Enstilar foam

Posted Tue 28 Feb 2017 11.16 by Metarie1985
Beauty standard ignorer, unapologetic P sufferer for 10 years, determined to stay positive!

I've been using this for a WEEK and the patches on my belly and thighs that have been around for YEARS are now soft and light pink, texture of normal skin again! Even just from a comfort point of view this is great. I've still got patches of guttate creeping in, it changes everyday but I'm feeling a lot more comfortable in my own skin, not scared of stretching and splitting my skin. Just need someone to help me do my back now! I'm hoping to get UVB for the guttate - it'll take a while for the referral to come through but hopefully I can time it so that if I get any flare up from stopping the Enstilar foam then the UVB can clear it up.

Posted Tue 28 Feb 2017 12.15 by Toodlesoodles

Lizzie, I've ordered some pure Beeswax from the web and am excited to see what it can do for me. How and how often do you apply it? Thank you.

Posted Tue 28 Feb 2017 12.58 by Lizzie

Hi Toodlesoodle, Great - I am really interested to see if it works for others too. I use the beard cream from trees and bees - maybe just check the ingredients against yours -same as repair cream but more quantity so cheaper. I use it twice a day. Good luck

Posted Wed 1 Mar 2017 22.13 by 44aston

I was given Ensillar by my dermatologist, it seems like a miracle method of controlling scalp psoriasis. Have had the condition for fifty years., undiagnosed for twenty of them! Everything failed, but was given the foam to try last November, by Christmas no itching or flakes and the hairdresser said my scalp looked ok. I spray small amount of foam on my fingers and part hair to rub on scalp. I haven't finished the can given in November. Have just had a check up appointment and will have another in July. If all is still ok will be discharged from dermatology department. Usage up to me, I use it at present the days between washing hair, approx every 2-3 days. The GP mentioned expense so consultant gave me a prescription. On present usage 2 cans a year. GPs can't really complain. It's much cheaper for them than the various ointments and shampoo previously prescribed. Hope it works for others with scalp psoriasis as well as it appears to work for me.

Posted Wed 1 Mar 2017 22.25 by Amyj153

That's great to know it works for the scalp! I did my scalp with dovonex gel last Thursday and today it's only just started itching and growing back so it's definitely slowing down. I Will have a try with enstilar at the weekend :)

Posted Thu 2 Mar 2017 15.12 by cotton

Hi I went to see the specialist at Bristol BRI this morning and prescribed Ensillar have just put the first lot on and itching does not seem quite so bad so fingers crossed Have also been referred to rummatologist the new Dr I saw has at last made me feel I might get some help

Posted Thu 2 Mar 2017 21.00 by Toodlesoodles

Lizzie, can't seem to find the Beeswax you have used? You have a direct link to where to buy from?

Posted Sat 4 Mar 2017 18.57 by Toodlesoodles

Thank you Lizzie. Ordered some and it arrived today. How often were you applying it and how long before you saw a noticeable improvement? Thanks.

Posted Sat 4 Mar 2017 19.03 by Lizzie

Hi Toodlesoodle I use it once or twice a day. It starts to show improvement after a few days depending on severity but will take a while for it to go completely- I have been using for 2 weeks and it looks much better but will take some time to go completely if it works this time around! I hope it works for you but as you know it's hard with psoriasis. Good luck would love to hear how you get on.

Posted Sun 5 Mar 2017 02.09 by anniephanie

Hello I have psoraisis on arms thighs and upper arms, I used Ensilar twice the psoraisis is looking good but the edges around it is peeling I know I did not over use but cannot figure out why the skin is peeling although there is pink patches of skin underneath. Did any one else have this problem? Many Thanks

Posted Wed 15 Mar 2017 15.52 by gingermonkey
For several years...drives me mad but won't bring me down.

Have just had a repeat of Enstilar refused by GP on grounds of CCG changing policy. Offered dovobet as a generic instead (surprise surprise). Awaiting a call back from the GP partner and aim to inform him of the crystals v soluble differences and that the price is the same! For anyone else who might end up on the wrong end of a cost argument, see earlier threads regarding the differences.

Posted Wed 15 Mar 2017 18.56 by Peter W
Plaque psoriasis (on and off) since mid 1970s

@gingermonkey - Good for you! And Dovobet is not a generic (it's still under patent), it's just a different, and not so good, formulation. The clinical studies show that it's better.

Posted Mon 27 Mar 2017 18.42 by Jone205

I tried enstillar around 6 months ago after seeing a specialist and the difference it made to my skin was quite something! I was so excited something had finally worked on my skin...although once I had ran out I went to my GP to see if I could get another prescription and she said dovobet had the same active ingredients and was much cheaper, she said there wouldn't be any difference between the products.... but there is MASSIVELY! Dovobet is so much less effective and I find I'm putting it on all the time, whereas I wasn't with enstillar and it still worked great. I'm going back to the doctors this week to demand they give me another prescription for enstillar as I've read that quite a few people have had it prescribed from their gp! Also, if anyone has got some advice...what moisturiser do you use in between using your steroid cream? I was told coconut better was the one to use...

Posted Mon 27 Mar 2017 19.08 by Peter W
Plaque psoriasis (on and off) since mid 1970s

Hi Jone205, Don't get fobbed off with Dovobet! See all the comments on this thread about why it's not the same as Enstilar. As for moisturiser, I used plenty of Diprobase or Zerobase, but if things were particularly bad, I'd use Hydromol (very greasy!). NB Beware of naked flames!

Posted Tue 28 Mar 2017 12.31 by gingermonkey
For several years...drives me mad but won't bring me down.

Turns out local CCG meds prescribing/purchasing strategy is changing in my area, expect this to be the case all over as they cut down on what they will prescribe. In my area they have defined Enstilar as branded (it's not) and formally revert to dovobet as the generic alternative. The GP partner suggested (after a "debate" with me) he would write the script but I should take it out of area to get it from pharmacy not under restrictions. I chose to take it to my local one anyway prepared to have the argument, but despite the GP warning it was provided no problem, lucky left hand doesn't know what right hand is doing (for now at least!) GP also said that a consultant letter on file supporting the use of enstilar would always defeat the CCG policy as this proves the medical case...since when does a GP not hold enough sway locally..? I suspect the truth lies somewhere in between - GPs are managing this just as much as CCG, they all have budgets to cut/sustain. Advice I would give is if it works for you don't hesitate to fight for it - these cuts will impact conditions such as pso because they are low priority to the above mentioned people and often the people affected by the condition accept what they told, albeit unhappily.

Posted Wed 26 Apr 2017 16.03 by orangepeel

I read about this medication last night and booked appointment with the doctor today. I expected a "discussion" having noted all the previous comments, but I was given a prescription without a problem (Newcastle upon Tyne area) and was also given some Aveena Body wash and cream to try which has also been mentioned as worth trying on this feed. The foam was out of stock at the Pharmacists so I have to wait until tomorrow but looking forward to trying something new as my psoriasis has worsened to being extremely painful and unsightly for the last two years (suffered since 1980) but I thought there was nothing new to try so I have been persevering with my Dovonex! I will report back on how I get on. Thank you everyone for sharing.

Posted Wed 26 Apr 2017 16.29 by adamc

Gingermonkey regarding a letter of recommendation from a dermatologist it works wonders I struggled to get it on repeat once I was evening given medicated shampoo instead because it was cheap. Told my dermatologist about this he send a letter to my doctors stating that this product was to be used in my treatment and never had a problem since

Posted Sat 29 Apr 2017 09.22 by orangepeel

(Posted this on the scalp psoriasis forum) Having read the Enstilar forum messages on this site on Tuesday I went to the doctors and got Enstilar foam prescribed for my scalp and skin psoriasis as many people on the forum were using it for both conditions and getting great results. So from using it since Thursday teatime (as had to be ordered in) there has been a dramatic change in my condition of what was raging itching,painful and burning scalp and skin to none of the aforementioned for my skin and milder for my scalp as having to wash my hair I think reduces the benefit (I currently use Body shop Ginger anti-dandruff shampoo recommended by other scalp psoriasis sufferers which has helped) as there is a particular ingredient (?) in most shampoo brands on the market that the scalp psoriasis reacts to. I would suggest you read the enstilar forum messages as some people have not been able to get a prescription but I would recommend you trying to get it and give it a go if you are medically suitable. I also got Aveeno body wash and moisturiser prescribed (also advised from the forum) but I haven't tried the body wash to wash my hair yet as I didn't want a bad reaction when trying something new when I have needed to go out through the week so I will try it over the weekend at some point and let you knowhow it goes. Good luck!

Posted Sat 29 Apr 2017 10.40 by Cambrinus
Sporadic scale psoriasis

orangepeel, have you tried DiproSone lotion? It's made by Merck, Sharp and Dohme (in the UK). I use it sparingly on scalp psoriasis only and it keeps it pretty much under control.

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