Ovarian cancer and Psoriasis

Posted Tue 19 Sep 2023 22.44 by Psoripolly

Hi, does anyone like me have both the above conditions? I have had psoriasis 50 yrs, gone through most kinds of treatment, topical, PUVA, UVB, MTX, ADALIMUMAB, ACETRETIN. About 2 yrs ago my 3monthly bloods were off the scale and as I was swollen around midriff my liver was scanned, then abdomen and HGSOC stage 4 diagnosed. The biologic had been stopped while tests going on and slowly the psoriasis spread. It was suggested chemo may suppress the P. However by the time I had 4 cycles of chemo and debulking surgery I had an acute flare covering my back mainly. It was erythematous, and painful. Trying to treat it as I couldn’t bathe as usual and trying to use a shower on my back while trying to keep my 12” wound at front dry was a struggle for few weeks. It was a nightmare as I was so weak, from chemo my husband had to support me and watch I didn’t faint. It was a major operation applying creams etc. the dosage of acetretin was increased and gradually it became manageable. Cancer treatment came to an end May and so far there’s ‘no evidence of disease’ on CT. Psoriasis is having another flare and I’m wondering about choices of treatment for it. I don’t want to have to stop meds if I have a recurrence of cancer and have both problems to deal with or I will be demented! Information is needed before my next visit to oncology and DERM in a couple of weeks. Can anyone help?

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