Prednisolone for guttate psoriasis?

Posted Sun 25 Jun 2023 11.02 by PinkPanda

Hi, I have had guttate psoriasis for many years which has been managed by steroid ointments, but recently it has got a lot worse. I have now been prescribed a 6 week course of Prednisolone. Has anyone any experience of using it and does it help or make things worse when you come off them ? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Posted Sun 25 Jun 2023 14.24 by mt382

That's actually interesting! Guidance is definitely not to prescribe systemic steroids for psoriasis as they're fairly rough to tolerate and psoriasis tends to rebound after. That being said, some people can get guttate once or twice in their life and it can be temporary, as opposed to plaque psoriasis, so if you're going to prescribe them for something it might as well be guttate. May I ask who prescribed them and what the circumstances were leading up to this - your psoriasis history. You're welcome not to answer me but I find the prescription interesting. Do you have any other conditions they could be trying to treat with the prednisolone - COPD etc?

Posted Sun 25 Jun 2023 15.13 by PinkPanda

Hi thanks for your reply. I had bad Tonsilitis a couple of months ago which is why they think the psoriasis has flared up so much. I think it's sent my immune system into over drive. I used to have very manageable psoriasis for years but now it's literally on every part of my body and the creams/ointments aren't working at all. A consultant dermatologist at my hospital prescribed the oral steroids, and I have also been put onto the waiting list for light therapy but they said it could take over a year before I'm seen, so they prescribed these steroids in the mean time. I am a bit apprehensive about taking them as I have read about the side effects and possible worsening of symptoms after stopping them, which is definitely the last thing I want! I do not have any other health problems apart from the psoriasis.

Posted Sun 25 Jun 2023 15.21 by mt382

Yeah. They have a scary list of side effects and there's a danger of abrupt withdrawal generally. I suppose if it were me and I had guttate everywhere I'd take a big reduction whilst on the steroid and potential flare after, but the side effects can be pretty rough as you say. There is however a chance that you'll clear on them and then flare to significantly less coverage than you now have, plus it would put some time between the tonsillitis and the flare up. Such a long time between the end of this 6 week course of steroids and the UVB course too... If it were me, I'd probably give it a go and wean off early if the side effects were intolerable, but good luck!

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