Alphosyl Shampoo

Posted Sun 2 Jul 2023 11.21 by jrose

Hi I've just found out Alphosyl has been permanently discontinued. SO disappointed as I've been using this for 20+ years and it's been great for my psoriasis and my hair. Can anyone recommend a similar alternative please?

2 Posted Sun 2 Jul 2023 12.44 by Tracyjane

Hi I use body shop ginger shampoo. I feel like it helps x

Posted Sun 2 Jul 2023 19.59 by Yacht

Posted Fri 28 Jul 2023 12.27 by rufferoelofs

I have made very good experiences with the combination of linotar Gel 1% (comparable to Alphosyl, but much cleaner, less smelly) and Linoscalp leave-in Conditioner from South Africa, see

Posted Sun 30 Jul 2023 11.34 by OhNo_NotAgain?

I used Alphosyl also. But it became more and more difficult to find. I had VERY good results with Alphacade PSO. It cleared my scalp, reduced itching from the first use and seemed gentle on my hair itself. It also smells very pleasant. I bought it online - but search around and compare pricing, there are some VERY expensive options. I bought regularly from: Good luck!

Posted Mon 31 Jul 2023 13.03 by Mark

I had been using Alphosyl shampoo for six years when it was discontinued last year. I switched to Polytar earlier this year and got very similar results.

Posted Mon 31 Jul 2023 19.06 by rufferoelofs

I'll keep your suggestions for Alphacade and Polytar in mind and will check these products out - thanks. I may have to stick to Linotar though after Teva discontinued their Exorex Scalp Moisturiser and Exorex Moisturising Cream as I don't really need a shampoos, but rather moisturisers, in combinaton with the tar.

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