What creams WORK 4 you?

Posted Tue 26 Jun 2012 16.26 by Paddyellis
For many years

I've had pso around 10 years. Behind ears, elbows, various size patches all over my body. Top for immediate effect for me was Dermovate and what helped somewhat I'd say dithranol - but it just came back and maybe even worse!! I'd say over the years i liked them the most. PUVA im too paranoid about and read sooo much on! I'm really pale anyway so wouldn't risk skin caner. A new cram ive been using which i find amazing is from a skin brand called epionce? Im just seeing if anyone else is using it first. My derms never EVER mentioned it to me and id say its had the most effect. i use the epionce , medical barrier cream. i actually first read about it online it was hard to get in the UK but i found a website that ships in europe now. i think they're uk based. I seen major results in 4/5weeks. More so than with any other thing ive tried! Its defs worth a shot if anyones done with dermatologists and crap creams/remedys!!!! i dont know if links show on here so where i get it froms called beauty - product - online (with dashes) . co . uk! they have an epionce section and there discount codes dont run out. Its not a lot but its some money off >> al46re You have t do an online consultation for it but its quick and they're ionformation as you like! Let me know your thoughts or anyone else thats used it how are you getting on?!

2 Posted Wed 27 Jun 2012 22.26 by janetsmith (edited Fri 25 Mar 2016 02.22 by paulus)

Hey 'paddyellis', I've been using Epionce for some years now. I'm glad your seeing results. I've had pso for 35 years and can confirm it is one of the most effective creams I have used. I combine the Epionce barrier cream with an Epionce lytic cleaner. They're a great combo but you have to make sure you get the right ones. They are a remarkable skincare brand as they're used to repair and maintan. Unlike the long list of pso treatments that tend to fade off or some times (in my case) cause irritation more so. Good luck with your new cream and enjoy!

Posted Fri 6 Jul 2012 10.05 by janice
i have had psoriasis for all of my adult life it has affected me i have no life

hi paddyelis how long before you see results form epione ?

Posted Sun 21 Apr 2013 20.14 by Bucko
24 years. First got it at the age of 4. It has cleared up a few times during this period.

I've used loads of the years, the list is endless! The one I currently use is Doverbet. This seems to be the one that has worked the best for me! It has in the past cleared up my psoriasis when i use it correctly each night. What i do is cover the affected areas with cling film so that the cream doesnt rub off on clothes or sheets and stays on the affected area. This has shown excellent results. If your skin clears up, and I hope it does, you will probably be left with red areas of skin once it has become flat. I use a product called derma blend which acts as a cover up over the red areas and works like a dream! Give it a go!

Posted Mon 22 Apr 2013 09.49 by macfab52
I've had psoriasis for over 30 years and have been through various NHS treatments.

The only one I've found that is even remotely effective in over 30 years of treatments is Dovobet. I've found that if I use it constantly I seem to build up an immunity to it so I've learned to "save up" months without the treatment and use it once or twice per year. Foe example I've just started using it now, and it's working, so that I can go swimming in the summer. I won't use it again this year all going well.

Posted Thu 5 Sep 2013 20.51 by rachelp
It's on me!

Yep I am on Dovobet for nearly 15 years and a man at the conference today said you're only meant to use it for 6 weeks_ hilarious, as my doctor prescribes it every month and as for moisturisation, anything from the body shop body butter range for extra dry skin :)

Posted Wed 18 Sep 2013 20.22 by Mo

Dactacort cream

Posted Wed 27 Jan 2016 18.33 by Penny.kinton@yahoo.co.uk (edited Tue 3 May 2016 15.04 by Birdster)
Feeling difigured, stared-at, ashamed, whispered about. Painful scalp so bad that I could not sleep with my head on a pillow, but had to buy

Dermalex!!!!! But conscientious application through the day, combined with phototherapy - I bought my own uvb narrowband lamp, at huge expense, after being referred for phototherapy by the NHS, about 5 years ago, and not hearing a thing..... Combined again with numerous cheap sunny holidays. I was lucky enough to do 8 last year...and still the little fcker fighting me. Oh and swimming most days. Keeping p at bay sometimes feels like a full time job.

Posted Tue 3 May 2016 15.05 by Birgitta (edited Mon 13 Jun 2016 21.01 by daviesl2)
I have had psoriasis for 30 years and I am now at my worst level with both calfs covered , some on my elbows and writst.

I agree with the last comment, Dermalex and UVB seems to do the trick for me. All the "scales" have gone and I am currently left with a pink shadow. I have only been doing it for about 1 month so I am quietly positive.

Posted Mon 13 Jun 2016 20.54 by Lizzie
I have had Psoriasis for 42 years sometimes it clear other times not - its hard to live with and i have used all topical medication

I have had Pso for many many years - sometimes its clear and other times not. In the last 2 years it has ben particularly bad after a course of steriods for an asthma attack. I tried all the ointments again with mixed results as well dietary changes - finally using the narrowband light treatment which worked during the treatment and rapidly returned. I then tried PUVA (which worked 20 years ago)which came back during the treatment.that was 3 weeks ago. My next hope is methotrexate which I am a little worried about and have an appointment with the consultant next week. However over the last 3 weeks I have taken Vitamin D and Omega supplements. I have also used the Moogoo cream BUT more importantly I am now applying pure beeswax on my skin instead of any ointment and I am VERY impressed with the results. My skin is now flat though still pigmented. Its not completely clear but I am so much happier with it that I am thinking of just doing a bit more narrow band to hopefully clear it. I think the combination of everything has helped and it isnt exactly clear but I have never tried the pure beeswax so it is impressive. Try it - you never know. I only tried it to moisturise my feet and was so impressed that it got rid of my dry cracks on my feet - so decided to give it a go. good luck

Posted Sun 10 Jul 2016 20.10 by cal4th

Hello, I'm new to this site but just wanted to share my experience. I have had Psoriasis since i was 11/12, I am going to be 26 this year, my mum has it also, I have had everything from coldtar products to cortisone's creams/ointments. As the years have gone by, it has got worse :(, I have now been on Dovobet ointment for about 9 or 10 years as its the only thing that works for my body, I have also used Dovonex ointment and Dovobet gel, these did not have the same effect as Dovobet ointment, I have relied on this for years, my medication is prescribed at 240g per month. I changed my diet in February 2015, to eating healthily and have lost to date 3 stone and 11 pounds, they have said that there is no link to dieting and changing of diets, so I can't say this has helped mine for definite. My psoriasis has always been constant and been very very bad at times, Back in March/April of this year,I read some forums on here about Gluten Free diets and to be honest, I noticed a huge difference to my psoriasis by cutting out a lot of Gluten and some of the Gluten Free foods taste a lot better than foods with. A lot of Supermarkets widely cater for Gluten Free, I haven't been tested for Celliac, so i cannot say if i have a tolerance to Gluten. There is no facts to claim that Gluten can improve psoriasis, but it did with mine as well as using my Dovobet ointment. I was unhappy with my body, at this time my psoriasis was under control, but my body in general, I joined a Personal Trainer at the end of May this year , I got given a meal plan, a lot of it was wholemeal things like bread, pasta etc, but I was willing to give anything ago to improve my body, About 4/5 days into I noticed my psoriasis was coming back with a vengeance, I had to swap back to my Gluten Free products two weeks in. By mid June, my psoriasis was so sore and flared up, I had to go to the Doctors, i developed a small case of Pulsar psoriasis and the bottom of my leg , it could of been due to infection, i'm still not 100% sure what caused it but my skin was peeling so bad, it was embarrassing, It had never been so bad in the past 12 years. I was so fed up with my psoriasis by this point, I was looking on the internet for any medications that I could ask my Doctor to prescribe me to try, when I came across.... Enstilar, it is made by LEO who make Dovobet/Dovonex, but this one is a foam, in a spray can, It was released in the UK late June this year, as soon as I saw it on the website and read about it, I thought I need to try this, I rang two local pharmacists to ask about Enstilar and they said it was on their system and could order it with a doctor's signed prescription, I luckily had a Doctors appointment the next day, I mentioned it to my Doctor and he said we can give it a go, I used the can for around a week, which is how long the can lasted, I can honestly say, for me, this has worked alot better than Dovobet, My Doctor has now given me the same dose of Enstilar as I had for my Dovobet ointment, It has cleared my psoriasis by around 96% , it's fair to say, depending on the type of psoriasis you have, it may not be suitable, as it's mainly suitable with people of have mild/extreme psoriasis, defiantly worth speaking to your Doctor to see if they will give you a trial of it :)

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