Enstilar foam

Posted Fri 9 Dec 2016 18.58 by Oatcake

Sadly Enstilar hasn't had much effect on my psoriasis covered hands. I have been using it for 2 months now on the instruction of my consultant dermatologist and had high hopes in the beginning but they are as bad as ever and I am now having to stop using it for 2 months. Feeling fed up of being in constant pain :(

Posted Fri 9 Dec 2016 19.06 by sjp123

I am so sorry it isn't working for you. I did write saying it wasn't working for me but I was wrong it does work. I have had this vile skin disease off and on for 50 years. I haven't had it on my hands but have had it on my feet. I really hope you can find something that works for you

Posted Fri 9 Dec 2016 19.19 by Oatcake

Thankyou sjp123, I am at my wits end at the mo as nothing seems to be helping, it really is a vile disease. I am really pleased to hear you have had a good experience with it. I think another trip to the dermatologist is on the cards for me.

Posted Fri 9 Dec 2016 23.26 by Carole

Hi oatcake, I know exactly how you feel, I have been using Enstilar since End of Aug, I have P on hands and feet, severe, It is painful and sore and impossible to do basic tasks some days, The E starts to work for the first 2 weeks for me, then week 3 and 4 my skin gets raw and peels in sheets until I cant bare to put anything on it. Then it flares up with avengence. I have tried hundreds ( honestly) of ointments, creams, steroids, PUVA, Acetretin, Pro topics nothing clears it . At least I get a short window of near normality in the two weeks it works. I too am at my wits end, not knowing whether to continue and suffer the sore peels, My GP prescribes it regularly for me I am lucky there, but after 8 weeks I have to have a month free before starting again. Has any body else had similar results please?

Posted Sat 10 Dec 2016 00.09 by Oatcake

Hi Carole, sending you virtual hugs, I too struggle to do the most basic tasksas my hands hurt so much, I cant even hold my little boys hand as it hurts too much :(. I had a similar experience with the Enstilar, it seeming to work at first and then my skin gets worse again. I am considering buying a UVB lamp but am hesitant to spend £££ and then it not work. It is so difficult to know what will help. Maybe I should ask Santa for some new hands this christmas!

Posted Sat 10 Dec 2016 10.58 by Peter W
Plaque psoriasis (on and off) since mid 1970s

Hi Oatcake, I've had a lot of success with Enstilar, but I must admit the place where it hasn't really worked is on my hands - both on the palms and on my fingers. For a least temporary relief, I have had success with using Hydromol emollient (it's like lard!). I put it on my hands at night, and wear cotton gloves over the top (available from Boots)*. If I'm gardening, I do the same, and add a pair of gardening gloves on top as well. * beware of the warning on the Hydromol, that it's quite flammable, especially with cotton gloves, so don't get them near naked flames! Narrow-band UVB seems to be working on hands now (at the dermatology clinic).

Posted Sat 10 Dec 2016 13.48 by Carole

Thanks oatcake, and Peter, for the info, If its any help I have had NB UVB at the hospital for 10 weeks and it didnt improve my hands or feet, It left me with sun burn / tan to up to ankles and wrists, Epiderm ointment is my saviour when skin is cracked its like candle wax but does provide comfort, ditto re extremely flammable. I suppose its a trial and error thing to see what suits the individual.

Posted Tue 13 Dec 2016 13.18 by Launa UK

Hi everyone, sorry if this has already been asked and I have missed the reply but does anybody know if there is a version of Estilar for the scalp? I am currently prescribed Dovobet ointment but don't like using it all the time so would like to try an alternative if available? I also apply coconut oil overnight which gives me great relief but doesn't last as long as I'd like. Any advise would be welcome as the itching and flaking are embarrassing and driving me insane at the moment. Thanks

Posted Tue 13 Dec 2016 15.12 by Sue L.

Scalp psoriasis is the worst, as far as I'm concerned. I asked a similar question about Enstilar on the scalp in my (sorry, quite lengthy) post of 28 November, but have not seen a positive reply as yet. ANY kind of treatment applied to the scalp is a worry - too near my brain for comfort! But the oily applications are the pits. Psoriasis will only ever be cured by oral treatments as far as I'm concerned. What is on the outside is dead skin. The imbalance needs addressing from the inside. I am currently taking Acitretin but the side effects are alarming. What other options do we have?

Posted Tue 13 Dec 2016 16.23 by RosetaStone

I am using Enstilar for scalp pustules. It works and the scalp is clean after a week's use. I leave it overnight and it has worked. It did get very flaky and now its settled. all the best

Posted Tue 13 Dec 2016 18.37 by Peter W
Plaque psoriasis (on and off) since mid 1970s

Hi Sue, Hi Laura, My GP prescribed me a specially-formulated gel + applicator for use on the scalp. The active ingredients are the same as Dovobet, but it's not greasy, like the ointment is. It's not the same carrier as in Enstilar (which gives absorption benefits), but it's much easier to use than the ointment. You can see it here: http://www.imt.ie/mims/dovobet-gel-applicator-01-10-2015/ (It's available in the UK as well - I just couldn't find a good link!) Best wishes, Peter

Posted Wed 14 Dec 2016 09.15 by Launa UK

Hi there, Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. On my next doctors appointment I feel much more confident in discussing my needs and what is actually now available, rather than just getting fobbed off with the usual prescription. All your advise and knowledge is much appreciated. Kindest regards Launa

Posted Wed 14 Dec 2016 10.09 by Sue L.

Peter - thank you for your helpful reply. I have screen shot the page from the link you kindly provided and will take it to my GP to see if I can be prescribed this particular product. Very kind. Best regards, Sue

Posted Fri 16 Dec 2016 19.07 by Helen T

Hi there I'm new! I have just today picked up my prescription for Enstilar Foam. I've had psoriasis for over 14 years. It started about the size of a 10p on both elbows and stayed that way for a good while However, after 4yrs it was right down the back of my forearms, very fiery and bright red! Over the years it has spread to my wrists, knuckles and worst of all, over the back of my thighs, calves and ankles. I've even had it on the palm of my hands. My legs were the worst and I always wear trousers and find it very difficult on holiday. 3 weeks of sun and sea water really improves it however a humid climate doesn't and I tend to go somewhere more remote as I don't like showing my legs because of it! I have spent years using (or trying to use) Dobovet but I found it very difficult to apply and got sick of it mucking up the sheets and rubbing off on furniture etc. I changed Dr surgery a few years back and I find him great - he immediately referred me to a consultant who then referred me to the hospital for light treatment. This didn't really work and it really was time consuming going to the hospital 3 times a week - my employers were sympathetic but I doubt others would have been so good. After 3 sessions over 3 yrs I was then referred to the skin specialist at the hospital who prescribed me Fumaderm (unlicensed) of which the dosage is build up over 3 months, i.e. one a day, then 2 then 3. This has made a significant difference to my legs but side effects were pretty bad - diarrhoea, wind, terrible stomach cramps, hot red flushes, feeling of prickly heat, slight hair loss, constantly dreams and I also developed a rash on my chin and a very itchy rash on my stomach. The side effects were causing me a lot of stress and I was having to have regular blood tests as it can damage the kidneys, so I reduced the tablets but I've now come off them. The Dr just automatically prescribed me with Enstilar foam and some other stuff for the chin so can't wait to start the foam. So in a nut shell I think I have had pretty good service, I didn't even know about Enstilar and it was offered to me there and then and she wants to see me in a week's time to look at progress. I had nearly given up and was just prepared to cover up but I'm hoping this helps. Would like to know the results of anyone else who has tried it. In the meantime have a stress free Xmas and a miracle in the New Year!!!!

Posted Thu 29 Dec 2016 08.43 by Awaywithyou

I discovered this forum after my ps had become the worst it's ever been particularly on my scalp,I have been using dovobet for years without much joy.After a week of using enstilar my skin has improved rapidly and given me real hope for the first time in years,I am planning to use it every day for a month and then cut down.

Posted Thu 29 Dec 2016 11.39 by Mrs scott

Having suffered for 42 years, had hospital stays, numerous creams and ointments, taken methotrexate ,acitrectin and another tablet I can't remember, had light treatment in the summer. I have been using enstilar since August and the results are fantastic. I'm using it just twice a week now. I was even thinking is it the enstilar or is it my age I'm 49 and was thinking is my body changes as i heared your body changes every 7 years, I started with psoriasis at 7 years of age.

Posted Thu 29 Dec 2016 13.12 by Helen T

I've been using the Enstilar foam for almost 2 weeks, almost every day (miss a couple of days over xmas as staying away from home and forgot to take it with me). What a difference, wow it is amazing. So easy to apply. A little bit greasy but nothing compared to dovobet. I've tried all sorts of treatments and it is the only thing that has had an instant effect on treating my PS. After so many years, I might get back into swimming in 2017!!!!! Please give it a try

Posted Thu 5 Jan 2017 23.43 by Reyno

No joy here in Wigston Leicester, went to the doctors today, he had not heard about it so did a search and showing not to be prescribed by this Practice, I saw the price on screen and as others have posted it showed £39.68. I have only ever responded to Light Therapy but my P is coming back at a fast rate and it's been just over a year since my last Light Therapy.

Posted Fri 6 Jan 2017 17.33 by Cambrinus
Sporadic scale psoriasis

It is up for discussion in Leics. this month - they keep putting off the decision as to whether to authorise it (why?) It is the same price as Dovobet, but delivers the ingredients more effectively!

Posted Sat 7 Jan 2017 10.17 by Helen T

Try asking your GP to refer you to a consultant. All my PS treatment/prescriptions are done through the consultant at my local hospital. In fact, my next appointment isn't til April and I've been told to ring the consultant's PA if I need a repeat prescription and she just sends me one in the post. I never had this service from my last GP but the minute I changed, which is about 5 yrs ago, my GP immediately referred me to a consultant without me even asking. He is brilliant - he is the most senior GP in the practice which may help. Try switching to the senior GP in your practice as, I suppose they are the decision makers. It is expensive, but it goes a long way if you apply it on localised areas rather than randomly. Sometimes I have a day off and just have an all over moisturise with PS friendly moisturiser. It's a terrible shame that some can get the prescription and others can't - keep trying, it's definitely worth it.

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