Enstilar foam

Posted Tue 9 Aug 2016 16.14 by Michael7569

I have been prescribed this but can't find a chemist that stocks it in leeds

Posted Tue 9 Aug 2016 16.19 by Finbar

The chemists are obliged to order it in. May take a day or two but ask them to order it for you.

Posted Tue 9 Aug 2016 16.20 by Michael7569

Thank you will try again

Posted Tue 9 Aug 2016 16.39 by walker12

Headingley pharmacy Shire Oak Street in Leeds has it. Just off Otley Road

Posted Tue 9 Aug 2016 17.43 by jdowling1987

Funnily enough I've just asked my local pharmacy who have ordered it in for tomorrow but I need to go back to my GP to get the prescription, surely they won't say no now!

Posted Tue 9 Aug 2016 19.06 by hawklord

Just got back from the doctors myself, guess what, cannot be prescribed in my area ( oxford). Really had a go at the doctor but got nowhere. Where do you go to find out if it really is just post code luck, reluctance to prescribe due to price, or just cannot be bothered.

Posted Tue 9 Aug 2016 19.08 by jdowling1987

Good question, I sent an email this afternoon to Leo Pharmaceuticals to ask that question. I'll let you know what they say.

Posted Tue 9 Aug 2016 19.50 by adamc

You have to sit in your doctors room and simple refuse to leave until he or she prescribes it as it is available everywhere on the nhs, as I said before it is shaded gray on their computer system which means it isn't a product they want to prescribe . I took a document with me proving it was available on the NHS, I also pointed out all the thinks I do in my personal life to try and control it and pointed out that it was effecting my mental health and that the thought of trying a new product would do me mental the world of good, if that doesn't work ask for details of who you need to contact to make a formal complaint, the squeaky wheel always gets oiled 😊 good luck

Posted Wed 10 Aug 2016 10.44 by jdowling1987

Just spoke to my regular GP on the phone - he said oh yeah Enstilar, I'll leave a prescription at reception for you. Just goes to show its hit and miss with Dr's.

Posted Wed 10 Aug 2016 10.49 by adamc

Glad to hear you got it jdowling1987

Posted Wed 10 Aug 2016 11.08 by jdowling1987

Cheers, I'll update with how it goes.

1 Posted Wed 10 Aug 2016 12.12 by gtom

Just been to the gp Enstilar is not passed for prescribing is the message I got, so no Enstilar for DE65

Posted Wed 10 Aug 2016 15.53 by adamc

Gtom I'd have a search on line if I was you and look at other doctors around your area and see if you can find one where someone there is a registered dermatologist, this can be hard work however have a friend who suffered with acne he did this where he lives and as a result gets a better service worth a try

Posted Wed 10 Aug 2016 16.55 by Cambrinus
Sporadic scale psoriasis

I was prescribed Enstilar last month (July 19th) by a consultant dermatologist at Nottingham Circle. It was very effective on large plaques immediately, getting skin back to a smooth redness. However, I have just tried to get my GP to prescribe it and he says that my county health board (Leics.) has disallowed it! I will get back to the dermatologist to find out - GP did not have a clue why not.

Posted Wed 10 Aug 2016 16.59 by joeq1994

Hello, I'm getting mine today. I basically went in and told her (GP) about it and she said it's got the same stuff in as Dovobet. I raised an eyebrow as if to say......'and?' then she told me I need to find out if it's cost effective and I said well dovebet doesn't work and it's made my skin worse by using it too much. After I vented at her she said she would call the pharmacy. She got back to me later that day and said 'this product is so new it hasn't been tested much' I thought at this point...apart from the hours and hours of testing they do on clinical trial but ok...she then continued ' but if you can try it for two weeks on one part of your body and take photos i'd like to see the results' So I will let you guys know how it goes

Posted Wed 10 Aug 2016 17.02 by Cambrinus
Sporadic scale psoriasis

Doctors' excuses - it has not been tested much!! I suspect that GPs do not want to prescribe it, as it contains betamethasone, so should not be used long term. However, I was prescribed it in tandem with Acitretin (for the next 3 months).

Posted Thu 11 Aug 2016 08.34 by Fredflintstone (edited Thu 11 Aug 2016 10.15 by Fredflintstone)

Hi all. I was prescribed enstilar last week and I have severe psoriasis and after 2 days of using this I couldn't believe it my skin became soft and smooth just leaving a redness which didn't hurt or was not itchy. The only thing is 1 can would only last 4 days which is fine according to the data sheet. So after using this I contacted the doctor again to get another can which was OK. But after getting close to using up this 2nd can I rang the doctor again to get a 3rd but was refused and they are saying it's to expensive to have and is just under £40 a can and said I can't have it no more. This has been the only thing that has ever worked for me. I am so ANGRY. ........

Posted Thu 11 Aug 2016 09.33 by adamc

I seen the cost on my doctors screen its £39 a can

Posted Thu 11 Aug 2016 09.57 by DanielC
Had psoriasis since I was 17, now 50+

http://www.ukmi.nhs.uk/applications/ndo/record_view_open.asp?newDrugID=6363 Yep, £39.68 a can. Above is just one link of many....

Posted Thu 11 Aug 2016 10.47 by claudette (edited Thu 11 Aug 2016 10.51 by claudette )

hi I went to drs and got it yesterday I am finding it ok so far but only used for couple of days I find if I spray a small amount and rub in it coats well so will last longer as after reading this forum I don't want to be told no more

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