Finally clear......

Posted Sun 18 Jun 2023 23.05 by Annette (edited Mon 19 Jun 2023 10.07 by Annette)

I've commented here previously on other peoples's posts about my psoriasis which started in Autumn 2022. I am in the older age group. It started with my feet, then my hands and eventually to my arms then legs. Latterly it had just began to appear on one hip. I had two or three sets of steroids from Doctor, plus the usual creams such as zerobase, dermabase etc Due to waiting times, I paid to see a Dermatologist privately. He was unable to offer anything different in treatment terms than the GP i.e steroids and creams, moving up in potency until they worked or moving on in succession to phototherapy, cancer treatment drugs such as methotrexate and possibly even biologics depending upon how severe my condition became and %age of body cover etc. He did however make the comment that "something was driving it" Long story short, I decided that I needed to take control of the psoriasis rather than letting it continue to control me! I wasn't prepared to use steroids and horrible nasty paraffin creams long term far less the cancer drugs route so I stopped steroids on NY eve 2022, and the nasty creams shortly afterwards. I used organic creams only. Around mid March I heard of (via this forum), Hanna Sillitoe whom I then had a vague recollection of seeing on dragons Den some years previously. I read sections of her Blog and decided to purchase both of her books. She is obviously in the business of selling various products, but unusually has free homemade alternative "recipes" on her site. I've bought a few creams but now mostly make my own using her helpful input. I do buy her Multi Strain Biotic and Milk Thistle. I changed my diet completely and adopted most of her eating plan suggestions. Most of my emphasis was on Gut Health. I went hardcore insofar as nothing passed my lips that wasn't plant or fruit ie no dairy, wheat, meat, poultry, sugar, tea, coffee, I say hardcore. After 3 months of the above, as of 2 weeks ago my skin is 99.99% clear. I hope it stays that way, but I am aware that it can easily return, and indeed return with a vengeance! Since being clear, I have started re-introducing items from other food groups slowly and with some days in between to try to monitor and identify any obvious triggers. So far so good, but I won't become complacent. I have also been taking some skin omega supplements plus Turmeric and Vit D.and also Kombucha. I'm not a sun lover so tho I have been out and about in the recent lovely (UK) weather, I haven't sat out in it for more than 15-20mins late afternoon/early evening. In conclusion, I have no idea where my psoriasis came from so late in life, and I have no idea what part of my new eating plan/ regime has helped clear it...I'm just so happy for the moment at least that it has gone! As mentioned above tho, I will be keeping a close eye on what I eat and will be staying well clear of the NHS/GP offerings. I have a very sweet fact a mouthfull of sweet teeth!... and didn't (don't) enjoy much of the plant/fruits...however when I was struggling with eating that way, I kept reminding myself that there is nothing good about steroids and paraffins...and nothing bad about plant/fruit foods. It's just a different type of medicine...but one that's good for you versus the GP/Dermatologist "medicine". Hopefully the above will be of help to some :)

Posted Mon 19 Jun 2023 07.17 by VARSHA P

Hi This us fantastic and much motivational. Can you please tell which fruits and vegetables you avoided Thanks.

Posted Mon 19 Jun 2023 09.16 by Annette

Hi Varsha, As mentioned above, I am not a huge fan of fruit or veg so around 75% of my intake was in liquid form using a nutribullet. The recommendation from the books favoured juicing rather than nutribullet but I already had that machine and didn't want to buy a juicer. Some greens I cooked normally ie sprouts, broccoli. To answer your question, easier to tell u what I did take than didn't. I stuck to a very limited range of spinach, celery, cucumber, kale, broccoli, sprouts, avocado. Fruits were mainly berries ...blackberries, blueberries (lots), raspberries apple, few grapes, few strawbs, peaches, banana. I'm sure there are plenty more that I could have had but that was my choice. Before I bought anything to eat I googled whatever it was and psoriasis and ----- to read any relevant info. I also drank only herbal teas (not a fan so not many), but LOTS and LOTS of water. I believe psoriasis is coming from the inside and manifests itself on your skin as it's escape route. Goodly amounts of fibre and water help flush it out in other ways....the correct ways. All of the above is only my we all know, sadly there is no one size fits all!

Posted Mon 19 Jun 2023 09.43 by VARSHA P

Many thanks. I also want to go natural way rather then raking medicines for life. As creames are running out and being non effective. Have given up on gluten, sugar and 95%of dairy. It would be great if you can share which grains you eat. Thanks

Posted Mon 19 Jun 2023 10.04 by Annette (edited Mon 19 Jun 2023 10.11 by Annette)

Hi Varsha, I didn't have any grains at all. I am planning to try to eat more solid food than liquid so will be adding green Lentils and Chickpeas and mixed beans to my evening meals but again slowly re any triggers. Also planning to use the above to make healthy Soups when this lovely weather cools down. I have just started using free from foods now, ie some bread and crackers, and "pure" dairy free spread. Another two benefits of my 3 month eating plan which I forgot to mention was that I lost over a stone in weight and my cholesterol came down by almost 35%! Win win all round 😀

Posted Mon 19 Jun 2023 15.27 by VARSHA P

That's great. You have really done well. I hope I can follow and see some results. Thanks for motivating

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