Various treatments that have worked for me

Posted Wed 18 Jul 2012 10.03 by Incabelle
Started developing psoriasis at the age of 14 and it has got profressively worse over the last 10 years.

Hi, I wanted to share my experiences of different treatments I have used over the last 24 years. Probably for the first 10 years I did nothing about getting treatment as it was only on my elbows. However from the age of 26 it began getting progressively worse and spread to all parts of my body apart from my hand, face and neck/chest area it also became very sore. I spent the next 10 years using steriod creams that did not make the P go away but I was no longer in pain. In 2010 I began using methotrexate under the supervision of a Dermatologist. This involved taking 7 tablets once a week and also weekly blood tests. I continued for 12 months, however it got to the stage where I was only feeling well for 2 out of the 7 days (nausea and tiredness were the main symptoms) so I stopped taking them. They did work for me and my P had all, but a few stubbon patches, disappeared. I am now using a double strength coal tar solution and steriod cream on alternative days and this has kept me p free for the last 18 months. My next course of treatment was going to be UV, however I have now been discharged from the hospital and my Consultant did say that she was very surprised by the results. We both agreed that maybe the Methotrexate kick started the change. For the first time this year I have worn t-shirts and shorts and it does not dominate my life anymore. I'm hoping and praying that it continues.

1 Posted Sun 21 Jul 2013 14.52 by huracan (edited Tue 24 Mar 2015 18.53 by BOSESHIL@GMAIL.COM)

by eliminating milk and all forms of dairy also bread has helped me a lot no flaking but the red spots still there next thing i will do is drink wheat grass

Posted Mon 22 Jul 2013 10.37 by ELangford (edited Tue 24 Mar 2015 18.54 by ebrave)
Mild psoriasis from birth, escalated in 20s, tho helped by keeping skin cool and wearing cotton vests. Diagnosed with Psa in 2012

Keep skin cool.... I'm saying this all over the place as I've never seen it said anywhere and it's made such a big difference to me aside from using simple moisturisers... I've had psoriasis on and off since a child and it flared up about 12 years ago. I eventually worked out that it was worse in winter than summer and it was mainly due to the skin getting too hot. If the skin feels itchy - put a cold flannel on it - this will reduce the itchiness and make you less likely to scratch. > wear cotton next to the skin - I wear cotton vests and this helped to reduce outbreaks on my lower torso and around the waistline. > avoid too many layers or tight clothes - when you have psoriasis the temptation is to cover up. Try to air the skin as much as possible - again - I found cottom layers worked better. > psoriasis on the face - try to keep hair was swept away from your face and not too heavy on your scalp. Short hair helped when it was worse.

Posted Tue 17 Mar 2015 16.57 by andrea (edited Wed 9 Dec 2015 13.49 by B)
have had p for too many years

I have had psoriasis for 42 years, having had many topical treatments and uvb which gave me a life during the summer although it was short lived as the pso returned in the early autumn. Last year I was put on to 15mg of methotrexate and had uvb, then went on holiday to Greece which was very hot and while I was there I also started taking two milkthistle tablets each day. The pso was almost gone up until Christmas when I went through stressful time and it returned really quickly in about two months. I was so upset and depressed, then I went to see the dermatology nurse for my 6 monthly check and she put the methotrexate up to 20mg and I am also using Aveeno moisturiser. Now I am a bit happier as the patches on my body have begun to settle down with no pink areas and its not itching anymore, hopefully this will continue to improve on my legs also as I don't know if i will be having uvb this year due to the awful fact that I may now have had my quota over the years. I have also cut out dairy products and having coconut milk on cereals and as a drink. Next I may try cutting out sugar to see if that helps also.

1 Posted Wed 9 Dec 2015 13.53 by hopecnvn (edited Wed 30 Mar 2016 20.00 by richarddraek1983)
Can cure psoriasis.

There is no use using tropical oinents and pills all you get is temporary releif. Get cured from inside mail me on

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