Enstilar foam

Posted Fri 7 Oct 2016 06.44 by Cambrinus
Sporadic scale psoriasis

Thank you very much indeed, Vivgreen80. This is precisely why all of us are reporting such improvement! It also shows up the relatively primitive nature of stuff like Dovobet, which nevertheless costs the health authorities nearly as much as Enstilar. A good argument to take to your GP, everyone.

Posted Fri 7 Oct 2016 09.35 by Toodlesoodles

Got an appointment with my dermatologist in early November so I am going to ask about this. Surely with all the positive responses this is getting it's just a matter of time before it's prescribed everywhere? It's down right cruel to withhold it from people suffering from this debilitating condition.

Posted Fri 7 Oct 2016 14.01 by Carole

Hi, I have been using Enstilar since 4th Aug, My GP was doubtful at first but I managed to persuade her with the Daily Mail info, as nothing was clearing it at all from my hands and feet. I was instructed to use for 4 weeks only then 2 weeks free which I have done, I am finally seeing a vast improvement, less red, less itchy and not so much build up of skin. As for being greasy, i find that if you shake the can very very well the spray is not so greasy, I leave it for about 5min before gently smoothing it in. Down side is, during the two free weeks it does come back with avengence, however the positive is that I now have two weeks or so that it isnt as sore, red and flaky. Good luck to those of you trying to get it prescribed.

Posted Sun 16 Oct 2016 17.53 by sjp123

I must be lucky ordered my usual prescription for Dobovet and my G P gave me Enstilar. Been using it 4 days scales have gone spots are bright red. I have guttate psoriasis. Will keep you informed

Posted Sun 16 Oct 2016 18.19 by Peter W
Plaque psoriasis (on and off) since mid 1970s

Update: Been using Enstilar for 3-4 weeks now, and finding it fantastic, in most places. Has virtually cleared very scaly plaques from elbows (about 8cm diameter) and skin there is almost normal. Previous HUGE patch on calf now has no plaques, but still very red. Strangely has not a huge effect on my hands, despite them also being exposed to the sun. Pharmacist at Boots was outraged at GPs reluctance to prescribe. I ran out on holiday (because they wouldn't prescribe the amount I wanted "on cost grounds"), but have reissued it now that I'm back. (Norwich/Norfolk area).

Posted Sun 16 Oct 2016 20.49 by sjp123

I like Peggs am in Herefordshire

Posted Mon 17 Oct 2016 19.22 by gain117

Is any one getting ensilar from Dorset. I've just been to my doc and he says he cant give it to me coz its not on his list. Ta

Posted Thu 20 Oct 2016 21.23 by Angelalewis54

Got Enstilar foam today .heres hoping it help s .

Posted Fri 21 Oct 2016 16.57 by Loretta Gold

I did not know much about Enstilar but I found good information here: https://www.seenso.com/index.php?dbname=Rose&st=psoriasis+enstilar. Especially the article from BioSpace provides some interesting details.

Posted Fri 21 Oct 2016 18.41 by Peter W
Plaque psoriasis (on and off) since mid 1970s

Thanks for that link, Loretta, Some interesting stuff there. I've seen a good little video from the manufacturer, explaining how it works. In a nutshell, they say that the actives you find in Dovobet (the same ones in Enstilar) are partially in the form of crystals, which are not absorbed well. In Enstilar, the actives are made soluble by the propellant (butane). When the butane evaporates, the actives remain in a super-saturated solution, and can therefore be absorbed better. Very clever! So, if GPs tell you it's the same as Dovobet, you can explain to them why it's not!

Posted Fri 21 Oct 2016 20.42 by Meany1972

Firstly, hello everyone I'm new here. I have just been to my GP in Macclesfield as suffering from bronchitis, when listening to my back the GP said oh I see you have Psoriosis, what do you use? I said I've had it 25 years ( new doctor ) I used and tried everything but I tend to mix n match Davinex and Davobet he asked if I had heard of enstilar I said no but the treatment I use keeps it flat and I have concluded that it will never go so under control is what I have settled for, basically fobbing him off. He then got leaflets out and showed me how much of a supposed break through this new treatment is then he had my interest. He asked would I like to try it? I said of course he said it is the same price as dovobet it is made by the same company and they are actually recommending GP,s to recommend their patients to make the change and try it. Basically cost is the same it a 1 application per day for a month then nothing then see what happens. I was more excited about this than the antibiotics to stop my chest infection. He prescribed me a tin just as I showed him a large patch on my leg and said I go through quite a lot of cream he then upped my prescription to 2 tins which he has put me in a repeat so I urge all of you that are having trouble don't take no for an answer go loaded with the facts and the costs and get this treatment, if it works as good as some people are saying it's a game changer 👍 Good luck. I will report back to let you know how I'm finding it.

Posted Sun 23 Oct 2016 17.12 by sjp123

Hello everyone I'm on day 8 of Enstilar. I am beginning to see a change. I have guttate p and my legs are always the hardest to clear. I have read the posts and was a bit sceptical for me but I can see that the scales have gone and the p has gone from blood red to pink. I actually HATE looking at it. I always put a dim light on when I shower. After all these years I still can't bear looking at it. Does anyone else feel the same

Posted Mon 24 Oct 2016 07.07 by Julieh

I went to my doctors and advised her that I had read about this new treatment and she wasn't even aware of it.....even though she runs the skin clinic at our doctors. Anyway, I was given the treatment and it has worked amazingly well and my skin is now smooth for the first time in years and I feel so much more confident! Even been out in a dress recently! However, because I've stopped applying it every day, it's started to come back and I'm gutted. Anyone else found this?

Posted Mon 24 Oct 2016 11.03 by RosetaStone

Had Psoriasis for 5 years, onset at 41, No hereditary background. I have tried Enstilar for 2 weeks now . The results are astonishing. The plaque psoriasis on lower legs, knees and elbows has been cleared completely. It was prescribed by GP and not the dermatologists. Skin is clear non-red and no pustules. Previously I was on Acitretin and phototherapy. I refused Metho. treatment. I am clear for now and will try it on scalp patches. Give Enstilar a try- bed time application -shake-spray-rub

Posted Mon 24 Oct 2016 18.11 by Peter W
Plaque psoriasis (on and off) since mid 1970s

@RosetaStone: That's great news. Hope it keeps working for you. Would be good to hear if it comes back when you stop.

Posted Mon 24 Oct 2016 22.35 by Banker

Hi Peter W.I have been suffering for 10 years.The last 5 in agony after scratching.After 4 weeks my legs are clear and have remained that way for the last 10 weeks.

Posted Tue 25 Oct 2016 07.48 by Peter W
Plaque psoriasis (on and off) since mid 1970s

@Banker: That's great to hear. Mine flared up last December, probably linked to a very stressful year, all over my back and legs. Also, for the first time, on my fingers and palms of my hands. For me, the worst bit was scratching it in my sleep, and waking to find the sheets covered in blood spots. Not nice. Enstilar has virtually cleared my legs now, but back and hands still bad - back is mainly because I can't easy apply Enstilar there. Sill waiting for a phototherapy course after 23 weeks from referral. Glad to hear your P hasn't returned.

Posted Tue 25 Oct 2016 14.11 by Carole

Hi Folks, Im 12 weeks on from first application of Enstilar, (small break in between) Deffo seeing results, I have P on Hands and Feet, have had Phototherapy, UVB, PUVA Acetretin, Topicals, Was prescribed Methotrexate but avoided the course and was dropped by my hospital. Past trends for treatment have been improvement for a week or so but quickly reverting back to bad P once skin gets used to new med. Enstilar though really does seem to be working and skin less red and itchy with smooth patches for the first time in years.

Posted Wed 26 Oct 2016 09.51 by gingermonkey
For several years...drives me mad but won't bring me down.

Peter W, having had similar flares I understand all too well. At this time of year I have two or three 45 min baths a week with a combo of dead sea salt and magnesium flakes and a good exfoliate, purely to keep the plaques down and stop the itch. It works for me every time. No cure that's for certain, but it takes skin down to smooth which is a win as far as I am concerned. Still trying for enstilar, apparently not available yet in my area....

Posted Wed 26 Oct 2016 16.48 by gingermonkey
For several years...drives me mad but won't bring me down.

Update, I saw a different doc this aft and have a script for Enstilar now. He was however of the view that enstilar is identical to dovobet, just a different method of deploy/application (foam). He also added that he hopes it works better for me, but to bear in mind that he understands that the patent for dovobet (as was) has recently expired and it may be likely that the pharma co are merely finding a way to patent a new method of delivering the same product but in a different form. I said as long as my clothes don't stick to it - I don't care!!

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