Shaving head to treat scalp plaques

Posted Wed 28 Sep 2016 01.31 by DanielC

Hi there, Can anyone advise me on the pros/cons of shaving your hair off to treat scalp plaques. Have some very sore ones at the moment that are not really responding to either the Betacap lotion or the Capasil shampoo. Have tried rubbing some Protopic in to see if it will make a difference. Difficult though as I have a full head of hair so can only treat the plaques I know I can see and get at. Betacap leaves my hair very greasy and wiry dry too. Any tips anyone? Should I shave it off to be able to get at the scalps better and try and clear them off so I can grow my hair back but keep using the shampoos afterwards?

Posted Fri 30 Sep 2016 23.46 by wendizzle92
24, Psoriasis warrior since the age of 7.

I have this same problem, its terrible when its all over your scalp, ive been talking about shaving my head although i darent do it but i think as a bloke it could actually work for you, i assume it would help cream and shampoos soak into the scalp better. All i can say mate is give it a go, also might also benefit with letting sun penetrate your skin too without all that hair getting in the way x

Posted Fri 30 Sep 2016 by obi1138
Hey guys,long time sufferer,even longer drum and metal lover!hoping to meet,chat and find fellow afflicteds....let's stick together!

Guys have you tried coal tar shampoos yet,t derm and such......

1 Posted Sat 1 Oct 2016 13.03 by wendizzle92
24, Psoriasis warrior since the age of 7.

yeah, i use polytar and not even that is helpijng at mo

Posted Sun 2 Oct 2016 18.28 by obi1138
Hey guys,long time sufferer,even longer drum and metal lover!hoping to meet,chat and find fellow afflicteds....let's stick together!

I use that also when I can find it.I had a great scalp gel as a kid,can't remember it's name though.....

Posted Mon 3 Oct 2016 23.58 by Grizzly Bear
Got P in 1990 when serving in forces. Got diagnosed with PA late early this year. Using Stelara 90 mg.

I shave my head, right down to the scalp when my P is really bad. I then blather my head in coconut oil which helps. If it is really bad, I use a very small amount of dermovate to help it along. I use the new re-released polytar but it is not as good as the old polytar.

Posted Thu 6 Oct 2016 14.24 by Antonio369

I shaved my hair off about 3 years ago and it's the best thing i ever did. cleared up really quick, girls will want to touch your hair and you'll look like a bad ass lol. but seriously will do wonders for the scalp and will look good also number 1 should be fine. now i shave the back and sides and have a little length on top up play with like a us army cut but longer. just do it it grows back anyway but its worth it being short, easy to maintain and looks good! i grew a beard to compensate and now have a bit of P on my face but its worth it.

Posted Thu 23 Feb 2017 19.50 by Meemee

I did it three times over the last 5 years, and it really helped, even when I wore wigs at work (I'm a woman). My hair is medium lenght now, and I still have to use tar and salicylic shampoos and topical corticosteroids regularly to keep it bearable.

Posted Fri 24 Feb 2017 16.20 by Metarie1985
Beauty standard ignorer, unapologetic P sufferer for 10 years, determined to stay positive!

I've been using a great product called Loyon to remove scales. It's a lot more user friendly than the coal tar things (sebco, cocois) and is mild enough to use on a sore scalp as it started off as a treatment for cradle cap. The website offers a full size free sample that comes with 2 different kinds of applicators, it doesn't smell and washes out easily. My shoulder length hair is still in great condition after using it on and off for a couple of months. I found after using it every day for a week, followed by a steroid treatment (I think Betnovate) my P clear up significantly. If you're looking for something new to try then I'd recommend it - I think there's only one review on their site but I wrote it so don't be put off by the lack of feedback. It's free so you don't have anything to lose (ok, apart from the £2.95 P&P!)

Posted Sun 26 Feb 2017 16.16 by Amyj153

Thanks for posting about the free sample - I've just ordered myself 1 to try :)

Posted Mon 17 Apr 2017 07.35 by Mary

Don't think they're doing the free samples any more. I can't find it on their website..

Posted Thu 20 Apr 2017 17.34 by Blaynster
Sufferer for 8yrs+

What was the website you looked on for the Loyon product? Thanks

Posted Sun 23 Apr 2017 03.03 by Slipit1

I am way new to this (1/17) but it quickly found its way to my head and as you know the itch and "snowfall" SUCKS...sorry. I have tried all the medicated shampoos - Coal Tar, Salicylic acid but what actually has keep the itch at bay is a combination of a few night I have used a steroid lotions and worn a cap overnight. Shampooed with Salicylic acid and then while still damp sprayed cider vinger/water mix and brushed it in, once dried you dont smell it so it helps get you through the day comfortably. you must follow up with the same process 2 nights in a row. I also do coconut oil overnight on the scalp after the steroid treatment. this process has worked temporarily until you have to do it all over again. I get 3 days in between with no snow or itch. hope this helps.

Posted Thu 27 Apr 2017 17.47 by ShabbyClown

Just shave it off and let your scalp breathe. It will grow back anyway.

Posted Sat 10 Jun 2017 23.41 by Nan

I am a 66 year old woman, have always had long, beautiful, thick shiny hair. After seeing that sunlight controls the psoriasis on my other skin, I asked my derma about sunlight and light treatments helping on hairless heads...the answer was a firm, YES. So, I quickly shaved my head before I could change my mind. What a gift I gave to myself. I was using the scalp oil overnight, the medicated shampoos...all as I was told, and it was not making much difference. It was a no-brainer for me. Trade my hair for being able to stop using steroids on my scalp? You BET! In just 7 days, the lesions covering more than 1/2 my scalp were 90% healed....just redness left, no raised areas, no plaques. Today, after four weeks, my scalp is clear, like my arms and legs and back. No steroids or other medications, just sunlight and light treatments. I have to keep my scalp shaved close......about I buzz it every three days. I get many compliments on my "hair cut." No, it was not easy, but I felt it was the one sensible option. And I'm COMFORTABLE again! OK! I do miss my hair, but ...... -Nan

Posted Sun 11 Jun 2017 13.30 by Jenny39579

Hi. I know you are a guy, so you may not like to treat your scalp like I do, but I control my scalp psoriasis by washing my hair in Vosene (leave in for a few minutes). Then, I make an overnight hair mask. It's basically just a mix of Head & Shoulders conditioner & coconut oil. I find it moisturises & soothes the skin not only on the scalp itself, but the surrounding skin by the hairline too. I can understand it's not an ideal treatment for a guy, but it really does control my psoriasis nicely Just make sure you thoroughly rinse your hair the next morning, as it can make your hair greasy. Hope this helps.

Posted Tue 17 Jan 2023 06.59 by jeterrrii31 (edited Fri 17 Mar 2023 13.41 by jeterrrii31)

Psoriasis Cream - Purchased this for my father, works wonderful. Takes care of all the itchy, flaky areas including the scalp. Highly recommend this product.

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