Tonsillectomy as a Guttate Psoriasis Treatment

Posted Mon 29 Apr 2024 13.48 by Scotus0 - 29 from Salford
Seeking advice/tips for overcoming Guttate | Pso blog: GetLostGuttate

Hi all, My first guttate psoriasis flare-up occurred towards the end of 2021, shortly after a particularly sore throat- possibly the most painful one I’ve ever had. After joining this forum, I made a plan to ditch steroid creams in favour of natural skincare, reset my diet and take supplements and (starting April 2022). This healing process worked: it took me about 14 months to completely clear my skin. Around 6 months later- at the beginning of 2024- I came down with another sore throat (along with flu-like symptoms) after which my psoriasis returned. To say I am horrified that my body is once again covered in red patches is an understatement; I worked so hard to rid myself of them. Three months into this second flare-up, I can see that a small number of these patches are starting to go through a similar healing process as last time (they heal from the inside out). However, I cannot face another year of this painfully slow recovery process. I am putting myself through all sorts of expensive and unpleasant “remedies” from Traditional Chinese Medicine to goat’s milk kefir. I limit my diet to a potentially pointless extent and undergo time-consuming moisturising routines. It's not like I relapsed on the aforementioned healing process: sure, it might not have been as strict, and Dec 23/Jan 24 was only slightly more indulgent because of Christmas/my birthday. On reflection, I’ve never in my life been intolerant to potatoes, tomatoes, dairy and other supposed food-related triggers so it just doesn’t make sense that I’d suddenly become ‘allergic’ to them. I can also confidently discount all the other major potential triggers including stress, certain operations (e.g. a hip replacement) and smoking. A sore throat preceded both of my flare-ups, and the specific form I experience- guttate- is associated with streptococcal infections. With all of this in mind, I now believe that my tonsils could be the root cause of my psoriasis (by producing autoimmune T-cells that damage healthy cells). While scientific studies on this link are limited, most results point a tonsillectomy bringing about a reduction in psoriasis. Since there doesn't seem to have been many posts about this topic recently, I'm wondering if anyone active on here has experience of this. Thx for reading!

Posted Mon 29 Apr 2024 14.25 by Dollydot

Goodness that has just triggered a memory for me. About twenty years ago my then doctor said, in his opinion, that having my tonsils out would improve my psoriasis. He then explained that it does come with higher risks due to my age (30). I did not go ahead. My flare ups happen generally when I get any kind of throat infection

Posted Tue 30 Apr 2024 10.57 by Scotus0 - 29 from Salford
Seeking advice/tips for overcoming Guttate | Pso blog: GetLostGuttate

@Dollydot Interesting- I'm turning 30 next year but I haven't read anywhere about there being a higher risk due to age, just that the tonsils tend to get smaller with time. I'm not viewing this as a guaranteed solution, but there are a lot of people including yourself making the potential link between throat infections and flare-ups based on personal experience...

Posted Thu 2 May 2024 18.26 by richardmphillips

This is what I was told when I first developed psoriasis aged about 9. They took my tonsils out - didn't make any difference for me.

Posted Fri 3 May 2024 07.40 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Fri 3 May 2024 07.41 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

There are documented cases where someone who has strep-throat can come out in guttate psoriasis shortly after. and sometimes a course of anti-biotics clears the psoriasis. I came out in guttate psoriasis a few weeks aftr a total hip replacement - thought to be triggered by the traume to the body. My GP did give me a course of anti-biotics "just in case" , but it diod not seem to help. But he predicted it would begin to fade after 6 months. It actually did fade after 8 months. There is plenty of medical literature supporting the link between throat infections and guttate psoriasis.

Posted Mon 6 May 2024 23.01 by Scotus0 - 29 from Salford
Seeking advice/tips for overcoming Guttate | Pso blog: GetLostGuttate

@OhNo_NotAgain? Yes, I've read how a hip replacement can trigger it for some. Since I've experienced sore throats before my two flare-ups, I can't think of anything else that encourages them for me.

Posted Sat 18 May 2024 18.44 by Scotus0 - 29 from Salford
Seeking advice/tips for overcoming Guttate | Pso blog: GetLostGuttate

^ Reported for spam. Absolute scum of the earth preying on those of us with autoimmune conditions.

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