Starting rizankizumab

Posted Sun 10 Sep 2023 02.21 by Mandy

I'm due to start second biologic as imraldi didn't work for me. Has anyone had positive response using rizankizumab?

Posted Mon 11 Sep 2023 17.52 by Davieg74

I’m doing clinical trials for Bimekizumab Not sure of the one you mention My current injection hasn’t not gone great I have had some major side effect infections all logged I was previously on ADALIMUMAB worked reasonably well but my immune system soon overcame its abilities and it stopped working for me I hope yours goes well as I know how much it’ can go great but also how it can go so wrong Regards David

Posted Fri 22 Sep 2023 17.23 by ac1806

Hi Mandy, I've been on Risankizumab (Skyrizi) for a year and it's the best treatment I've ever had, it's honestly like a cure for me. I've had plaque psoriasis since I was 18 and I'm in my late 30s now. I had it on my hands, feet , legs, arms and scalp to different degrees of severity over the last twenty years. I have been through all the usual creams which would alleviate symptoms for a short time then the plaques would come back stronger. They then moved me on to Methotrexate, then Cyclosporin but nothing really worked. Having exhausted the other options my doctor decided to try biologics and having gone through all the tests they suggested Skyrizi would be best. I started in early September 2022 and within 3 weeks my Psoriasis plaques were completely gone. The skin was still discoloured but there were no flakes, there was no itching and it was unbelievable. I think even the NHS dermatologists were a little shocked and you could see how happy they were with the results. The skin discolouration has faded over the past year and my skin looks back to normal. When you've lived with something for 20 years you get used to dealing with it and trying to hide it (no shorts, always long sleeves, caps, hands in pockets) but now I rarely even think about Psoriasis. I decided to come on here (this is my first post) as I just realised looking at my calendar that I've been free of Psoriasis for a year and I think everyone should get the opportunity to at least try Skyrizi to see if it works for them. Good luck with your move to Skyrizi, I hope it works as well for you as it did for me. Best, AC

Posted Tue 26 Sep 2023 01.32 by Yacht

Lots of posts on here on Skyrizi. Medical studies show it to be just about the best treatment (not cure) available worldwide today in 2023 for psoriasis. Around a 60-70% chance of 100% complete clearance. Almost nothing else on the market (right now) matches that level of effectiveness. Downsides are that it can suppress the immune system, it is eye-wateringly expensive, and it likely has to be taken for a whole lifetime.

Posted Fri 29 Sep 2023 12.27 by mt382

I've just been prescribed this!!!!! I managed to avoid methotrexate and cyclosporin throughout the process too, thank goodness. This will, in effect, be my first immunosuppressant. Presumably, although risk of infection is higher, the majority of people taking it have limited extension of upper respiratory tract infections? Given that the majority of cold symptoms are the body's reaction to the virus, wouldn't dampening the immune system make the symptoms less potent? I know, for example, that adulimumab has actually shown promise as a protective agent against severe COVID.

Posted Fri 29 Sep 2023 14.30 by Mandy

Had a review with my dermatologist yesterday and now due my first skyrizi injection next week so let's hope that I get a positive result as my psoriasis has seriously flared up whilst on imraldi

Posted Sat 30 Sep 2023 09.48 by mt382 (edited Sat 30 Sep 2023 09.48 by mt382)

Hi Mandy, Good luck with it. It's my first biologic and I'm (hopefully not over-)excited. I've been managing with nb uvb for the past decade or so (I say managing - it never really achieved clearance, made me feel awful and returned quickly), so am excited for something that might actually help. Did a few months of acitretin to no avail - though the side effects were much better than my NB UVB adventures. A bit of peeling, and (look away from screen if squeamish) we had a few incidents, like my toddler finding a foot peel I hadn't noticed fall off and thinking it was a crisp... Please do let me know how you get on! Randomised control trials are very promising, and analyses against other biologics put it near the front runners. Even anecdotally it has good reviews, and patient reviews often tend towards the negative (few tend to review something if it helps, more review to moan).

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