Enstilar foam

Posted Fri 11 Nov 2016 21.40 by gingermonkey
For several years...drives me mad but won't bring me down.

1 week in and the foam has made a great difference. If you are hesitating or putting off getting a script - don't. Give it a go but be strict with applying it every day. I don't think you need to put too much on tbh, but bloody hell it's cold...

Posted Sat 12 Nov 2016 15.24 by Jason M

Hi all I have just got this on a script today from my GP. Hot off the press this is now classed as a green drug and can be prescribed by the GP. Used it for the first time and the application is easy no rubbing in. Early days but fingers crossed. Cheers Jason

Posted Wed 16 Nov 2016 18.36 by VickyH

I went to gp yesterday in Poole, Dorset. Dr had not heard of this treatment, made him google it. After persuading him to give it to me, as his view was it's the same as dovobet, I got my prescription for 120g. Just put it on, blimey was it cold. Very weird texture - I will give anything ago. So easy to apply!

Posted Wed 16 Nov 2016 18.40 by Cambrinus
Sporadic scale psoriasis

If it's cold, spray it onto your palm, leave it for a short while, then rub it in, completely; that's the secret.

Posted Wed 16 Nov 2016 18.51 by Peter W
Plaque psoriasis (on and off) since mid 1970s

To anyone having the same issues as VickyH and many others in this Forum discussion, trying to persuade a GP to prescribe Enstilar: If your GP says "but it's the same as Dovobet", please remind them that even though it has the same active ingredients as Dovabet, the carrier is different and it makes the drugs better absorbed. The cost is also the same. Disclosure: I am not medically qualified, and have no links to Leo Pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer of both Dovobet and Enstilar. I am, however, scientifically qualified, and have read the clinical trial results testing Dovobet against Enstilar.

Posted Wed 16 Nov 2016 19.31 by Pegs

I've been really lucky with my GP, currently got it on repeat prescription, 3 cans every 4 weeks which is plenty. I used it daily at first until my skin was smooth, then had 2 weeks break including a week in sunny Turkey where I was happy to get my legs out and enjoy the sun. Since then I have noticed small patches reappear so using it about every other day to keep it at bay.

Posted Thu 17 Nov 2016 11.00 by gtom

One week in and things are going great. Itching has completely stopped, rash has faded - this has really made such a large improvement. Back to the doc's early Dec. and see where we go from here. As the saying goes "I'm over the moon"

Posted Thu 17 Nov 2016 11.55 by Toodlesoodles

Been using Enstilar 8 weeks and have been a little hesitant to say anything in case I jinx it but my word, Enstilar is fantastic. It's worked on all the patches I've applied it to but most importantly it's working on the largest patch of psoriasis I have on my lower left leg. Dovobet didn't really do anything to this patch but Enstilar is clearing it up. No scaling, very flat and smooth and the pinkness is fading every day. Won't be long until this is being prescribed everywhere I imagine.

Posted Thu 17 Nov 2016 12.12 by Alvy

Hi glad to hear of your success with Enstilar. I see you have been using it for 8 was, is this without a break, as I was told 4wks then have a break?

Posted Thu 17 Nov 2016 14.11 by Toodlesoodles

Sorry that was a typo. 8 DAYS I've been using it. Yeah I was told to use it for a month (4 weeks). Not sure what I'm to do after that but I'll probably cut it down to every other day for the week following and then only at weekends after that.

Posted Thu 17 Nov 2016 16.52 by Carole

@toodlesoodles Glad to hear you are having success with Enstilar, Seems Doctors have different ideas,I'm a little confused as my GP has now told me to use it for 2 months without a break???? Has anyone else been told this please|?

Posted Fri 18 Nov 2016 18.04 by moneypenny

Ive been using Enstilar for 3 days and i cant believe how great it is, the lighter areas are almost gone and the bigger tougher areas are also clearing better than any other cream has done before, hope it carrys on and i dont have a rebound, i noticed a comment saying that it came back worse than ever so im a little worried about that.

Posted Sun 20 Nov 2016 21.39 by Pat
Hi my name is Pat and I have suffered psoriasis on and off for 30 years and at the moment I have it under control with the help of Dr Lewis

Hi I'm from Wolverhampton but attend the QE Hospital in Birmingham under Dr Lewis for my psoriasis. 3 weeks ago Dr Lewis told me about the foam and suggested I try it as I wasn't having a great deal to of success with the recent tablets I've tried. My legs, with no other medication are surprising clear almost to the point of no psoriasis showing at all which I'm thrilled with. No quibbles, complaints or mention of price from Dr Lewis as she suggested it as it was getting good result. She and the other doctors here have been very helpful throughout my treatment. She gave me a prescription to take to my doctor and again nothing said about costs. IMOP I would recommend this to anyone as it has been superb for me and hope you all get a shot at it. Pat

Posted Tue 22 Nov 2016 21.38 by Gopher680

Been to my dermotologist this week and would not prescribe this lucky my GP is the best in the world got it on repeat no problem at all

Posted Thu 24 Nov 2016 17.19 by scarletsmummy

the dermatologist prescribed this for me 2 months ago and advised me to use it for a month ( as its a steroid) I used for a month and My skin is almost clear , the can does not last long so if you have to pay for prescriptions ensure the doctor puts more than one on a form. I am now down to using it just once a week on the tiny patches i have left on my body .You can also use this on your scalp i did try it but as my hair is quite thick it had little or no effect . I would highly recommend for the skin though , good luck with it . Jean

Posted Fri 25 Nov 2016 13.43 by frinchh

Hi, I have psoriasis for about 15 years. I am writing from Turkey. Can I bring it without a prescription? Would your help ?

Posted Fri 25 Nov 2016 17.54 by Peter W
Plaque psoriasis (on and off) since mid 1970s

Hi "Frinchh". Enstilar is a Prescription-only medicine, I'm afraid. So you would need to have a doctor prescribe it for you. Is it not available in Turkey?

Posted Mon 28 Nov 2016 13.22 by Sue L.

I was prescribed Enstilar by the consultant dermatologist 2 weeks ago. When collecting the prescription from the chemist I found Dovobet in the bag. I queried this with the pharmacist who told me "we don't have Enstilar, Dovobet is the same" - which of course it isn't. I was very annoyed. I phoned the consultant's office and a new prescription was made out which I took to another chemist in town who I was told would have the Enstilar. They did. But the point being the first pharmacist was totally out of order making a substitution, just because it wasn't on his approved list. So I guess not all dispensaries can obtain Enstilar. However, my comments on using it are that I find it very greasy and the spray can wasteful. To reduce "spray waste" I spray it into a lidded plastic container (over the bath) and use sparingly from there. I have so far found that some of my ps patches are starting to show signs of clearing but it's not making any difference on others. My biggest problem is ps on my scalp, which is practically all over it and drives me insane with the itching and of course the scurf that falls everywhere. I haven't used the Enstilar on my scalp yet as, previously mentioned, it's very greasy and I'm worried it will be a nightmare to shampoo out. I'm also cautious about using steroids on my head! Has anyone got any experience of scalp use? Combined with the fact that I am also now on Acitretin, which has a possible side effect of hair loss, I'm reluctant to use anything that might aide and abet this downside. I've had ps for 33 years and have applied every known substance to man on it!! Trust me, even stuff you wouldn't believe. Earlier this year I was prescribed light therapy treatment which was hugely successful, so much so that I actually wore skirts with bare legs for at least 3 months. That is the first time in decades that I have eve been able to do that. It was pure joy. And was even more joyous when a stranger in the street passed by and said "nice legs". Huh, who'd have thought it, at 63. Unfortunately, you can't stay on LT continuously because.......guess what.....you could get skin cancer. I know that ps is not life threatening......crikey I've been told that enough times, but when you get so depressed about it then I think it most certainly could be life threatening and should be considered hugely when seeing GP's and consultants. It's very debilitating.

Posted Mon 28 Nov 2016 15.10 by Busdriver

Does anyone know if Enstilor Foam is available in Canada? I was using Verdeso Foam but I was told that it is not being made anymore....

Posted Sat 3 Dec 2016 12.20 by Pil (edited Sat 3 Dec 2016 15.36 by Pil)

Have been on this for a month now and it's better than anything I have ever used. I also take methotrexate and folic acid and between them all its better than its been in about 20 years. Enstilar absorbs so much better than dovobet, is quicker and easier to apply and I noticed the difference literally from day one. Have just had a repeat prescription from the GP too so all good. To anyone having problems getting this prescribed, don't give up the fight. It may very well have the same active ingredients as dovobet but it definately works a lot better

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