Enstilar foam

Posted Wed 31 Aug 2016 20.30 by adamc

Anybody got any info on the typical remission period with enstiar

Posted Wed 31 Aug 2016 23.00 by Priyap

week one of using enstilar and am extremely happy, for the first time in 9 years i have smooth skin, i actually feel excited that i might be able to wear a skirt/shorts or even take my 3 year old swimming! recommend this to everyone. Also it was a battle with my Gp to get this prescribed.

Posted Thu 1 Sep 2016 17.54 by Westie53

I also have been to the doctors about Enstilar & it seems it not available as yet

Posted Thu 1 Sep 2016 20.58 by Cambrinus
Sporadic scale psoriasis

Enstilar has been available now for weeks - if your GP says it isn't, s/he is trying to mask the fact that s/he does not want to prescribe it or is not allowed to do so.

1 Posted Mon 5 Sep 2016 11.52 by takemehomee

i live in Wales so scripts are free, could i ask my GP to give it me if I paid for it on private script etc if i get denied the usual way Cheers

2 Posted Thu 8 Sep 2016 09.23 by Michael7569

Had it prescribed twice and now docs said not allowed to prescribe it to anyone cos of cost.found something that works at last and they won't let me have it.

Posted Thu 8 Sep 2016 12.59 by adamc

Gutted for you mate, I'm coming to the end of first tin and a little worried will get the same treatment

Posted Thu 8 Sep 2016 15.14 by Michael7569

Doctor wanted to give me it but said he not allowed to prescribe it to anybody now

Posted Thu 8 Sep 2016 16.57 by adamc

Find it hard to believe that it can no longer be prescribed, probably another postcode lottery mate

Posted Thu 8 Sep 2016 21.01 by Macks

I asked my doctor to prescribe it last month. He said it cost the same as my usual treatment (about £30) so was happy to do so.. I have psoriasis on my knees, elbows and shins and have tried many treatments in the last 20 years with only limited success. After applying Enstilar once a day for a week it was 80% improved and after 3 weeks it has completely disappeared. I haven't applied any for a week and no signs of re occurrence. Fingers crossed.

Posted Sun 11 Sep 2016 21.35 by GregB
I have suffered with Psoriasis permanently for over 30 years

No problem getting Enstilar from my GP. Currently 3/4 of the way through one can. I've been using Dovobet Ointment on an off for years. I have to say Enstilar is absolutely amazing it has completely cleared my arms in just 2 weeks, there is no trace whatsoever of any dryness or psoriasis on my arms now. After 30 years of permanent psoriasis on my arms at varying degrees of severity nothing has cleared it up completely (except for Narrowband UVB briefly) it is almost like a miracle cure finally although I'm interested to see if or how quickly it returns.

1 Posted Thu 15 Sep 2016 09.38 by Ivyg

It is available as I have had it. It worked really well as soon as I tried it. It was truly amazing however you could only use it for 4 weeks and gp refused to give any more. Now my psoriasis is back worse than ever before and no matter what I apply to my skin it is doing now good what so ever

Posted Thu 15 Sep 2016 19.03 by Pegs

I'm 10 days in to using Enstilar and can not believe the results. My legs and elbows are soft and smooth, not something I've been able to experience in 30 years. I'm amazed. The flaky dry patches have gone, left with redness where it was but this is fading every day. It's the first time I've been excited about a skin treatment! My doc gave me a months supply of 1 can per week and put it on repeat. At this rate I may not need the repeat! Loving it!

Posted Thu 15 Sep 2016 20.20 by Westie53

Have finally been prescribed Enstilar have to say the results of using this are amazing clear skin for the 1st time in a long while

Posted Thu 15 Sep 2016 21.15 by walker12

I've been using mine for nearly 4 weeks now and my skin is very smooth, I still have the redness. Is it worth continuing the treatment with Enstillar

Posted Tue 20 Sep 2016 05.42 by Nana heidi
I have had the problem for 62yrs, these day s it is mostly the arthritic symptoms that bother me and facial Ps.

Hi! Fascinating discussion, is Enstillar suitable for facial psoriasis?

Posted Thu 22 Sep 2016 20.50 by Pegs (edited Thu 22 Sep 2016 20.51 by Pegs)

The information sheet with the foam says to avoid the face as the area is much more sensitive to steroids. I would discuss it with your gp or skin specialist though, they may think it's OK in moderation? I'm now 2 1/2 weeks in and some patches on my body gave completely disappeared. The tougher areas on my legs and elbows are smooth and redness is now fading. I'm off on holiday in 3 weeks and can't wait to be able to walk about in shorts and t shirt without feeling self conscious. So far so good, this foam may just have changed my life!

Posted Thu 22 Sep 2016 20.58 by Pegs

I would love to hear from anyone further along in their treatment than me please. Does the psoriasis reappear if you stop using the foam?

Posted Sun 25 Sep 2016 10.19 by Peter W (edited Sun 25 Sep 2016 10.20 by Peter W)
Plaque psoriasis (on and off) since mid 1970s

Recently started on Enstilar, and it seems very good. The clinical trials show about 55% success vs about 43% for Dovobet ointment (I can post a link to the scientific paper if anyone's interested). So, not enormously better, overall, but really significant if you're one of the people for whom it works. Also, I find it much easier to apply, and the spray is quite soothing. I've also had difficulty getting it prescribed (on cost grounds). This is not helped by the Dematology outpatients saying I should use it, but insisting that the GP prescribes it, rather than prescribing themselves. The cost then goes on the GP budget, and not the hospital, of course. This seems a bit strange, as Enstilar is actually the same cost as Dovobet ointment (£39.68 for 60g). [MIMS online].

2 Posted Sun 25 Sep 2016 22.11 by sarah

I have had 2 cans of enstilar and it cleared all of my psoriasis then doctor gave me calciptriol ointment all my psoriasis is back with avengence

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