sore throats

Posted Tue 17 Jul 2012 20.30 by ltalbot91
I have suffered from psoriasis since the age of about 7 i am now 20 years old

Hi all, Just new to this. Just wondering does anyone else find there skin fares up after getting a sore throat?

Posted Tue 30 Oct 2012 23.09 by Imholden
I have suffered with psoriasis for around thirteen years now and cope as well as I can. It has affected my life considerably over the years

Hi, I see that you posted your comment a while back now but I have been suffering from psoriasis for about 13 years now and for me this is certainly true. I have received puva treatment recently and a sore throat stopped this from working half way through. Once the sore throat was gone, treatment started to work again. My symptoms increase if I have a sore throat - my skin seems more tender and the patches get redder than usual. It itches more and sometimes seems dryer than usual. I found that moisturising more regularly (which was already a lot!) during the time I had a sore throat helped ease the itching and reduce the redness a little. I heard from a skin specialist that there may be a link between sore throats and flare ups but all you can do is take extra care not to catch anything I guess. Stepsils with anti septic tend to clear a sore throat quickly for me and did not seem to make my skin any worse. You'll probably find that different things work for different people though- it's an interesting condition in this way. Take good care of yourself, especially now it's getting colder at this time of year. : )

Posted Mon 18 Feb 2013 03.43 by peetheoff

I replaced honey for sugar in my tea and I've (touch wood) never had a sore throat for years now! N.B. believe it or not honey and tea tastes alot better without milk!

Posted Thu 28 Feb 2013 23.31 by lesleypat
have had guttate on and off since I was 17

This is the trigger for me. Have had guttate since I was 17 and dread a sore throat as I know the flare up is inevitable.

Posted Mon 29 Apr 2013 22.03 by adamntan
Ive always had plaque psoriasis but now I have guttate, scalp and pustular psoriasis too! I have the full set and it affects what I wear and

Hi ltalbot91, Ive suffered from p since I was 11 but only on my knees elbows and shins (plaque psoriasis). Anyway, in the last 4 weeks it has spread over my entire body apart from my face and I now know that I have acute guttate psoriasis which is a different form all together. Everyone has asked me if Im stressed which is assumed to be the trigger but the fact of the matter is I have probably been less stressed than I have been in a long time! I could not work out why this had happened. Went to the doctors today and been referred to a specialist due to the severity of the outbreak. It was not until I researched 'guttate psoriasis' tonight that I found this site and discovered that it has more than likely been caused by a throat infection I had 4 weeks ago! Apparently I should have taken antibiotics which would have either stopped the outbreak or lessened the severity but my doctor (although writing me a prescription) advised me not to take them unless I has a fever so I didnt. To be fair it wasnt her fault as she is not an expert in this area but I think links should be made to p sufferers rather than throw light treatment or emoilients at the problem. If I had taken the antibiotics I might not be in the situation i am in now.

Posted Tue 8 Oct 2013 20.13 by zoecutherz
i have been affect by psoriasis for 15 years now, since i was 8.Its been a very hard road for me and very up and down. I still cant cope wit

Hi, im 18 and have had psoriasis for 10 years, i suffered a lot from sore throats and chest infections and whenever i went to the GP'S they would always say as soon as you get a sore throat to go to the doctors for antibiotics. This is because apparently a sore throat flares up the psoriasis on the skin and makes it worse so to get antibiotics to clear the sore throat up as soon as you get it! hope it helps

Posted Sat 16 Aug 2014 12.27 by Amandine
Plaque Psoriasis since childhood, now nail psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, eye problems, the full monty really!

I realise this is a 'dormant' thread, but if anyone else drops by, I have Psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis with all sorts of inflammatory complications including almost daily sore throats and tonsil stones several times a week. I know I'm not alone but its pretty horrible all the same!

Posted Fri 11 Dec 2015 20.10 by flemmons2003

Antibiotics worsens psoriasis as the brain is telling the antibiotics along with the over abundance of T-Cells in our bodies to go out and kill something....our skin.

Posted Fri 26 Feb 2016 19.57 by KennyKen
Psoriasis on face

I'm sure this is the problem I have, my throat just feels sharp and slightly sore and the psoriasis keeps coming up on my face every week or so. Doctor says there is nothing wrong with my throat ?

Posted Tue 28 Jun 2016 10.40 by abz1967
since i was 5, ongoing nightmare

my last flare up after tonsillitis which my dermatologist said caused the flare, theres a link apparently

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