I need advise on medication

Posted Fri 2 Sep 2016 19.33 by Dancediva7

I have suffered with psoriasis since I was 16 years old and have tried many treatments from puva to dovobet, I have good and bad times with flare ups, my latest flare up was gutache psoriasis and my GP referred me back to the dermatologist. I had my appointment and was offered 1 of 3 different types of treatments to try. The 1st is Methotrexate the 2nd is Ciclosporin and the 3rd is Acitretin. I have tried Methotrexate when I was a child but was taken off the medication for a reason I do not know about. The dermatologist gave me some information sheets about the different types of treatments and told me about the side effects which scared me a little. I would like to know if anyone has tried any of these treatments and had positive success. Thank you, Jo

Posted Tue 6 Sep 2016 09.09 by claudette

alkaline water ?????????

Posted Wed 7 Sep 2016 20.33 by JanieH

I was on Acitretin for 2 years for my pustular psoriasis on the soles of my feet. It certainly cleared it up, but in the end abandoned it because of side effects, ie thinning hair, dry lips and eventually badly ingrowing toenails and also the psoriasis was breaking through again. The hair and nail problems took quite some time to develop but also to disappear. I have been offered it again recently by the consultant but declined. Kidney and liver function have to be monitored with blood tests. Initially these were every 3 months, but as I showed no adverse effects, this was reduced to every 6 months. Hope this helps.

Posted Wed 7 Sep 2016 20.35 by Johnson

THE PROBLEM WITH MOST MEDICATION. It's temporary, we are fixing the visible problem but not looking at the underlying cause. Read my post.

Posted Wed 7 Sep 2016 21.17 by Dancediva7

Thank you for the information shared. It is very frustrating that psoriasis is always there no matter what, I can have it quite minimal sometimes for like 1 week and then bam!!! Those little spots start coming back. Does anyone think that it is actually caused by stress? {As they keep telling me} I have never tried Alkaline water? Where can you get it from?

Posted Wed 7 Sep 2016 21.53 by Johnson

Hi, I can give you Kangen water for FREE or direct you to someone near you who maybe able to give it FREE. Did you see the youtube clips? What are you looking to gain? Email: johnsonsamuel1965@gmail.com Tel: 07967 673085

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