Enstilar foam

Posted Thu 29 Jun 2017 09.50 by Linnie

My latest prescription is with the chemist too who says it's now hard to get. I have two cans thankfully and off to the sun tomorrow. I have in the past taken fumaderm, I was 50% covered and for the last 4 years I have only got small elbow patches. Not everyone knows of fumaderm and not all consultants will prescribe it as it's not licensed in the uk. It's extremely harsh with side effects but it works and for anyone who is in a dark place the side effects are worth it. I no longer take it as my blood counts and immune levels dropped severely, but I would take it again if my psoriasis became as bad as it was.

Posted Wed 5 Jul 2017 23.36 by gingermonkey
For several years...drives me mad but won't bring me down.

Please see update I got from LEO today re enstilar supply problems: Thank you for your enquiry regarding Enstilar® (calcipotriol/betamethasone dipropionate). You requested information regarding the availability of Enstilar in the United Kingdom. LEO Pharma previously advised on 1st June that Enstilar® cutaneous foam would be temporarily unavailable in the UK from the beginning of June 2017 due to an unforeseen technical issue in the manufacturing process. By way of an update on 30th June Enstilar® cutaneous foam supply has now recommenced. However we expect fluctuations in supply to continue whilst stock flow normalises. LEO Pharma will continue working to restore full supply as soon as possible. Our aim is to ensure treatment continuity and availability for patients. We will continue to post updates and further developments on our web site: www.leo-pharma.co.uk We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause you. Our aim is to ensure treatment continuity and availability of LEO products for patients. I hope you found this information helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further help.

Posted Tue 11 Jul 2017 14.46 by Livvyg

Has anyone finished using Enstilar and their spots have come back????

Posted Tue 11 Jul 2017 14.53 by T86

yes this happened to me and i cant get any more until the end of july. I went back to using dovobet which did actually get it back under control i am also using epaderm to moisturise.

Posted Tue 11 Jul 2017 21.13 by Livvyg

Did they come back straight away??

Posted Wed 12 Jul 2017 09.54 by T86

yes it did come back straight away but not as bad as it was before I started enstilar and i did manage to get it back under control in a couple of weeks. I had P all over my legs and little patches on my elbows. Its been so much better since using enstilar, i've been wearing dresses this summer for the first time in 2 years!

Posted Wed 12 Jul 2017 12.23 by Livvyg

Which moisturizer are you using?

Posted Fri 14 Jul 2017 01.05 by Kazwebbo

I was recently prescribed this by my dermatologist after being given all sorts of other useless treatments like penicillin for a month and other creams which made me itch. I have used dovobet for years and it is the only thing that has ever had any effect and since the foam enstilar has the same ingredients I felt more positive about using it. It has been great so far. Really easy to apply. So much quicker than the dovobet. The only down side is that it runs out quickly if you have quite a few areas to treat as I do. Not greasy and effective. I asked my GP for it and they prescribed it without seeing me cause the dermatologist had recommended it. Try it. If divobet works for you this is better. Just need something for my scalp now cause that is bad at the moment. Any ideas?

Posted Fri 14 Jul 2017 01.07 by Kazwebbo

By the way I live in Huddersfield regarding the last post about Getting enstilar.

Posted Fri 14 Jul 2017 09.41 by Cambrinus
Sporadic scale psoriasis

Enstilar is probably most effective for those already on Dovobet - same active constituents. I am using it at the same time as taking one capsule of Acitretin a day; this seems very effective and patches have all disappeared. I am only using the Enstilar very sparingly (on elbows). For psoriasis of the scalp, have you tried DiproSone?

1 Posted Fri 14 Jul 2017 10.40 by Sheila54

I have just tried to get a repeat prescription for enstilar to be told they won't give it to me again, I can get dovobet gel no problem. The thing I can't understand is that both these products contain the same ingredients, yet they are happy for me to get continuous repeat prescription for dovobet. Enstilar is the only cream that has worked for me in 50 odd years of having this bloody rash, dovobet is too greasy and has really stopped working for me, I am so annoyed and upset, I understand that these medicines contain a steroid but I think the real reason they won't prescribe enstilar is the cost, but at what cost to my confidence and self-esteem, I was beginning to see a light at the end of a very dark tunnel in terms of seeing my clear skin, but no more, now back to trying to find something else that works 😥

Posted Fri 14 Jul 2017 10.49 by T86

Hi Sheila You should ask your gp again as mine did re prescribe it just said not to use it constantly, give your skin a break after 6 weeks.

Posted Fri 14 Jul 2017 14.14 by Livvyg

Has anyone had success with their spots not coming back as mine are just light pink now

Posted Fri 14 Jul 2017 16.55 by P free wishes

Hi all I have just written a whole load and it hasn't sent !!!! So in a nut shell On wed I was PX'd by my dermo Elocom and Enstilar to use O/D as per instruction, has anyone else used these together ? I'll use one in the day and one at night. I have been using dovobet gel on my elbows , knees and ankles, I'm p free on my elbows and 95% free on my knees but my ankles have been rather stubborn. I haven't used either before , just the dovobet. I have had puva x2 with good results in the past and lasted a couple of years. So I am hoping I get good results from these 2 and I can be rid of the " ugliness " on my lower legs 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Posted Tue 8 Aug 2017 18.46 by Irene
Had it for the past 7 years which has increasingly become worse on all of body over that period of time. Last 'flare up' was November 2015

Prescribed Enstilar for my body and Protopic for my face by my dermatologist a few months ago after years of not having success with other medication. My GP put both on my repeat prescription as soon as she got the letter from the dermatologist. It worked wonders very quickly and I now have the clearest skin than I have had for many years. I can now wear make up with impunity with no signs of flakey, dry skin at all and feel more like my 'old self' and in fact I feel younger with so much more self esteem. Can't thank my dermatologist enough. I would love it if everyone with Psoriasis could benefit the way that I (eventually) have had.

Posted Thu 17 Aug 2017 10.41 by Peterb

Have had psoriasis now for 44 years with the only real success being methotrexate which after 15 years had to stop it because I could take no more liver biopsy's. Had all sorts of creams over the years t he best one for me being coal tar, acid, cream mix which, although messy, did work fairly well for me both on my body and head although with the head I would treat it at night wrapping it up with cling film to stop any staining. My wife recon I look like a dick head but that's a price worth paying. II recently had prostate cancer and was treated with radiotherapy and for 3 years hormone injections. My psoriasis on my body, not my head, cleared completely but on completion on the hormone injections back it came with a vengeance. I went to see my doctor who referred me back to my dematologist hoping that, as hormone injections had cleared my body it could be a new approach to treating psoriasis. He didn't want to know but prescribed me Enstilar. What a product. You can only use it on a month on month off period but it's been brilliant. My psoriasis has more or less disappeared and my doctor now supplies me as and when I need it. Wouldn't be without it now and just hope my body don't get too used to it and it starts to return. Still treat my head with the tar cream but that I can accept.

Posted Thu 17 Aug 2017 12.54 by Cambrinus
Sporadic scale psoriasis

Peterb, you might try DiproSone for your scalp, in all doses.

Posted Thu 17 Aug 2017 15.23 by siomes (edited Thu 17 Aug 2017 15.23 by siomes)

I have been using Enstiler for nearly two months now and my scars are still present but I have started to get dry bumps on all the places I'm applying the foam now. It's not scaly or itch and my psoriasis isn't coming back I just don't know what the small dry bumps are and how to treat them also. I will visit my GB soon.

Posted Thu 14 Sep 2017 15.53 by Phil69

My doctor here in Ireland prescribed me Enstilar foam (4 cans) and I thought I would do some research first and then I came across this website which is great. I was so pleased to read how good this stuff is from everyone's comments so I went down to the local pharmacy to get some. Unfortunately they did not stock it and said they would need to order it for me, anyway I thought I better ask the price first :( and I was told it would cost me 374 euros!!! I told them I will need to go for a loan first LOL. You do not realise how good the NHS really is until you have lived with out it.

Posted Thu 14 Sep 2017 16.35 by Cambrinus
Sporadic scale psoriasis

Hi Phil69. That is excessive, even for Ireland. I think that someone mentioned that it's about £28 in the UK?!

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