Enstilar foam

Posted Wed 26 Oct 2016 18.23 by Peter W
Plaque psoriasis (on and off) since mid 1970s

Hi GingerMonkey (!), Really glad you've managed to get a script for Enstilar. You might not have seen my earlier posts. Your GP is right that Enstilar contains the same active ingredients as Dovobet, and has a different method of application. The method of application means it is much better absorbed. I've seen a good little video from the manufacturer, explaining how it works. In a nutshell, they say that the actives you find in Dovobet (the same ones in Enstilar) are partially in the form of crystals, which are not absorbed well. In Enstilar, the actives are made soluble by the propellant (butane). When the butane evaporates, the actives remain in a super-saturated solution, and can therefore be absorbed better. The clinical trials show about 55% success vs about 43% for Dovobet ointment (I can post a link to the scientific paper if anyone's interested). So, not enormously better, overall, but really significant if you're one of the people for whom it works. You GP's also not right about the patent situation. Dovobet is covered by two patents, and the second of them doesn't expire until 27 January 2020. Maybe a bit longer if they they have obtained what's called a Supplementary Protection Certificate. The Enstilar Patent won't expire until 10 June 2031. Good luck with the treatment, and thanks for the tip about the bath regime - I might try it out. In the meantime, though, I heard today that my phototherapy starts next week - yay!

Posted Mon 31 Oct 2016 09.26 by Alvy

Have just started using Enstilar foam. It should be used for 4weeks,how long must I wait before starting again?

Posted Mon 31 Oct 2016 17.28 by Peter W
Plaque psoriasis (on and off) since mid 1970s

Hi Alvy, I have the same question - I don't know. I suggest you talk to your GP or dermatologist. I'm about to start phototherapy, so need to stop Enstilar during that. I'll ask the dermatologist when I see them though.

Posted Mon 31 Oct 2016 18.12 by sjp123

I'm afraid the Enstilar is not working for me. I thought it was but taking a reality check it's not so back on Dovobet

Posted Mon 31 Oct 2016 18.21 by Peter W
Plaque psoriasis (on and off) since mid 1970s

Hi sjp123, Sorry to hear that. The clinical trials were on plaque psoriasis, and you said you have guttate. I don't know whether the same treatments are usually used. I'm a bit surprised to hear you are back on Dovobet, as its the same active ingredients as Enstilar, but just in a different carrier, which seems to be less effective than Enstilar. And haven't you only been on Enstilar for a couple of weeks? Was that a GP recommendation, or a dermatologist?

Posted Mon 31 Oct 2016 18.28 by sjp123

Hi Peter my GP just gave it to me I knew nothing about it until I joined this group I will be guided by you and persevere I just read alot of the messages where people said they were having quick results. Thank you for replying. Enjoy your evening

Posted Mon 31 Oct 2016 18.35 by Peter W
Plaque psoriasis (on and off) since mid 1970s

Hi, At the end of the day, you need to be guided by your GP or dermatologist. I am neither, although I do read a lot about the treatments. However, don't be afraid of asking your GP why they are doing something (e.g. asking why you're back on Dovobet when it's the same active ingredients) - many of them are not very experienced with dermatology, and it might prompt them to refer you for some more specialised treatment. Have a good evening yourself!

Posted Mon 31 Oct 2016 19.57 by walker12

I must be lucky in Leeds that my nominated GP issued a script without seeing me. I had emailed the news item about Enstillar. It has proved very effective

Posted Mon 31 Oct 2016 20.40 by adamc

Hi sjp123 If you first got guttate psoriasis after streptococcus infection you need a course of antibiotics to get rid of the bacteria, any treatment you will use will have little effect on guttate if you still have the bacteria lingering in your system. Hope this helps and good luck

Posted Tue 1 Nov 2016 09.54 by Joanne McMillan

I am going to the docs on Friday and will be asking for Enstillar, glad I joined this group.

Posted Tue 1 Nov 2016 19.13 by Jake

I've been rubbing dovobet and all sorts of ointments for years with mixed results. I went to my GP and asked for Enstilar and presto.....after only 4 days I saw results and after 2 weeks big difference. To aid the process I went on holiday to Sicily where I spent hours in the salt water sea and refrained from alcohol. It's all vanished!!!!!!! For those of you who are on blood pressure meds like Ramipril or ace inhibitors and beta blockers, I found they are huge contributor to flare ups and expansion across the body. I have stopped taking them as well. I feel so completely confident now and go to the gym in shorts and t shirt and strut my stuff like I haven't in 10 years!! Thank you Enstilar and NHS. BTW in USA it costs 4000 a month...so for those who are complaining about 39 quid a month thank God we live here....and yes I pay taxes here :)

Posted Tue 1 Nov 2016 20.38 by RosetaStone

I have been on Enstilar from 24 Oct now. I am nearly 100% clear. The skin is reddish but no pustules and no scales. This is a 4 week trial. I am confident and roll my sleeves at work without inhibitions. Dovobet was depressing and it did not descale in my specific case. All the best.

Posted Tue 8 Nov 2016 17.43 by Toodlesoodles

Just been prescribed Enstilar by my dermatologist but couldn't find any chemist within a 15 mile radius that stock it so had to have it ordered in and will receive it tomorrow. Really looking forward to seeing what it can do for my very mild psoriasis. Just hope isn't a disappointment. Any updates from those that Enstilar has worked well for? Some said the patches they used it never came back.. Is that still the case?

Posted Tue 8 Nov 2016 21.19 by Banker

After 4 weeks taking enstillar legs have been clear now for 10 weeks.

Posted Tue 8 Nov 2016 23.16 by moneypenny

Im new on here but just been prescribed this foam by my dermatologist, cant wait to pick it up and give it a try after reading through these comments, ive tried ciclosporin which cleared me completely after 3 months but returned around a month after treatment was stopped 🙁 now im 6 months into a course of fumaderm which is working slowly but im hoping enstillar will help clear it up.

Posted Wed 9 Nov 2016 11.58 by Jake

My GP wrote prescription as soon as I described Enstilar to her, no problems so I'm sorry to hear some of you out there aren't having much luck with your GPs. One person mentioned the 4 day supply. Mine has lasted about a month and got another one no problem. The guidelines say that if you use the maximum safe amount per day then the canister runs out after 4 days, but it should last you at least 3 weeks if not more. use it sparingly and it works fine. So glad they came out with this. There is a pill that FDA has approved which heals completely but UK is about the only country that does not make this available. Anyway, good that more & more options for treatment coming out.

Posted Wed 9 Nov 2016 17.23 by Dawnadamson1984
32 years old and suffered with psoriasis since sitting my exams in school

Hi there, I have been using instellar foam for the last 3 weeks. I get it through my dermatologist though. As far as I'm aware (according to my gp) they can't prescribe unless a prescription request is put through from dermatologist. Hope this help. Within 2 weeks my skin is fantastic and I'm not living a double life as a slimy slug anymore haha

Posted Wed 9 Nov 2016 17.41 by Peter W
Plaque psoriasis (on and off) since mid 1970s

@jake - Agree with the 4-day "warning" to prevent overdose, but it can run out that quickly if you have a lot of skin area to treat. @Dawnadamson1984 - I've not heard that before, and I think quite a lot of people commenting on this thread have got it directly from their GP. Maybe it's variable across different regions.

Posted Thu 10 Nov 2016 10.55 by gtom

Doctor has agreed to give this a trial after firstly saying no. Fingers crossed, any advice on when best time to apply, after shower, bed time etc.

Posted Thu 10 Nov 2016 16.26 by adamc

Gtom, I tend to put it on about 20 mins after shower and hr before bed evening only, now I'm on my 4th can I apply every other day and when its clear leave it for upto a week

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