Psoriasis 95% cured after about 7 months - see pictures

2 Posted Thu 30 May 2024 21.01 by Danidj79

Dear people, I would like to share the experience of someone who suffered from a very severe form of psoriasis for 25 years. At the Vienna General Hospital, they told him that he was unlucky, that such forms happen to one in 1000 people, that it was incurable, that he could only use creams in the form of cortisol, etc. He was also pumped with them internally - which improved his picture extremely but, a short time later, after being discharged from the hospital, he felt even worse than before. He also received a pension because it was impossible for him to work in his condition. Everyone who lives in Austria knows perfectly well that NOBODY receives a pension just like that. I'm new to this forum, I hope I can upload the pictures so you can see what he was struggling with. I have his permission because I know the person personally. What did he then get recommended by his friend? Briefly explained, if you are interested in more detail:Vitamins + minerals - you can say something special, as they contain a patented formula, the so-called NTC (nutrient transport concept), which has a bioavailability of over 95%. It works AT THE CELL LEVEL, meaning where it is needed, when it is needed and how much it is needed. The nutrients complement each other and there is currently nothing on the market that is better. (At least nothing that I know of). The morning pack contains around 1.5kg of vegetables/fruit and spices (a whole range of them - including anti-inflammatory substances - perhaps that's why it worked so well + digestive multi-complex enzymes + lactic acid bacteria for the intestines... etc. If you're interested, I'm happy to do so send the whole list) and the minerals in the evening. This means the body is supplied with almost everything it needs. The company has a range of products, but initially he only took these two. Experience: From about the 4th month onwards, he noticed that he was sleeping better, shortly afterwards he noticed that the itching had improved. In about the 5th month the itching was almost gone, from the 6th month onwards the “allergy” slowly receded. It's been 2 years now and he is 95% healed. He now eats everything and no longer goes on diets (he used to cut out all sorts of foods). There's nothing he hasn't tried before. He even drank his own urine. Disgusting, yes. But with his clinical picture, I don't think you even think about how disgusting something is anymore, you just do it. It would simply be malicious and irresponsible to have such information, with such success, and to keep it to yourself, that's why I'm writing. I know that this illness can have several causes (probably - I haven't dealt with it too much now because I don't have it personally) but I know from my own experience that many causes have their origin in the intestines - and can be there I have already helped some people with tips from my own experience, now in addition to these products. I personally had the products recommended by him because of another condition.We spend so much money on all sorts of nonsense - I would be incredibly interested to know if anyone else would achieve such enormous success, because - the suffering that a person feels when their body no longer cooperates, no matter what it is I know it too well and I would also like everyone to share absolutely any helpful information with other people that could help them with their health. It certainly wouldn't hurt, it can only help. It worked for him. As I said, if you're interested, just get in touch. Every exchange and information is worth its weight in gold. WhatsApp/Viber, or Telegram. +43676/65 129 55 LG from Vienna-Dani P.S: Most of the time he looked like in picture 1 - pictures 4 or 2 were the attacks that he kept getting. The picture where he is already in a healthy condition was taken by me personally about 4 months ago in my anteroom. Ok, I see that unfortunately I can't upload photos here - that's stupid. But i can do it via private message if you are interested. Just write... i am willing to help. P.S:S- sorry about my bad englisch

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