Removing plaques/scales with less discomfort

Posted Mon 5 Sep 2016 22.06 by Hmk26

Hello everyone! I stumbled across this website and forum because when I searched for help with my symptoms it kept bringing me here. My doctor had told me I have seborrheic dermatitis but I think now it's more likely to be sebopsoriasis, as many of the things you're discussing sound more familiar. Great forum btw :) I'm hoping you might be able to help - I get really thick build up of what I think are called plaques every few weeks on my scalp. I've had this for many years and these days tend to lather emollient on it of an evening, wait a few hours and then sit in a bath and scrape it off, or in a shower. I've used steroid-based things in the past but I think my scalp is immune to them now, so I'm back to basics. However, the emollient doesn't help as much as I'd hope. Sometimes I end up scraping it away with my fingernails because it gets a better purchase than my comb. Once I have done the scraping, I'll wash the bits out with either Nizoral or a Johnsons baby shampoo. And it always stings to high heaven. It's frustrating because I never seem to get rid of the scalp build up and it's a really uncomfortable experience. I wonder, am I doing this right? Is there a better way? Many thanks for any help or advice you can offer :)

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