
Posted Mon 22 Jan 2024 07.27 by Barket

Hi Been on Taltz since October. This is for psoriatic and pustular psoriasis . So far has made things worse and little to no improvement . The side effects are not great but sucking them up for now . Had some recent bloods done. Most of bloods are awry but called Friday and cholesterol is now high and pre-diabetic . I am in the skinny side and exercise and diets not so bad although could be better . Wondering if anyone else has had similiar as finding it odd that numbers have gone high over past 3 months ??? Thankyou

Posted Mon 22 Jan 2024 14.49 by kiloran
From Lichen Planus to Plaque Psoriasis to Palmoplantar and Nail psoriasis - newly diagnosed 2023

Taltz shouldn't affect those numbers, are you on anything else?

Posted Mon 22 Jan 2024 19.32 by Barket

No not at the minute … done a lot in past methotrexate , biologics and the works but only this right now . May be a part of the disease progression and will have to just deal yet another blow x

Posted Mon 22 Jan 2024 20.29 by Acrazydoglady

I've never been on biologics, but got diagnosed prediabetic out of the blue last year, my cholestrol isn't great either. My BMI has never been higher than 21.5, & advised I have to crank up the exercise, so it was a huge shock, but my GP mentioned about it all being autoimmune related x

Posted Mon 22 Jan 2024 21.05 by Barket

Aww I know it’s rubbish … thing is I’m an exercise instructor so it’s tipping me over edge 😆 Have also been told to gain weight in autumn . Life’s a cracker !! Thankyou xx

Posted Wed 24 Jan 2024 13.05 by Acrazydoglady

Oh my Barket - bless you.. it used to drive me bananas about being told to gain weight, obviously it all went to my interior fat supply, & not my external fat supply! At least we've retained our sense of humour!! 😆 xx

Posted Wed 24 Jan 2024 13.34 by mt382

Psoriasis is heavily, (and I mean heavily) associated with metabolic syndrome. Probably there are a million molecular reasons, but predominantly- long term low level inflammation and dysregulated fatty acid metabolism = diabetes, hypercholesterolaemia and heart disease. It makes it super important that people with psoriasis eat carefully and exercise (the former without the latter isn't ideal), but also makes it very important that people push for actual therapeutic control. Its more than an ugly skin disease and having active psoriasis (e.g. untreated) is very unhealthy.

Posted Wed 24 Jan 2024 17.27 by Barket

😭 wish more people recognized this … but then I am probably in denial even after decades of suffering . Will have to up my game from all angles ! Thanks people x

1 Posted Wed 24 Jan 2024 18.39 by Acrazydoglady

Barket - the research I've been doing into probiotics for psoriasis, has also shown that increasing Akkermansia levels has a positive effect on metabolic syndrome. Would you care to have a read of my post - probiotics are helping my psoriasis & focus on the Akkermansia bits. As you're on biologics, would you be interested in taking part in my wee trial by increasing the amount of ellagic acid foods you eat in your diet or would you need to get clearance to do so? I'm sorry if I'm being horribly cheeky, but as the saying goes if you don't ask you don't get, & you never know it could have a positive effect on your bloods, as I've also been prediabetic for 1 & 1/2 years now, whereas you've only just been diagnosed... honestly I really won't be offended if you say no! x

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