Mental health

Posted Tue 8 Oct 2024 19.24 by Nimux

Hey everyone Im new here, and in all honesty to opening up and talking about just how much my psoriasis affects me and my mental health... I've suffered with psoriasis on my face, body and scalp since I've been about 12 years old, and im now 36, so have been dealing this for a long time now. Whilst the psoriasis on various parts of my body comes and goes, well apart from my elbows as thats been a constant companion, my face and scalp are another matter altogether. At the moment, having a really bad flare up on my scalp, probably caused by extended stress and a very poor diet, and to top it off losing, what seems like all of my hair at moment, as its coming out daily in many strands or clumps, even when gently touching my hair... My mental health is at an all time low as a result right now, and finding myself increasingly reluctant to leave the house and even have started to wear a hat around the house to prevent the temptation of touching my hair or trying to pick 😢 Currently waiting on a new referral to a dermatologist, but feel like i just need to reach out somewhere right now and ask for some advice from people who may be or have been in the same low place im in right now. Thanks for taking the time to read this and apologies its such a long one! Kindest Regards Luke

Posted Wed 9 Oct 2024 01.28 by Laura
23 years living with PA.

Hi Luke I'm new here, not new to Psoriasis unfortunately. I'm so sorry you're struggling, the effect Psoriasis has on us and our mental health can be so hard to cope with. Well done reaching out. You're definitely not alone 🤗

Posted Wed 9 Oct 2024 10.46 by Acrazydoglady

Hey Luke - you're far from alone - I'm a hat wearer too! I'm British - so don my stiff upper lip - so it's harder opening up, but well done you - as that's a massive step with all the psoriasis craziness distracting you.... Here's a few of the things I found helpful - in case they might give you food for thought!! I found this website from the NHS pages, and it's even got CBT training - I found it a great tool for refreshing my wandering mind - Plus I have one of my favourite quotes pinned to the fridge - so I often look at when I'm having a tough time I apply it to absolutely everything - THE 7 SPIRITUAL LAWS OF SUCCESS BY DEEPAK CHOPRA - "You can seek a lifetime for security and not find it, whereas if you are willing to live with uncertainty you will also allow in endless possibilities. Focus strongly on your talents, abilities and qualities and don't allow yourself to indulge in negative thinking that will hold you back." Mindfulness - after a car accident left me in agony, I found a little focus on the breath exercise massively helped me - and it's all a part of mindfulness - - I like this stop, look, go - it makes me appreciate the little things in life way more than ever before Basically to me - it's finding out what works for you to ultimately help you be kind to yourself! We are our own worst enemies. I'm always on the look out for new things to learn in this area. I hope you don't have to wait too long for your derm appointment - take great care Luke!

Posted Wed 9 Oct 2024 18.35 by Nimux

Thanks both, really appreciate the kind words and advice! It's reassuring to know, or more so realise, there are others out there who may be struggling, as its so diffict breaking out your own head sometimes! I'll definitely go ahead and have a read through some of the links above as it'll be good to learn and explore some new things to help refocus my attention. Hope youre both having a great day 🙂

Posted Thu 10 Oct 2024 16.55 by Acrazydoglady

exactly we're a team of Psoriasis warriors on World Mental Health Day today!! United we stand and challenge our thinking, as we so deserve to be kind to ourselves. Because every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day. All we have to do is look for it. “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” – Marcel Proust It’s those little positive things that help us get through the big bad days. This will make you laugh, I got rid of psoriasis on my scalp, but it turned me into a hat lover, and I wear them all the time now, so I never have a bad hair day when I leave the house, so I can be ready in no time at all!! Especially as I have a little dog to walk!! Have a great evening too & keep us updated how you're getting on Luke!

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