
Posted Thu 21 Sep 2023 23.04 by Beth

Hi all, has anyone had any experience of hair loss on Cimzia? Started in April and have been fine to start with but noticed larger clumps of hair are falling out and my hair feels thinner than normal, seem to be getting lots of bruises which are taking months to heal and bleeding easier too. My next dermatology appt & blood tests was meant to be in dec but this has been cancelled. I’ve only had one lot of bloods done so far in June whilst I’ve been on the biologics. I’m not sure whether these side effects are normal for biologics or it’s just me being paranoid? Hair loss for me is the worse thing that could happen as a side effect so it’s really getting me down at the moment, thanks.

Posted Thu 21 Sep 2023 23.14 by Aaike
Have palmoplanter psoriasis

Hi Beth, Sorry you are having difficulties. I am at the systemic stage but had to stop Acitretin after only 4 weeks as I have developed a skin allergy. I have had regular bloods and have certainly been told they are important. I would send an email to your dermatology department asking for advice. I had a good response from an email and given an appointment.

Posted Thu 21 Sep 2023 23.21 by Beth

Thank you, sorry to hear about your allergy the treatments can be frustrating when your hoping the psoriasis will go. I tried cyclosporine before the biologics and had an allergic reaction so had to stop that, I was hopeful the biologics might be slightly better. I think I will try and ring them to see if they can hopefully fit me in before Christmas.

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