having a flare up

Posted Tue 3 Jul 2012 11.52 by kirsty
10 years and now having yet another flare up

Hi, I've had psoriasis for 10 years since i was 15, my skin is currently having a flare up due to an infection. Doctors have always put me on dovobet and 50:50 cream, but I'm just so fed up of my skin now and need to try something new to help my skin as I don't feel these are helping any more. Any one got any suggestions?

1 Posted Fri 6 Jul 2012 20.18 by aimie555 (edited Wed 19 Mar 2014 00.35 by dawnmaxine)
I have suffered Psoriasis for the past 7 years and have been being treated by UVB and Topsical treatments in a dermatology unit. I have scal

I am not sure if anyone on here has mentioned Hydromol from the gp (although I have been getting it from my dermatology unit) it is like epiderm and although a little greasy as such it really softens the skin quickly and find that as its water based it washes easily and can be used a soap substitute, not only that it is oddorless. If not cool baths and loose clothing:) not sure if any of that helps... good luck

Posted Fri 31 Aug 2012 07.20 by Crushy (edited Sun 25 Oct 2015 15.38 by Holly1)
No but my 8 year old daughter has

My daughter is 8 and has had psoriasis for just over 2 years. She had it on her eyes, arm, a big ring around her belly button, above her bum. After trying every cream in the world until getting a proper diagnosis (after a biopsy from her eyes) I decided enough was enough, every time it came back it was bigger and new patches were coming up all the time. Someone had mentioned probiotics so I stopped all creams and started giving her 1 actimel drink a day. Within days I could see improvement and it started to itch which it had not really done before. Within a couple of weeks it had gaps and was starting to clear within 6 weeks she was completely clear of it, that was in April and (touch wood) it has not come back, and she is still taking the daily actimel. Surprisingly, the consultants at great ormond street where she ended up being treated were not the least interested in this. I appreciate it may not work for everyone but this is one thing that is definitely worth trying and I have been trying to think of a way to let people know when it occurred I could put it on a blog! If I could post the before and after pictures I would, it is truly amazing.

Posted Wed 13 Feb 2013 16.52 by demonicale (edited Sat 25 May 2013 11.22 by georgie2207)
Scalp,near my groin, and it's a constant that has made me lose my confidence and hair.

I have to post in here about the lady talking about actimel, i've started using it daily and my psoriasis has been getting less and less since i've started drinking it daily!!

Posted Sun 18 Aug 2013 02.02 by Elly (edited Wed 19 Mar 2014 00.35 by scaleymcgee)
Psoriasis various places on and off for years and psoriatic arthritis

Hi, I first had it when I was 17 I am 36 now I tired all the creams lights etc and then went on methotrexate in 2004 and it was fantastic for me it took a few weeks to start but then within 6 months I was completely clear! ive been on and off it for years due to pregnancies but I found it fabulous. Ask your consultant hope this helps

Posted Thu 7 Apr 2016 06.14 by ravikrishnamoorthy
As a psoriasis affected person everyone of us try every remedy and end up in frustration. All the recommendations seems to be a trial and er

As a psoriasis affected person everyone of us try every remedy and end up in frustration. All the recommendations seems to be a trial and error and no 100% relief from P. I have my own research and study to find the basic cause of Psoriasis. I will be glad to share with you all, but not sure if effective to some of you. Not all Human body tend to get charged with static electricity. Some of us accumulate this static electricity from various way. As an example, When such a person is made to sit on a fiber or plastic or PVC chair for long time, spontaneously his body get charged with static current. Other example is - a person is made to sit on a synthetic chair on barefoot but without touching the natural floor. The chair is hit with a towel by other person in barefoot, several time. Then if the other person on floor in barefoot touches the body of the person, seated on chair will experience a mild shock. This is because of static current charged into the body of the person on chair. This static current is not discharged fully from everyone's body. Some of us carry this static current in our body and also more and more current is accumulated into our body by various means in day to day lifestyle. Our body reacts to this accumulated Static current in one or other way. To release the accumulated, I take a shower bath twice daily in the morning as well as before going to bed. The floor in my bathroom is not covered with synthetic tiles as this is important to release static current stored in your body. Since last three months, I am bathing twice in a day and noticed that my scalp is completely free from Psoriatic patches and legs. But still there are very few small patches in my legs and seems to be disappearing. I am not a scholar to affirm that this static current is the fundamental cause for Psoriasis in my body, but I am relieved due this self experiment. I do not follow any diet control, still working under stress ( computer designer working almost 14 hours a day, even week end.) But I changed my bed sets to 100% cotton fabric (no synthetic fabric). That's it. My study received overwhelming appreciations in various forums, wherever I shared. You may try on yourself as it cost you nothing and send me your feedback. Hope some of you may relieve yourselves from Psoriasis to certain extent.

Posted Sat 7 May 2016 19.07 by irishgeoff

Have you tried roscara <a href="http://roscara.com">Psoriasis Cream</a> ?

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