Possible inverse psoriasis

Posted Tue 20 Jun 2023 10.56 by sam2808

Hi Folks, Feeling quite downbeat this morning. Wanted some advice and maybe a bit of hope sent my way. I'm Sam, 25, male, very fit and healthy. A couple of months back in early April i woke up and noticed my scrotum was itchy and a bit red. My girlfriend was like it's probably fungal so I went through the motions of OTC anitfungal with no improvement. Eventually I arranged a call with a GP who after looking at photos and hearing my suggestion that it might be inverse psoriasis, 'diagnosed' me over the phone with exactly that. Which felt more like an easier way to end the call than a proper diagnosis. She then (quite recklessly in my opinion) prescribed me 2 weeks of Clobetasone twice daily. I thought that that was way too strong a steroid for such a sensitive area, I even mentioned this and she went on to say 'the skin on the scrotum is actually quite thick', Laughable really some of the GPs in this country. Anyway I didn't use the clobetasone, instead I did 1 week of hydrocortisone, weaning off a little at the end, and saw a great improvement. Unfortunately it came right back after stopping using the cream. I've had two other appointments with other GPs both saying it could be a bunch of things and is less likely to be inverse psoriasis (I have no family history and no psoriasis signs anywhere else on my body). The rash is reddy pink, itchy, seems to affect my sctrotum but interestingly spares the midline and the hairless part underneath. It also affects the shaft of my penis which isn’t fun either. At its worst, its appearance is slightly shiny which what makes my think it’s probably inverse p. Recently my GP had advice sent from a dermatologist with possible diagnoses (eczema, red scrotum syndrome, & inverse p but less likely) I’ve been feeling so confused and anxious everyday since it came on, it’s really getting in the way of my everyday life. And the whole ‘unknown’ fiasco with the GPs just makes it worse. I recently did another course of hydrocortisone upon recommendation from gp, this time 2 weeks and it was amazing how much better it got, totally got rid of it. But lo and behold after coming off it for a week I can already feel we’re heading back to square 1. The wait for an actual dermatology appointment in the uk is like months and months. Obviously I should arrange one but how do I cope while I wait? I can’t keep using hydrocortisone down there. Has anyone had similar experiences with genital inverse? And is there hope? I currently feel like I’m never gonna get this in check Thanks, Sam

Posted Tue 20 Jun 2023 19.01 by VARSHA P

Hi I have inverse psoriasis. If you have been diagnosed that it is psoriasis then all creames will only five you temporary relief. But steroids on sensitive areas will make skin thin. I use Tacrolimus and as I said works for few days and then cones back.

Posted Tue 20 Jun 2023 20.23 by Tracyjane

Hi, could you go private. I do t know if that’s an option. My sons psoriasis was diagnosed by doctors as dermatitis & ringworm x

Posted Wed 21 Jun 2023 09.46 by sam2808

Hi Varsha, Thanks for your reply. Can I ask how have you been managing with the Tacrolimus? How long have you been using it? And how often do you use it?

Posted Wed 21 Jun 2023 10.15 by VARSHA P

Using Tacrolimus since last 6 years now. I apply twice a week and some times once a week. I have psoriasis since last 35 years. But since yours had recently developed try to restric wheat, dairy and night shades vegetables. And be vegetarian for a while and drink lots of water and increase vitamin D. It might give you miracle results. All the best

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