Does psoriasis make anyone else feel unwell and achy all the time and if so - do biologics help

Posted Fri 15 Dec 2023 09.52 by mt382

Hi all, More and more as I've gotten older, I've noticed that low level flu like symptoms seem quite common in my life. Lots of references online to psoriasis (being an inflammatory / autoimmune issue) causes general malaise etc from systemic inflammatory molecules. My question is - those who are successfully treated with a biologic - did you notice that you felt better in yourself (more energy, mood improvements)?

Posted Fri 15 Dec 2023 12.36 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

Only speaking from personal experience of course after four years on biologics and ten succesful years on methotrexate previously. Sure with better skin, I think it went hand in hand that I felt better and had a better outlook on life etc. The only time my mood was low or changed was probably on acitretin. Do I have more energy? Yes whilst on Mtx (apart from a day after taking it when I was nauseas and drowsy) I was motivated to go to the gym maybe three or four times a week, That in turn keeping fit I felt helped not only my health but self confidence. Unfortunately due to a change in circumstance then the pandemic I never got back into the fitness regime. The old addage we all react differently to meds but for the last 15 years or so health wise were overall better than the 15 or so years previously. As for infections etc being on immunosuppresents, I had a couple of periods off work for a week or two whilst taking Mtx. Currently I feel no ill effects/side effects of being on biologics compared to systemics.

Posted Sun 17 Dec 2023 19.21 by Charlton

Unfortunately I have just been diagnosed with leukemia six weeks, my psoriasis which I for nearly sixty years, I've always managed to live, but have never been biologicals , when I was taken in hospital with leukemia I was put on chemotherapy tablets and over a a two period my psoriasis almost vanished, unfortunately two my body went ballistic and was rust into hospital and , they immediately took me off the chemo ,and psoriasis went mad I was covered and felt like the life had drained out of me,I could just about lift a cup .l begged them to to put me on something like cyclosporine but won't until every thing has cleared up. So yes this psoriasis definitely drains ,

Posted Mon 18 Dec 2023 15.04 by mt382

Thanks guys! I'm awaiting my first risankizumab injections and have been off acitretin for over a month, have given up on steroids (just to give the injections a real challengle). Its midwinter - I'm tired, gloomy, have guttate flaring up, plaques are thick and red, I've just had an AWFUL chest infection and a week on I'm still just tired and achy with a constant very faint headache. It's just all the signs of someone who's very pro inflammatory, and I am hoping that I feel generally systemically better when on the injections. Similar thread - but I've always had a bad stomach - loose stools, cramps, which I've always self called "IBS", but I'm also feeling perhaps overhopeful that those symptoms will quieten on the injections. We shall see!

Posted Mon 18 Dec 2023 15.07 by Charlton

Good luck, you never know one day they might have a cure

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