AxisBiotix v Medovie shampoo

Posted Fri 10 Nov 2023 15.06 by JenJens

Hi, I've been using AxisBiotix fur six months now for my scalp psoriasis, but with absolutely no affect - still using steroids and Capasal shampoo. Has anyone used Medovie shampoo - I am a bit reticent to take the capsules, but am hopeful the shampoo and maybe the scalp solution would help. Advice please 🙏

Posted Sun 3 Dec 2023 00.32 by Annj

No experience with Medovie but I gave up Axisbiotics after 5 months due to no improvement. Reluctant to keep on using steroids as I’ve lost so much hair but I do use occasionally, also given up coal tar shampoos as they didn’t help either. Now trying oils but getting a bit desperate now

Posted Sun 3 Dec 2023 06.31 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Sun 3 Dec 2023 09.05 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

I would simply try the Medovie shampoo. It is non-steroid and very unlikely to make things worse. I had great success with Polytar shampoo back in the day More recently when I had no actual plaques in my scalp, but flaking skin and indescribable itching, I used Alphacade Shampoo PSO, It is also non steroid and seemed not to be harsh on my hair itself. It massively reduced the itching after the first use. I ordered online from Cocooncenter But shop around for pricing - I saw it on amazon for a stupidly high price. I have always felt somewhat sceptical about the claims made for AxisBiotix by the manufacturers and some of their shareholders on forums such as this, based on how their non-clinical "trial" was carried out and the lack of any formal clinical trials ever since. Best of luck!

Posted Sun 3 Dec 2023 08.26 by JenJens

Thank you all. I tried the Medovie. As per manufacturer's advice, I used the scalp solution and then used the shampoo to wash it out. I have never had such a bad reaction to a product - itching, plaques forming and so very sore. It went straight in the bin. I put this on their FB page, but had no response. £60 wasted! I have asked my GP if I can try Enstillar foam next. Also, I have just given up on AxisBiotix. No effect at all.

Posted Sun 17 Dec 2023 14.16 by lizziep

Thank you JenJens for that comment on Medovie as I'm searching for something for my granddaughter who has just started with scalp psoriasis and will definitely avoid it now.. She considers me to be 'the expert' - what a unfortunate thing to have expertise in!

Posted Sun 17 Dec 2023 14.49 by JenJens

Oh bless you, yes isn't it. I think the only thing that has some effect is Cocois and Capasal shampoo. I tried Enstillar, but it is nigh on impossible to wash out and on the two occasions I used it, it didn't have any effect at all.

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