
Posted Fri 12 Aug 2016 23.00 by maria

Well! I'm back from holiday, and I'm over the moon, because my psoriasis has all but gone, and the last few patches are fading away. It happened in a rather odd way, and was down to my dad. He had psoriasis on his right hand and forearm, which has gone now. he went for a walk, and whilst he was out he started talking to an oldish man, who spotted his hand, and recognised what it was, and asked him if he'd like chance to get rid of it, even if it was only for a while, and, of course, he said yes. The man put some kind of stuff on it, and by the time he back to us it was almost gone. Dad asked me if I'd like to try getting this treatment, so I put my veil, and gloves on, and Dad showed me where to go, and introduced me to him. He agreed to help me after he'd done a test on my forearms which he did,and told me to come back tomorrow. this is Saturday. On the next day I went back, and he checked my forearms, and agreed treat me, having explained what the treatment was, and that it would be three treatments over three days, each lasting about an hour. So back I went, nervously, wondering what I was in for, and how much pain I'd have to endure. It turned out to be painless, and I'm almost completely free. He refused to accept anything from either me or Dad, and I'd like to do something for him, but I don't know what. Anyone got any ideas?

Posted Sat 13 Aug 2016 08.57 by Curious for cures

Maria how lovely for you and your dad. You don't say where you were, who the guy was or what the treatments involved . Did you ask what he was using ? Has it lasted for your dad? Yes of course you want to do something for him - if it is a lasting remedy he sounds like he's the sort of bloke who would like to help others so understanding a bit more would help. Sometimes old wisdom cures can be best

Posted Sat 13 Aug 2016 18.09 by maria

Yes! It has llasted for my Dad, and me as well. I don't know what it was, some kind of oil, which he said comes from abroad, China I think he said. he also said that if it comes back to come back and he will do it again. He also said he doesn't know how long it will last. I only have a phone number for him, but he says I can only send it by email if you are in need.Let me know

Posted Sun 2 Oct 2016 11.46 by Mian Adeel

Hi maria please give us hi phone ,e mail or anything so, we do contact with him

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