
Posted Sun 8 Oct 2017 21.09 by froglet

There is no mention in the nbci article of this particular product, just that if a sample of herbal medicines they tested, steroids were present. What I would say is that once my plaques went, they haven’t come back. At the time I started using Yiganerjing I was probably 30% covered. Now it’s about 1%. I’m not using it any longer (though still have some tubes) and my psoriasis hasn’t returned. I’m not making any wild claims about the product, just sharing my own experience.

Posted Wed 11 Oct 2017 21.35 by Marmar

Can u tell me where to order this cream I live in Canada Ontario

Posted Thu 12 Oct 2017 20.14 by froglet

Posted Tue 24 Oct 2017 10.04 by vijaykum

After testing and trying so many GP prescribed steroidal drugs I switched to an Ayurvedic herbal cream by the name PSORfix, I got from India for my plaque psoriasis and cracked heels and palms. I also use PSOROLIN herbal soap for bathing and Atrimed ATRISOR SHAMPOO for my scalp. Almost all the silvery scales and heels have cleared, after only 10x twice a day applications. All herbals hence no side-effects at all. Ayurvedic treatments have been in practice for thousands of years.

Posted Tue 24 Oct 2017 10.07 by vijaykum

Reference to my above post please note that all the ingredients are displayed on the label and can be checked on google.

Posted Tue 6 Feb 2018 13.30 by Psoriasis Association (Admin)Mod - from Northampton, UK
Patient Advocacy and Communications Manager at the Psoriasis Association

Hi all, So as you are aware, the Psoriasis Association has been in touch with the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) here in the UK and they have confirmed to us that, in laboratory testing, samples of Yiganerjing have been found to contain undisclosed pharmaceutically made steroidal and anti-fugal ingredients. Action has since been taken by the MHRA to have the product removed from sale in the UK. We are currently waiting for the MHRA to publish a statement with more information, at which point we will post a further update on this website.

Posted Tue 6 Feb 2018 18.29 by froglet

That’s a shame. I very rarely need to use it any more. I’ve gone from 30% coverage on every limb including torso and head to probably less than half of a percent coverage. I totally swear by this cream. In the last year and for the first time since I was a kid I’m free of it, or as free as makes no difference.

Posted Wed 7 Feb 2018 14.53 by ClearskinPls
Since 2001, tried uvb and creams

I agree with the PA beware of undisclosed ingredients

Posted Wed 7 Feb 2018 21.24 by ksc10165 (edited Wed 7 Feb 2018 21.30 by ksc10165)

Yiganerjing: I took mine to a Chinese doctor here they confirmed the ingredients to be all natural (he translated it for me) You can definitely do the same... This stuff is magic. The links to creams above that say 11 have steroids doesn't even mention them by name. Translated: Main ingredients :soil park skin, sophora, common cnidium fruit, belvedere fruit, cortex dictamni, cortex phellodendri, honeylocust thorn, unicorn, lotus, radix stemonae, Indian buead, seven swords, iron Holly, white petroleum jelly, menthol, purified water, etc.

Posted Wed 7 Feb 2018 21.53 by froglet

I swear by this cream, but I do wonder what is meant by ‘unicorn’ and ‘etc’. What I will say is that it’s nearly two years since I first discovered this, and in that time I have had no bad reactions, my skin is clear, I’ve had no angry flare-ups (which I have had in the past when I’ve stopped using steroidal medication) and I am nothing but happy I used it. Beware the apparently ‘fake’ white coloured cream. It smells minty and appears to do no good. The one to get is the orangey/yellow cream. And if you search a popular internet based auction site, don’t search for it by name. Instead search for ‘psoriasis cream’. Check the seller’s ratings and be prepared to wait a month for it to arrive from China, or buy it from the U.K. with a bit more of a mark up.

Posted Thu 8 Feb 2018 02.00 by ksc10165

I got it from amazon US, $6 a tube. It took 2 days to get it. It's the bright yellow yiganurjing sold by Silvercell? Anyway I am a male 52 years old and I think I have eczema maybe. I didn't go to the doctor but internet searches are confirming enough to me. Whatever it is doesn't seem to ever heal, it goes through stages of ugly to not bad then back to bad. Only 3 days use and I'm seeing less flaky skin and the redness is incredibly less. I have fair skin and it really shows up on me. This cream is awesome. It appears to be fading away and I hope to be clear or close by summer time. I see no effects or mention of steroids. The links above don't mention or appear to have tested this brand. http://a.co/bIWDuzp Good luck with your skin, Thanks for your help.

Posted Thu 8 Feb 2018 22.35 by greengrass

said from day 1 this contains steroids , i realise we are all looking for that magical cream that cures our problem and does not contain steroids unfortunately it doesn't exist , the sooner we all realise this the better , I am not saying don't use it briefly for some relief but don't think it can be used forever and it is all herbal cos its not, sorry if this sounds harsh but its the truth , there are people out there who prey on the vulnerable knowing they will try anything , shame on them

Posted Fri 9 Feb 2018 15.35 by Helen Evans

This cream cleared ppp on my hands (palms and thumbs) within a week. Every prescribed cream, containing steroids, didn't touch it, even though I used them for much longer. My feet, which were much worse, have taken a little longer and now have one small patch to clear. In my opinion, the cream doesn't contain steriods OR certainly not enough to thin the skin in any way. AND it stops the itching. :-)

Posted Thu 1 Mar 2018 10.04 by Psoriasis Association (Admin)Mod - from Northampton, UK
Patient Advocacy and Communications Manager at the Psoriasis Association

Hi all - The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), which regulates medicines and medical devices in the UK, has now released a statement confirming that tests have found Yiganerjing Cream to contain an undisclosed steroid and two antifungal ingredients. As a result of this, the MHRA is working to remove Yiganerjing Cream from sale on websites and in online market places, and is issuing a notice to sellers that they must stop selling the cream immediately. The MHRA advises anyone who may have been using this cream to discontinue use immediately. If anybody who has used this product should have concerns, they are advised to discuss the issue with their doctor or clinician. More detailed information can be found in the 'News' section of this website, or directly here: www.psoriasis-association.org.uk/news/yiganerjing-cream-found-to-contain-steroids

Posted Thu 1 Mar 2018 15.36 by CarolMoreton

Thank you for getting this cream tested! I used it for 3 days on my plaque patches on my elbows and it almost went entirely and I have had it for 12 years and never been able to get rid of it. After reading this thread I stopped using it. It does seem to be a miracle cream though and the steroid content is half that of the cream I get on prescription. Would it be worth getting a UK drug company to look into the cream further and get an official one made as this seems to be a cure for so many!

Posted Thu 1 Mar 2018 23.46 by Jb

I have used this cream last year and it did really take a good effect on my eczema. But then sufdenlly it's not available on ebay anymore. I have searched it on amazon but seller wont ship to UK. Please let me know where I can get this cream. I have a bad flaking and itching too. Atm the prescribed cream i am using only good temporarily. I have been using it like forever, few different steroid creams (religiously everyday) but sadly it's just the same. My legs are just full of spots and marks bec (i think) I have been using steroid cream for years now. :( Thanks in advance

Posted Fri 27 Apr 2018 11.29 by Dianass (edited Fri 27 Apr 2018 11.30 by Dianass)

I am using this cream specific for eczema and proriasis that my mother found in Greece. It is very soothing and relieving. I heard about natural avocado oil that helps a lot with the itchiness and redness a bit and keeps the skin very moisturized but I have never tried it before. Do you know if it helps? If you want to find the cream I am now buying it from here http://store.kamposcretanproducts.gr/index.php/en/herbal-soothing-cream-for-skins-with-dermatitis-eczema-psoriasis-rizes.html

Posted Wed 8 Aug 2018 16.24 by Shannon

I'm in states and have just a tiny bit of this cream left. I can't find it anywhere and i'm getting desperate. It is the only thing that has ever worked for me. Does anyone know where to get yiganerjiing cream from. I don't want my psoriasis to come back.

Posted Wed 8 Aug 2018 16.53 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Wed 8 Aug 2018 16.55 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

Shannon: I hope I am not insulting you, but have you read the thread (and others) and the official analysis of what yiganerjiing actually contains? That is why it is has been generally withdrawn from sale in the UK. ( I only ask, because some people do past a question on the end of ta thread without reading any of the other posts). It was often described as non-steroid and completely natural, but is far from that.

Posted Wed 8 Aug 2018 17.32 by Shannon

Thank you for responding and yes I do know. I just really don't care. I like feeling normal. I like not flaking everywhere I go. I like being able to wear dark colors and to not itch all the time. The not being driven crazy with itching is so nice. I have tried everything including steroid creams and nothing has worked at all. I'm 43 and for the first time this year I could wear my hair in a ponytail. I didn't have to wash my hair every time I left the house. I could be normal and I want to keep that. Mostly though not scratching till I bleed is a blessing.

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