Facial/Scalp Psoriasis - Complete fix for me!

Posted Wed 21 Sep 2016 12.49 by Jordytee

Hi guys, this is my first post to the forum, I really wanted to share my experience and I really do hope this information helps people. I'll try and keep this as short and concise as possible as it does span over a long period of time. -Some time ago I woke up with a massively tight, red rash , thick scales on my forehead. This completely dominated my life as i didnt want to leave the house for fear of what people would think of my face. Also I had thick wax like creations all over my scalp. - After several visits to my doctor (GP), who initially advised steroid creams and various antifungal medication/creams (as she thought my initial diagnosis was seborrheic dermatitis, I was then referred to a dermatologist as these did not work. As well as prescribed medication I also attempted a whole host of products from the internet etc - these included coconut oil, dead sea salt, bepanthen nappy rash cream, sudocrem, aqueous cream etc. - Once i was seen by the dermatologist she prescribed me: - Dovobet gel (for scalp) - Pimecrolimus cream (for facial psoriasis) - Epaderm Ointment (emollient for night time) This combination more or less has completely sorted the problem. I used the Pimecrolimus cream twice daily at the beginning, but its not really for long term use, along with the Epaderm ointment emollient. The dovobet gel also goes on the affected areas of the scalp at night and then you wash it off in the morning. Now my symptoms have reduced I use the Dovobet scalp gel for short bursts when my scalp flares again. I use the Pimecrolimus cream when my facial symptoms are flared. So the main maintenance item I use is the Epaderm Ointment for my face at night - seriously this stuff is amazing, nothing else even comes close. As well as reducing the flakes on my forehead (making my skin look normal), it also leaves your skin looking and feeling so soft. I think one of the hardest things is getting your GP to A.refer you to a dermatologist and B. Ensuring your GP doesn't misdiagnose you and attempt to treat you with non appropriate products, such as antifungals in this circumstance. I hope this information will help people, any questions please dont hesitate to ask me. Kind regards Jordan

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