Palma plantar psoriasis

Posted Wed 18 Oct 2023 02.43 by Gigi

After suffering from palma plantar psoriasis for four years - so severe that I couldn’t walk when it was at its worst an NHS dermatologist put me on a six week course of dermovate and having to wrap my hands and feet in cling film overnight. The psoriasis has gone! Whether it comes back or not it’s too early to say but having tried a variety of steroid creams and PUVA too I’m thrilled at this result

Posted Mon 23 Oct 2023 16.15 by kiloran
From Lichen Planus to Plaque Psoriasis to Palmoplantar and Nail psoriasis - newly diagnosed 2023

Good to hear - I'm currently dealing with this and following the same Dermovate under occlusion approach. My feet are in the "getting worse to get better" phase at the moment. Also started on Acitretin and due to start PUVA. Dermovate is powerful stuff and stinks! I use plastic pedicure socks under tight cotton socks but I also have my feet bandaged currently because they're so bad. Amongst the carnage I can see "normal" skin.

Posted Mon 23 Oct 2023 17.18 by Gigi

Hi - how is the Acitretin and have you had side affects to it? I have a very good sense of smell and my Dermovate has a neutral smell! Good luck with PUVA!

Posted Wed 25 Oct 2023 15.58 by kiloran (edited Wed 25 Oct 2023 16.00 by kiloran)
From Lichen Planus to Plaque Psoriasis to Palmoplantar and Nail psoriasis - newly diagnosed 2023

Dermovate stinks for me I think it's because it's soaked into hard dead skin over a few days - basically the entire weight bearing surface of both feet is in the process of peeling off. It's been about a two month process from the first tingling hotness to now. Daily improvement but as it's the first time they've done this my fear is that it will start all over again like it does with plaque psoriasis. As to Acitretin I'm only four doses in (25mg per day which is a low dose for my weight I believe). Slightly dry mouth a few hours after taking it each dayand my thighs have gone really dry back and front with big eczema-like flakes. Not itchy or painful, just like the very thin skin peel you get after sunburn. I've also been switched from Dermovate to Diprosalic which should soften the hard skin a bit more.. That's a combination of Betnovate and Salicylic acid.

Posted Wed 25 Oct 2023 16.14 by Gigi

You seem to be having a hard time! I was on Diprosalic - it’s great if you have hard skin and cracks as it softens and peels / salicylic acid is used in beauty products! I’ve got slight peel back on my hands and hoping it doesn’t spread / have they told you to moisturise with very heavy cream - might be good for the legs

Posted Wed 25 Oct 2023 21.55 by kiloran
From Lichen Planus to Plaque Psoriasis to Palmoplantar and Nail psoriasis - newly diagnosed 2023

Thank you, yeah it's been a tough two months, gone from cycling 60 miles a week and 3-4 hours walking to being basically bed bound and in a wheelchair for hospital appts. Still very painful but today has been my most active day and the feet feel a bit more flexible. Two consultants have said it's the worst case they've seen for years. I'm moisturizing and washing with Cetraben. Coincidentally we've also just had a water softener installed and my skin has got worse rather than better. I have a neighbour whose son's plaque psoriasis was transformed (positively) by a softener. It's like I've aged 20 years overnight although I think all the wrinkles are partly due to muscle wasting in my legs from not cycling.

Posted Wed 25 Oct 2023 22.22 by Gigi

I use a body wash called Healsporin - they make all sorts of lotions for psoriasis and you can get them all on Amazon. Also Salcura Bioskin - a spray to relieve itching and a herbal called Centella Asiatic Oil. I also use Epimax Excetra cream on dry skin. Hope this is some help!

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