Enstilar foam

Posted Mon 3 Oct 2016 23.52 by Vivgreen80

Hi everyone I've just found this website/forum after doing a Google search for enstilar. Had appt with dermatologist and have had it prescribed. Can I ask how it is working for everyone now please? Thank you

Posted Tue 4 Oct 2016 07.47 by Pegs

Hi Vivgreen8o. I'm into my 4th week and still amazed by the results. Having suffered with psoriasis for almost 30 years I was cynical. However, my psoriasis is almost gone. No red raised scaly patches at all. Pink patches where the most problematic psoriasis was but this is fading. I'm using on average a can a week. I'm hoping there's a repeat prescription at my surgery to collect this week. I've been taking pics weekly to show the improvement incase doc tries to stop the treatment. Good luck and let us know how you get on with it. I've found spraying it on areas and leaving for a few minutes before rubbing it in helps with application.

Posted Tue 4 Oct 2016 22.15 by Vivgreen80

Hi Pegs, thank you for your reply. Day 2 for me and already my patches are turning a pale pink rather than looking angry. I'm pretty excited about the next few weeks. I emailed my GP today and he has prescribed me a second can already so, so far so good. My only issue with it is that it is soooo greasy, even more so than the Dovobet gel I was using. My dermatologist said it was non greasy and absorbed much more quickly and efficiently. I don't find this at all. I am still a bit greasy now and I put the foam on 9.5 hours ago. The loo is the worst, I'm having to spray and wipe the seat every time I sit on it, as I have pso on the back of my thighs so I leave the loo seat like an oil pan lol! (tmi probably lol) But it is a much thicker grease than the Dovobet. I've read people say it's not greasy at all, I don't understand it lol.

Posted Wed 5 Oct 2016 09.59 by harmonica123

After 15 years of sufferingI got Enstilar prescribed 10 weeks ago although the doctor said it was the same as Dovobet. I used it once a day on the back of my scalp for one week, and it cleared up completely. No itching, placques, scurf or redness ! I went on holiday after one week and purposely didn't take it with me so see what would happen. Nothing! Ten weeks later I've not used it again, and all the symptoms have disappeared completely. I checked with my pharmacist that it was on the list of prescribed medicines before going to the doctor, but it wasn't necessary to argue my case. Hope it works for you.

Posted Wed 5 Oct 2016 14.02 by Toodlesoodles

This stuff sounds really interesting. Going to enquire about it when I see my dermatologist this month. I suffer from very mild psoriasis but have a bigger, stubborn patch on the side of my left leg that I just want gone. Had it for 2 years and nothing seems to work on it. Dovobet faded it a little but then I got raised sensitive to the touch spots appear in the patch and also folliculitis. Really hope I can get my hands on some of this!

Posted Wed 5 Oct 2016 15.45 by Vivgreen80

Wow harmonica, that's fantastic results. I have had psoriasis for as long as I can remember, twice I have gone into complete remission, it just cleared on its own. I had almost a year free each time but then ended up with strep throat and both times it came back worse than before. My arms and legs are covered, have a few random patches on my sides and a couple of tiny patches on my back. I've spent all summer in trousers, I didn't want to go abroad as no way I would have my legs on show. My arms I occasionally do have uncovered but they are so bad I get stared at :/ The thought of being psoriasis free again has already improved my general well being. As well as prescribing me enstilar I have also been referred for photo light treatment and been given an info sheet on methotrexate. The enstilar was just meant to provide some relief while I waited for referral but from reading this thread I am hopeful I may not need the other treatments. Fingers crossed.

Posted Wed 5 Oct 2016 17.40 by Pegs

Hi Vivgreen8o, I also found it greasy when I first started using it but think I was being a bit over generous with the amount I was applying! I also found that short bursts of spray give better coverage for me. Also leaving it for a fee minutes before rubbing it in. I go over my whole body applying the foam then start to work it in to my skin, massaging it in as much as I can. It does leave a light greasy sheen but certainly not excessive. I hope the advice helps and you continue to see positive results. I'm off to Turkey next week, can't wait to get my legs out in the sun! I've stocked up on high factor suncream, expecting to be sensitive to the sun.

Posted Wed 5 Oct 2016 17.46 by Banker

I too went to my GP after seeing the article in the daily mail.He had never heard of it but went on his PC and confirmed it was available but as far as he was concerned was dovobet.However I persuaded him to give me a prescription.After just 4 days my legs were greatly improved and after 2 weeks they were virtually clear.It is now 6 weeks since I stopped using and my legs remain virtually clear with no itching or flaking.My GP could not believe it when I returned after 4weeks.I have been suffering for 10 years with my legs in a hell of a mess for last 2.All I use now is an emollient once a day.

Posted Wed 5 Oct 2016 19.23 by Cambrinus
Sporadic scale psoriasis

Two points: Could anyone using the forum let us know which health authority you are with - that way, we can find out who's prescribing Enstilar and who isn't. Although they have essentially the same ingredients, everyone is finding Enstilar much more effective than Dovobet - can we have a doctor tell us why this might be the case?

Posted Wed 5 Oct 2016 19.29 by Banker

Good points.I am in Hywel Dda Health Authority West Wales. No idea why it works but for me it does and after what I have been through it is fantastic

Posted Wed 5 Oct 2016 20.34 by Vivgreen80

Ahhh. I will try using less then and wait before rubbing in, thank you for the advice. In reply to my area, i'm in Milton Keynes.

Posted Wed 5 Oct 2016 22.23 by walker12

I'm in LEEDS West Clinical Commissioning group and no problem getting my GP to issue a prescription. Used it for about 4 weeks on patches on my knees and no sign of psoriasis returning.

Posted Thu 6 Oct 2016 12.08 by Pegs

I'm in Herefordshire, whilst doc was reluctant to prescribe I managed to persuade her!

Posted Thu 6 Oct 2016 12.40 by JamesM

I've visited my GP in SW London who won't prescribe it. Was referred to St George's dermatology and whilst the dermatologist knew of Enstilar and its benefits he told me it wasn't allowed to be prescribed by his Health Association. He told me to get referred to Kingston hospital as they do prescribe it. Annoyingly he wouldn't refer me to Kingston so I went back to my GP who refused to refer me there too. So now I'm stuck with Dovobet which I've used for years without ever clearing up my psoriasis.

Posted Thu 6 Oct 2016 12.47 by Banker

That's truly disappointing. My GP would not prescribe to begin with have you taken a print of the letters confirming the excellent results and taken them to him. Otherwise have you contacted your health Board to see why they are not prepared to prescribe. If we were able to I would attach photos of my legs before and after as proof of its effectiveness.

Posted Thu 6 Oct 2016 13.04 by Priyap

Hi JamesM im in worcester park my gp prescribed this to me. However i used to work in a gp surgery in wimbledon which is wandsworth ccg and i know they have also been prescribing there.

Posted Thu 6 Oct 2016 16.17 by JamesM

Thanks for your replies Banker and Priyap. I'm going to email Wandsworth ccg and see what response I get. My GP was adamant they weren't allowed to prescribe me it and the dermatologist at St Georges said they weren't allowed to also. He also told me that some trial cans had been delivered to the hospital but they had been confiscated before the dermatology department could get their hands on them. It does seem to me that it's all about budget between surgeries and hospitals as neither wants the cost, which is ridiculous as it is the same price a current ointments and could clear up a condition I've had for over 20 years,resulting in me not needing further treatment if it proves as successful for me as it has for many other people on this forum.

Posted Thu 6 Oct 2016 17.11 by hellsplym

I live in Plymouth in Devon and I wrote to my gp to request a prescription for enstilar, I picked it up the next day and have been using it now for two day's. I will keep you posted on how it works.

Posted Thu 6 Oct 2016 19.22 by Pegs

I'm in Herefordshire and just picked up my repeat prescription of Enstilar, I had 4 cans a month ago but had explained to my gp that a can only lasts about a week. They have obviously listened to me as I have another 4 cans this month. So relieved!

Posted Thu 6 Oct 2016 22.07 by Vivgreen80

https://vimeo.com/153087693 I found this. Explains why enstilar works better than other treatments

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