
Posted Fri 27 Oct 2023 15.05 by peter

Lloyds on-line pharmacy is currently unable to source Sandoz calcipotriol scalp solution which I have been using on prescription for some time to good effect. Anyone else finding the same problem? Is there an effective alternative? Peter

Posted Fri 27 Oct 2023 17.07 by Charlton

Hi Peter , I have been issued with an alternative made by a german company called Salutas Pharma its 50 micrograms in a 30ml bottle.. The pharmacy issued more than I need , if it was allowed on here and you are willing to send me an email i am willing to post one off to F.O.C ,as i wont use it.

Posted Sat 28 Oct 2023 21.00 by peter

Charlton Thank you so much for your kind offer! However, since the problem has arisen before and will probably recur, I think I should ask my doctor to consider changing my prescription. Peter

Posted Sun 29 Oct 2023 21.40 by kiloran
From Lichen Planus to Plaque Psoriasis to Palmoplantar and Nail psoriasis - newly diagnosed 2023

Enstillar can be used as a shampoo, perhaps that would be an option? Would need doc to change scrip.

Posted Mon 30 Oct 2023 09.22 by peter

Thanks - not one I've come across before. Peter

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