir 4 months kept getting throat infections & ended up in hospital with sprep so came off it. Then methrotrexate for 3 months which didn’t work. Now looking at biologics.I think you will have to try it if you want biologics. It works fast & you can only stay on it for maximum of a year and you’ll be closely monitored with blood tests. Hope this helps x

Posted Mon 19 Jun 2023 10.55 by smurfette
hi I'm Lisa I'm 35 I have suffered from psoriasis my whole life

Thank you yeah I’m just worried that it’s gonna make me Ill it I suppose I have to try in order to find something that does work thankyou

Posted Mon 19 Jun 2023 14.12 by Tracyjane

The only side effects he had was throat infections. I get why you’re scared, I was scared for my son taking all of them but he was so down light treatment worked then it came straight back like you. We’re waiting to see now if he gets approved for Hurmia. Good luck to you x

Posted Wed 28 Jun 2023 15.40 by Arlo123

Hello, my partner is on Ciclosporin and has been since the start of the month. His side effects have been awful, his kidney function dropped by 30% since been on them just waiting in the blood results from his last testing to make a decision on dosage/other treatments. He has also suffered my migraines and pain in and round his eyes. But it has helped clear/thin out his psoriasis.

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