
Posted Sat 28 Oct 2023 15.52 by andrea
have had p for too many years

Hi all. I’ve been on methotrexate for 10 years now with great results but recently the psoriasis has been appearing on my body more so than before. I have guttate psoriasis. Also which is really annoying me too is that I have developed tinnitus. I had my ear syringed after it started as it was quite blocked but it’s made no difference. It comes & goes and there is no pattern to it. My Doc says it’s the methotrexate that’s causing it. Anyone else had this issue?

Posted Sun 29 Oct 2023 21.47 by kiloran
From Lichen Planus to Plaque Psoriasis to Palmoplantar and Nail psoriasis - newly diagnosed 2023

It is a known side effect but it's odd it's taken ten years to happen, so it might just be "normal" tinnitus. Can you describe it? The reason I ask is because there are different versions.. I've had it for 30-odd years (a combination of loud music and loud cars in my case) and I've grown used to it except when I've got a cold or headache. When it's bad I just sleep with wireless earbuds in playing pink noise - the randomness helps mask it. I've also found noise cancelling headphones work which makes no medical sense but works for me.

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