Humira/Adalimumab/Biologic treatments - beware!

Posted Wed 10 Aug 2016 13.03 by kas47

I have used this to successfully treat my psoriasis for approximately 10 years. However, as it is immuno-suppressant, this coupled with a family bereavement on January 1st this year, caused a CMV (Cytomegalovirus) reactivation. Apparently it it well documented that this can occur, but I was unaware of it. The resulting illness caused some liver damage and shut down my kidneys. I was in hospital for almost 7 weeks (1 week in intensive care) and then on haemo-dialysis for several weeks. Thankfully I have recovered to around 23% renal function, though my liver function tests are still abnormal. I feel other users and potential users ought to be made aware of this so they can make an informed decision.

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