Enstilar foam

Posted Thu 11 Aug 2016 18.43 by Fredflintstone

UPDATE: I have been back to the doctor today and told me that I can carry on having it but need to make it last at least a week as if I have it to regular it will flag up on cost so try and use it sparingly and she has prescibed it till end of month then have a rest from it and if need be start again. HAPPY.........

1 Posted Thu 11 Aug 2016 20.05 by adamc

Made up for you fredflintstone hope it goes well for you matey

Posted Thu 11 Aug 2016 22.58 by Michael7569

I started it today but don't think it will last long 1 can and I pay for my prescription gonna try get a repeat see if it works

Posted Thu 11 Aug 2016 23.13 by adamc

I buy prepaid prescriptions £29 for three months well worth it when your psoriasis flares up even get cetruben moisturizer on it

Posted Fri 12 Aug 2016 13.22 by jdowling1987

I know this will sound fussy but has anyone else found Enstilar just as greasy as dovobet when rubbed in?

Posted Fri 12 Aug 2016 14.08 by walker12

Only been using mine about a week and it is greasy. Not sure how much foam you should use. Been covering the entire area. Just small patches on knees and elbows

Posted Fri 12 Aug 2016 21.54 by Cambrinus
Sporadic scale psoriasis

Spray Enstilar on larger plaques in small doses (2 or 3 'blasts'). Leave for about 5 minutes, then rub in thoroughly. It should not be greasy at all. The effect seems to spread to smaller areas near those plaques.

Posted Sat 13 Aug 2016 11.01 by Mrs scott

I've been using enstilar since Monday but also at the end of the light treatment, I have had a big flare up on my back during the light treatment. Nurse took a pic of my back last night to show consultant next Tuesday, had the treatment last night and I've got terrible prickly heat, I'm using the enstilar just on my legs at the moment. I've had loads of topical creams tried methotrexate, cyclosporin, acitrectin I think the next step for me is injections, I find Balneium plus moisturiser is good I've been using all over I've even found its better for my face than all the steroid creams. Had ps for 40 years wish there was a cure.

Posted Sat 13 Aug 2016 16.47 by jdowling1987

Sorry to hear that Mrs Scott, have you tried aveeno cream to moisturise and aveeno shower gel, I find that helps, it's quite soothing. It was recommended to me by the nurse who did my light treatment. Hope you get a break with it soon.

Posted Sat 13 Aug 2016 18.33 by Mrs scott

Yes I've tried the aveeno, I'm using Himalayan salts for bathing at the moment then the Balneium plus afterwards.its so uncomfortable at the moment with this burning and itching on my back, I'm taking antihistamines as well. People keep saying how well I look with the tan but I don't feel it at the moment. Ve got my last week of treatment next week will see what consultant says ..

Posted Mon 15 Aug 2016 09.11 by Michael7569

Started last Thursday and it's been great my skin is a massive improvement can't recommend it enough.from been covered and sore itchy to smooth and really light pink in less than a week is remarkable I even went swimming twice at the weekend.i would have never the week before

Posted Mon 15 Aug 2016 12.42 by adamc

I've been using the product since Last Wednesday and can see a massive difference impressed see how long it will repress it

Posted Tue 16 Aug 2016 10.01 by Michael7569

I ran out of it tried getting on repeat and was refused said I can't have it till I seen a doc and he is on holiday.have to wait till tomorrow to see doc

Posted Tue 16 Aug 2016 14.17 by sarah

Currently using enstilar foam my doctor says I can only use it for 6 weeks why? They finally give you something that works then say you Carnt have it .

Posted Tue 16 Aug 2016 18.28 by KathrynnAnn

I've not read the entire post sorry if somebody's already said this but I managed to get it prescribed by a dermatologist on the nhs just 2 weeks ago on the 1st August. Actually seeing my gp shortly hoping to get some more cause I'm running low, it seems to be working well! Hope you manage to get it prescribed

Posted Sat 20 Aug 2016 15.47 by Gopher680 (edited Sat 20 Aug 2016 15.53 by Gopher680)

Hi people I am an extremely happy person at the moment into my second week with this foam and the transformation to say the least is astounding, my arms are almost clear just a little bit red, my legs and back, which were by far the worst are looking really good, cannot wait for my holidays now, shorts on without all the people staring, I have two weeks left of the treatment so will keep you all up to date. I really hope this works for everyone

2 Posted Mon 22 Aug 2016 18.08 by adamc

Update on my use of ensilar, wow this treatment is awesome cleared it all up just got white patches pretty much cleared it in two weeks working away at the moment and for the first time in years I put my shorts and t shirt on and visited the gym what a difference not being self conscious makes to your mental health hope it works for everybody else

Posted Fri 26 Aug 2016 22.09 by Pauline

I've suffered with this condition for 43 years, tried almost every cream and ointment there is. I am currently day 3 of using ensilar and can see a big difference already. To be honest, it's very greasy and doesn't seem to soak into the skin but I think that's a small price to pay if it works. I would urge anyone to give this new treatment a try. By the way I got this on prescription from my GP in Leeds 😊

Posted Sat 27 Aug 2016 00.35 by Gopher680

Well 3rd week of this wonder foam what can I say NOT GREASY JUST AMAZING working for me love it

Posted Wed 31 Aug 2016 16.04 by tonyshepp

2nd Week in and all my flakes have gone, skin is now slightly pink in those areas. Ive got mine from a doctors in Chesterfield. I was using the Dovobet ointment before with no success.

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