Wheat, dairy, sugar, alcohol, caffeine, seed oil, processed free diet

Posted Thu 18 Jan 2024 12.48 by Emilyhealth

Okay so I’m 4 days into what seems to me as a crazy diet. Sustaining myself with vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds and limited meat. I’m sort of hungry, but sort of not if that makes sense. Sugar cravings are unreal and the dreams are crazy!!! Intending to do this for 75 days and see what happens with the psoriasis. Fed up of living like this. The psoriasis is so severe on the soles of my feet some days I can’t walk far. And when I do it’s so painful. The rest of my body it’s moderate. Tried everything else. Has anyone tried this and healed?

Posted Thu 18 Jan 2024 15.12 by Annette

Yes, I tried a few things without success. I read a mention of Hannah Sillitoe on here and did some research. Read her books and changed diet for 3 months and everything cleared up. (Bonus was weight loss and feeling healthier!) After that I gradually introduced normal eating again and I've pretty much been back to normal for a few months now. Hoping it stays like this but if not, I'll be right back on the eating plan again at the first sign of any skin issues!

Posted Thu 18 Jan 2024 15.26 by Emilyhealth

This is the answer I was looking for! I’m so pleased for your healing and praying for mine. I’ll look into Hannah Sillitoe. Thanks!

Posted Thu 18 Jan 2024 15.33 by Annette (edited Thu 18 Jan 2024 15.43 by Annette)

I also stopped ALL steroids and creams from GP at same time as changing my diet! HS creams are expensive but she does tell u how to make ur own homemade version of a couple on her blog. I only purchase her Multi Strain Biotic now (in place of the goats milk kefir I used to take so difference cost wise is negligible) Good luck with your journey! EDIT : I bought one book on sale in Holland and Barrett and the other 2nd hand on either eBay or Amazon. I use Dr. Organic Aloe Vera body butter now also from Holland and Barrett. Not sure if u can find any other more slightly more detailed posts I did on here at the time.

Posted Fri 19 Jan 2024 14.37 by Acrazydoglady

aww bless you, I got plaque psoriasis on the sole of my foot & holy moly, the pain - so wish you all the very best in finding what works for you! As the only solution I was given was to be on steroid cream for life for my footsole. I'm finding it's very much a case of trial and error and have been looking for natural solutions since Jan-22. I did the Hannah Sillitoe & her probiotic for 6 months and it didn't stop me getting flare ups.. By following Petronella Ravenshear 'human being diet' - it's give up processed food as much as possible has really helped improve (not fully clear) my skin, with a weekly treat meal (where I can have anything (avoid ultra processed food if you can) to keep me motivated!) My foot has been clear since April-23, by following this approach (I'm currently nightshade, lacto, gluten free & am pescatarian) and it hasn't cleared the rest of my skin, but improved it, until I recently started some probiotics, which I'll do a separate post on... so way to go you - you can soo do this!! xx

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