Enstilar foam

Posted Tue 2 Aug 2016 13.19 by jdowling1987

Hi there, Has anyone managed to get Enstilar foam prescribed from their GP, I went this morning but was told it isn't available on the NHS yet, but I'm not sure the doc was really interested...

Posted Wed 3 Aug 2016 22.25 by sirian83

Hi, I thought it was out already, that's what it said in the Daily Mail. I was going to make an appointment myself to try it out.

Posted Thu 4 Aug 2016 13.35 by jdowling1987

Yeah that's the article that I read, in the comments someone said they had it prescribed. I went to my GP who looked it up and said it wasn't available on the NHS.

Posted Thu 4 Aug 2016 15.55 by walker12

I've just had it prescribed by my GP in Leeds on NHS

Posted Thu 4 Aug 2016 21.49 by jdowling1987

Good to know that it is available then. I'm waiting for an appointment with a dermatologist so I'll see what he says - I was just offered the usual dovobet ointment.

Posted Thu 4 Aug 2016 22.08 by walker12

My GP is very good. I emailed a link to an article about this medication and she prescribed it without seeing me

Posted Thu 4 Aug 2016 22.42 by jdowling1987

That's good, I think the dr I saw wasn't fussed and was just looking at the steroid ingredient so went to dovobet. I suppose different doc's are hit and miss. I'll have to keep bugging them. Have you found the enstilar any good?

Posted Fri 5 Aug 2016 14.15 by adamc

I've been to the gp today who reluctant prescribed me it, think it help that I wasn't going anywhere until he did 😊, anyway went to pick it up to be told the manufacturers have a massive back log and wouldn't be in until the 10th of August

Posted Fri 5 Aug 2016 16.19 by jdowling1987

Oh wow, I've been mugged off then! Best go back and see another dr. Getting fed up of feeling like a melted candle from dovobet

Posted Fri 5 Aug 2016 16.56 by walker12

Only just got the medication and going to start it on Monday. Will see how I get on.

Posted Fri 5 Aug 2016 17.15 by adamc

jdowling1987 I pinned an article to my phones front page which stated it was now available on prescription, doctor showed me it was un gray meaning they won't use it as a first course of treatment which made me laugh seeing as I've had psoriasis for 20 yrs, seen the cost to the nhs which is £39 per unit, a lot more expensive than the ointment. Don't take no for an answer 😊

Posted Fri 5 Aug 2016 17.28 by jdowling1987

Yeah that's wise advise. Funny isn't it that it isn't their first go to treatment but they are quick to discuss methotrexate and other powerful drugs...not too keen on that. I'll definitely be chasing them up.

Posted Fri 5 Aug 2016 23.08 by Alipot

I was prescribed this a couple of weeks ago on my first visit to the dermatologist.

Posted Sat 6 Aug 2016 08.54 by DanielC
Had psoriasis since I was 17, now 50+

Morning, does it work? What's supposed to be the main difference compared to the usual topicals?

Posted Sat 6 Aug 2016 09.14 by jdowling1987 (edited Sat 6 Aug 2016 09.16 by jdowling1987)

I couldn't tell you how good it is yet, I'm still trying to get it from my dr. The main benefit I've read about is the consistency, I think the ingredients are pretty much the same as dovobet but apprently it soaks in a lot easier leaving you less like a wax work for hours which would make me more inclined to use it daily. Maybe the other peeps that have had this prescribed could give their opinions so far...

Posted Mon 8 Aug 2016 16.45 by gingermonkey (edited Mon 8 Aug 2016 16.46 by gingermonkey)
For several years...drives me mad but won't bring me down.

Why are GPs so hit and miss? Having been through the system of GP to specialist and all routes through that (and no great improvement except my own methods of managing pso), I'd like to try this stuff. My GP lacks interest and I know he'll just push me down the route of a specialist rather than prescribe. Like the melted candle image -- I know how that feels!!

Posted Mon 8 Aug 2016 17.18 by walker12

Seen this on line from Northampton prescribing commitee - Enstilar is a combination product containing a synthetic vitamin D3 analogue and a synthetic topical corticosteroid (in the same proportions as in Dovobet; 50 micrograms/g + 0.5 mg/g) licensed for topical treatment of psoriasis vulgaris in adults. It is currently the same price as Dovobet and may provide an alternative for patients who are unable to tolerate the ointment formulation.

Posted Mon 8 Aug 2016 21.58 by Finbar

Try the enstilar now and without delay. It is going great for me. Best stuff I have ever used.

Posted Tue 9 Aug 2016 16.03 by DanielC
Had psoriasis since I was 17, now 50+

All sounds very positive. I've just spoken to my GP on the phone & he is issuing a 4 week prescription. So I'll see how it goes.

Posted Tue 9 Aug 2016 16.07 by Mikey160

Hi My first time on here. After seeing the Mail article I have just been to my gp in Devon. Basically he says it's not on there list yet so I have to wait til it is. so it seems like it's a bit of postcode lottery if you can get it or not. I'm well p••••d off Mike

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