Scalp Psoriasis

Posted Sat 27 Jul 2024 11.29 by Louisa C

Thank you for posting your experiencs, Hernhillbilly. I have heard of the seaweed preparations and will look them up. It's a great help to hear of the regimes that other members with scalp psoriasis find useful - especially since one dermatologist told me " you'll never get rid of it". Might be very true, but quite brutal to hear when one is clinging on to some hope of relief, however temporary!

Posted Sat 14 Sep 2024 10.53 by Seraphin

I’m new to this forum but not to the dreaded P, my scalp is what bothers me most although the rest of me is probably 75 percent covered in varied degrees. I have used loads of shampoo and most make it worst for me, I’ve just ordered moo goo shampoo for something not medicated has anyone tried it ? I’ve also used seaweed shampoo which was ok but dried my hair out

Posted Sat 14 Sep 2024 17.48 by Louisa C

Welcome Seraphin. Yes scalp psoriasis is very difficult to treat and everyone seems to have their own 'recipes' for alleviating the dreadful itching. I think I have tried just about everything. Warm weather seems to irritate me most and I find that I can only wash my hair in tepd water. I am now settling on Dovobet scalp application ( from my GP ) twice weekly for two weeks and then a couple of weeks free since it is a steroid preparation. Shampoo with Capasal shampoo followed by Salcura anti-itch conditioner - both of which are over-the-counter preparations. The dermatologist suggested that the preservatives in most shampoos cause a lot of problems for me, so am very careful about checking the ingredients. I do find if I wash my hair daily, my scalp gets sore and extremely flakey. Some days I have a 'day off' everything and just apply coconut oil which seems quite soothing. Like you, the seaweed preparations didn't suit me at all. I do hope you can find something that calms down your symptoms and wish you well.

Posted Wed 25 Sep 2024 19.38 by Raj

Hi All, My son 11 year old suffering from dry scalp from past 4 years . Doctors in London first thought it’s ringworm , second they thought it’s fungal and finally they diagnosed as psoriasis . He is just 11 and we as parents heart broken and crying constantly . We don’t know what shampoo to use now , cause Ketokonozole didn’t worked , Capasal didn’t worked . Can anyone kindly recommend anything which useful for 11 year old ?

Posted Wed 25 Sep 2024 20.21 by J. Speed

Don't be heartbroken, it is something you can cope with. I was diagnosed when I was 7, back in the 1950s. At first we thought I had insect bites on my scalp, but a doctor who knew what he/she was about diagnosed psoriasis and I have been dealing with it since. I am fortunate in that my psoriasis is not debilitating. I have it in my scalp, on my body, but not too extensive and in my hand and toe nails. For many years I had arthritic psoriaisis in my finger and toe joînts, which was the worst thing I have had, but it cleared up many years ago. I still have nails that lift, though, periodically. Both my children have psoriasis, my son has had very bad arthritic psoriasis which has distorted his finger and toe joints. He had some fairly drastic treatment for that in his twenties and thirties, I think, and that is under control and he no longer has pain from it. My daughter has scalp and body psoriasis, but she also has it under control, and as she gets older it has subsided. For many years the best treatment we found was Alphosyl coal tar shampoo, lotion for the scalp and cream for the body, Sadly no longer manufactured. We all switched to Neutragena T/Gel Therapeutic shampoo, the basic one sold in Boots and supermarkets, Recently, however, supplies if that have become erratic, indeed I thought that Neutragena, part of the Johnson and Johnson stable, were discontinuing it, but I was able to find the last time I was in the UK a few weeks ago (I live in Luxembourg) and my son has been able to keep a supply going. We have found that very good for everyday use, but you will see some people posting have not had as good results. I am using Enstilum foam on my body now, it is good, expensive for me in Luxembourg, but it will not get rid of psoriasis. As soon as you stop applying it the patches come back. It may not be recommended for children. So far my grandchildren have not manifested signs of psoriasis, we are hoping it is jumping their generation. But don't despair. Find a good dermatologist, and keep trying different products until you find something that works. I have never let Psoriasis dominate my life, it just accompanies me through it, mostly unnoticed.

Posted Thu 26 Sep 2024 07.38 by OhNo_NotAgain?

@J.Speed: I also found Alphosyl was excellent. I din not find T-Gel of any help to me, I have gone back to Polytar shampoo. It helps me.

Posted Thu 26 Sep 2024 07.59 by Raj

@j.Speed , thanks a lot for your reply . Same my son symptoms started from year 7 too . But NHS doctors failed to diagnose from past 4 years which is shame . I have read in another forums etc , probiotics will help gut and it will help reducing inflammation etc is that anyone experienced pleased? Also is strict diet will help reducing flare ups ? Please help if anyone experienced ?

Posted Thu 26 Sep 2024 09.44 by Louisa C

Hello Raj. Has your son been offered a "patch test" on the NHS? I understand from a friend that his son, after suffering for many years had this and a few 'culprits' were identified - the main one in his case were walnuts and a few others. He stopped taking all the other triggers that came up and is much better. The biggest problem of course would be the long waiting lists for dermatology appointments, but it may be worth it. Wishing you all the best.

Posted Thu 26 Sep 2024 11.21 by Raj

Hi @Louisa, Thanks for your reply . I got appointment for Dermotologist after 4 months . I will request GP for patch test . In US non steroid Tapinarof is approved and had good results . God knows when will NHS approves it.

Posted Thu 26 Sep 2024 11.58 by Louisa C

Hi Raj If you are seeing the dermatologist, ask if they think a patch test would be worthwhile . They could make an appointment at the hospital which is where they usually do it. Keep well.

Posted Thu 26 Sep 2024 20.28 by Raj (edited Thu 26 Sep 2024 21.14 by Raj)

Hi Louisa, Saw this article and ordered intolerance test for my son . Few main food items triggered for him for high reactivity . May be we will try and see . Please let us know if anyone succeeded

Posted Thu 10 Oct 2024 08.39 by Raj

Did anyone tried smiles and joys cream. There are so many positive reviews on Facebook . So many Uk based people commented on that blog too . Did any one used please ? I can’t post screenshot here . Please type smiles & joys in Facebook you can product and reviews .

Posted Fri 18 Oct 2024 12.55 by Tina

Hello everyone, I have been reading everyone's stories for a while now, and they have helped me. Psoraiasis is so up and down and difficult to cope with. I empathise with you all. Palmoplantar psoriasis suddenly appeared on one foot and one hand about 3 years ago. I have only ever been diagnosed by photos and it is always a different doctor (UK) my hand cleared really quickly of it's own accord. The psoriasis on my foot persisted and moved around for the last 3 years. Suddenly on a holiday in Greece it pretty much disappeared. Unfortunately now my scalp.has gone crazy. All of the front hairline, the sides and crown are bad. I'm using cocois, elocon lotion (steroid) and capasal. Not really helping. My concern is that I'm losing alot of hair and there is no new regrowth. Frightening if I can't stop this. I think that the scalp psoriasis started after antibiotics for a tooth infection. I also got shingles. I also think that mine is closely linked to stressful events in my life. I will try scalp oil to calm and heal. Hair cannot thrive on a damaged scalp. Best wishes to you all.

Posted Fri 18 Oct 2024 13.10 by Raj

@tina , Constant using of coconut oil on scalp and ketokonozole shampoo is helping my son . Please check if you have food allergies and intolerances . Saw many videos by avoiding milk , gluten and night shade veg helped many .

Posted Fri 18 Oct 2024 18.59 by Tina

@Raj thanks for your response. Will start using scalp oil. Not heard of ketokonozole shampoo. Is that prescription only or over the counter? Maybe I will go gluten free. Don't eat much dairy or nightshades

Posted Fri 18 Oct 2024 19.11 by Raj

@tina , Ketakonozole 2% is prescription only . Please ask your gp . Getting Dermotologist appointment now a days is nightmare . I live in east London. Luckily atelast on DMC centre here and there we will get an appointment for Dermotologist.

Posted Fri 18 Oct 2024 19.13 by Tina

Thank you. Just seeing a real live doctor is unusual here in Dorset UK

Posted Fri 18 Oct 2024 21.24 by Raj

Hi @tina, If possible try this coconut oil . Chemical free . We Indians using this oil on scalp from many many years . It has many benefits. Below Asda url for oil . Also check this link

Posted Sun 20 Oct 2024 20.35 by Raj

Hi @tina, Just noticed ketokonzole is on Superdrug . You no need of doctors prescription .

Posted Mon 21 Oct 2024 10.16 by Tina

Hi Raj thanks for all of your advice. I have a GP appointment in 2 weeks. Meanwhile I am experiencing hair loss and no re growth all.along my forehead hairline and receding. It's happening quickly so am trying to get appointment moved forward while I still have some hair. Using avocado oil at night. Don't want to self medicate as it will confuse things. Will let you know what happens. Think I might give up the course I'm doing as think my stress is coming from it. All the best to everyone.

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